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Everything posted by Brendon123123

  1. Duel-wielding... I'm sold--but wait, duel wielded SPELLS?! A spell in each hand?! Cool! I can finally fulfill my fantasies of being able to run around and toss magic at will, unlike Oblivion, where the casting and spell animations are rather "meh"
  2. I really hope Bethesda ships this with another contruction set... I want to mod this game.. SO BAD. Obviously, I'm going to play the whole game first, though ;3. Story, and graphics, are of course, even more epic than before. And a whole new language? WOOT! Can't wait to try all this out. *Eagerly awaits beta, alpha, or some other pre-release*. Also, those scans are freaking epic! Love the HD
  3. Hey all. I'm looking for a script that will cause my gear to acquire enchants at a certain level, (say, 10), and then have those enchants upgrade one more time at level 20. Is this possible? If so, could someone direct me to a tutorial or jot down a script for me? Thanks in advance
  4. If it can be done with wall banners, couldn't the same result easily be achieved with a cape? Simply apply the same principles to a piece of armor? I don't see how that's impossible >.<
  5. Hey guys. So I've been digging around TESNEXUS and the forums for awhile now, but I can't seem to find a good female body mod. I see lots of pics of female mods where the faces, bodies, everything, is perfect, and totally sexy. So far the only thing i can find is the Female Eyecandy and Roberts Body Replacer, but those don't mod the face/hairstyles, it's just nude patches/body reshapes, etc. Anyone know where i can get a really good female body mod that I've seen so much of but can't find?
  6. So a friend of mine has all these mods for his Oblivion, and one is a really amazing set of armor that comes with a cape. However, it doesn't move at all, and is pretty much a stiff piece of clothing that sort of just.. hangs there off the shoulders, rather than billowing/moving like a cape should. I mean, this game has Havok physics, you'd think a billowing cape would be possible. Is there a mod to make capes billow in the wind? Or have any movement at all?
  7. It doesn't overwrite the old one, it's just a pack of meshes/textures for making new weapons. I'm trying to apply the textures and meshes to new weapons im making, not ones already in-game. Also, the texture is pink in TES Construction Set as well. Any help please? Many other custom textures, etc. I've had work just fine, but for some reason these wont, but everyone in the comment section says they work just fine.
  8. Hey all. So I downloaded a pack of retextured glass weapons, (different colors, etc.), and wanted to make a weapon out of some of it. I made sure all the textures and meshes are in the right directories, but for some reason when i add the sword with the glass mesh, the texture won't load. It's all pink, instead, with no texture. Any ideas on how to fix this? It's been bothering me for some time now.
  9. Hey all. So I've gotten back into TES modding recently.. and there's some really neat weapon mods I've seen in the downloads section here.. the only problem is that when i try to use the meshes/textures, (i.e use them for weapons/armor) in the construction set, it gives me an error. In the editor when i place said item, all i get is a huge yellow exclamation point. Any ideas?
  10. Hey all. I've recently gotten back into modding TES. So i tried to make a simple waepon with some textures and models i found here in the model/texture resource. The problem is, when i select the .dds file that's supposed to be icon, i get a box that says "invalid directory". I put the textures in a "Textures" folder in oblivion's data folder, and did the same with the NIF files, putting them in a Meshes folder. I can select an NIF file without a problem, but when i try to add an Icon, (.dds), it says "Invalid Directory". Ideas?
  11. I guess this is more of a help topic than a request, but if someone could do it that would be awesome. I need a way to make weapons fire from above. I.e, have the grenade launcher drop it's grenades from above your target, rather than fire at them. Is this possible?
  12. Hey thanks! :D Kudos. I made a couple changes and they work fine. Props man :thumbsup:
  13. Hey all. I'm working on a rather large mod, with 4 custom dungeons which all will be gone through in sequence as part of a huge quest, with a great reward at the end. I'm in the making of the last dungeon, and I could use some help with scripting, and some scripting with other parts as well. I've done some basic stuff, traps, tripwires, doors close once you go through em, etc, but if someone could make this script for me that would be great, as I'm not too sure how. Pretty much, you walk into a small stone room in the final dungeon, and there will be a ghost of the main character of the quest-line, and there is a sword there behind him, but you cannot pick it up until you kill this shade, because the sword is locked behind a gate, and I don't want people to be able to press the button until they've killed it. Also, the sword is cursed, sort of like Frostmourne from WoW, so a permanent curse, (burden, less health) will be put on you so long as you wear it. If someone could post the text for such a script in here that would be great, thanks in advance :turned:
  14. Thanks man! Kudos :thumbsup: Been looking for a great tutorial, and this will defenitely help alot, reading through it now. :happy:
  15. Hey all. I'm working on a new mod, and after all the hard work the player will end up with a new mage sword, but I want them to work their asses off to get it. So i was wondering if it was possible to add your own custom booby traps, door triggers, etc. I saw some talk about scripting on here but im not at all familiar with it, so if someone could point me towards a tutorial that would be great, thanks in advance!
  16. Hey all. I'm a bit of a newb modder so work with me here xD. I wanted to add an item to the Arch Mage's Quarters, in a chest, so i did, using the Construction set. I dragged a chest in from the object window, made a new base ID and all that, put my item(s) in, and put a guard by it for good measure ;). Unfortunately when i go in there, the chest doesn't show up, or the guard. I've checked the launcher and the mod is enabled. Also, when i went back in to check in the CS, the guard and container were there. So i have no idea what's going wrong. Any ideas?
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