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Everything posted by ashtonlp101

  1. That's really interesting I had no idea Beth hired a 3rd party contractor to make asset for FO3.
  2. So over the past few semesters I've found myself taking a lot of Human Evolution classes at the university. Something really interesting I've found out were all the different variations of "archaic hominids." Neandertals are one of those archaic hominids that went extinct for many reasons that I won't cover, but one of those reasons were that humans were better fit for warmer weather whereas Neandertals were better fit for glacial, cold climates. I think it would be really cool to redesign Nords to look more like Neandertals with the brown ridge, shorter but thicker boned bodies. This would essentially fit with the lore that's already been established in ES with Nords being these large, cold dwellers to the north. The only difference would be strictly the way they are presented. I wanted to bring this up because I've always been a Nord in the ES games but there isn't much aesthetically different between them and the other humanoid races. Would anybody be opposed to this kind of change or would you guys like to see these aesthetic changes in ES6?
  3. It has been done. See: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/images/116625 Wow, that is impressive! I stand corrected!
  4. So I constantly see requests for Bethesda to remaster 3 and NV like they did for Special Edition which I would also love to see but I feel as though the community doesn't distinguish the difference between Skyrim and Skyrim SE compared to FO3 and NV. First off, Skyrim was CREATED on the creation Engine and was simply ported to an updated creation engine. With FO3 and NV they were created on the Gamebryo Engine which handles scripting completely differently and porting a Gamebryo game to a Creation Engine would be extremely difficult/buggy if not impossible. Which leaves Bethesda with two options: Either tweak the Engine that is already around FO3 and New Vegas or rebuild them from the ground up in the Creation Engine which would be on-par with making an entirely new game. Another huge issue with simply upgrading/porting the game to a newer engine would be that New Vegas/FO3 would still need completely rebuilt. New Vegas/FO3 also use different meshes/lower quality meshes that would need rebuilt/edited which would also be very time-consuming. So for now the truth is, I think I'd rather use 4g patchers, graphics mods, NVSE plugins, etc because I ultimately think Bethesda would likely do some BS remaster to the game like patch the exe to support 4g, upgrade textures to 2k and maybe upgrade to a 64 bit system just to turn it around for $40-60.
  5. Abandoned BOS Bunker after Dead Money is a pretty cool hideout IMO. It feels like the devs made it into a more suitable player home when they made the DLC with a chemistry station, a never-ending supply of Sierra Madre chips, a Sierra Madre vending machine, workbench, bed, etc. Not to mention it feels pretty good when you're RP as a Brotherhood member.
  6. I personally recommend you just use MO2 (Mod Organizer 2). It has everything Vortex has and is way more user-friendly. I tried Vortex for about a week and proceeded to rage-uninstall it because it was so difficult to manage. NMM as JJB54 said is also a great option for starters but once you really get into modding I think MO2 is the best.
  7. So I always hear the "angry mailman" meme for NV. While I understand that it's (mostly) just a meme to poke fun at, if you think about it being a courier in the wasteland requires a really immense amount of competence. You're by yourself delivering high value packages across not just one little world space that you see in game, but across half the country. In dialogue the player can reveal that they have been to Montana, Utah, California, and probably more places that I haven't thought/heard of the player being. It's hard enough for the caravans of 4+ people to walk through the long 15 or through the Mojave without getting obliterated so imagine being one dude traveling lightly (because I doubt a courier would haul a pack Brahmin with him/her) through incredibly dangerous areas like Utah. In fact, that is likely the reason why in Vanilla NV we never actually see a legit living breathing courier other than Ulysses and ourself - because the job requires a high tolerance for wasteland danger. So I'm probably overthinking a simple meme that is just made to make the game seem goofy but I legit think a wasteland courier is probably one of the most difficult and badass jobs you can get yourself involved with in the Fallout universe.
  8. I suppose I should rephrase what I meant. In Fallout 4, your character is forced to care about your son, you can't role-play as an asshole who doesn't care about anyone except for himself. In Fallout 3, your character is forced to care about your father. In Fallout 2 you can give zero f*#@s about anything and play how you want, you can completely ignore all the psychic messages of the village shaman and let Arroyo rot (as far as I know), in Fallout 1 if you play that way it's game over.
  9. So I was playing through Fallout 3 (finally got it to work on my PC) and I was thinking about the criticism of the lack of choice in the main storyline. Although I completely agree that the lack of choice and consequence in the main quest is laughable, I feel like it's much easier to say that in hindsight. If you look at the two Fallouts Bethesda had to work with, they really didn't have much variation in the main quest but a lot of options in the side quests which is exactly what you see in Fallout 3. It really wasn't until Obsidian got a hold of Fallout that the Fallout fathers made a freeform New Vegas main questline. Just to make a example so my thought are getting put out: Fallout 1: Save your vault, you can join the super mutants at the end, but there isn't a unique questline for it (similar with the Enclave in FO3). Also to be noted, you are on a time limit for the majority of the game, so you can't opt to not save your village because that is considered a "game over." Lots of choice in side quests, but they aren't as prevalent or as interesting as Fallout 2. Fallout 2: You cannot join the enclave, you are essentially forced to save your village and defeat the Enclave. But once again, side-quests are very well written and full of choice. Fallout 3: Once again, no option whatsoever to join the Enclave, but you CAN poison the water supply which ultimately has no in-game consequences, even if you have Broken Steel. Side-quests are once again filled with a lot of choice, but little consequence besides ones like Power of the Atom. Fallout NV: A multiple-quest-line, freeform main story in which you can choose one faction, or double cross a faction, or really do whatever you want up until the last couple faction quests for each main faction. Side-quests once again are very well developed and have consequences that have consequence. I'm not necessarily trying to defend Fallout 3 for all its flaws, rather I'm trying to show that when we see Fallout 3 in hindsight it's easy to ask why it wasn't like the game that came out two years later. NV is my personal favorite but in Bethesda's case, they were simply trying to follow the equation that previous Fallouts followed.
  10. That's a great way to think about it, thank you!
  11. So I'm currently writing/designing a mod called "Nuclear Order." It's these semi-xenophobic zealots who genuinely believe Super Mutants/mutated creatures are naturally evil and want to rule over humans. I'm debating on how to design the world space and levels for this mod. I have recently been playing Metro Exodus and absolutely love the cults/religions and the creepy and serious tone (Going through a bunker and spiders are crawling all over the walls and ambushing you, or these fanatics attacking you for using electricity). I would like to know if overall, Fallout fans like the goofy and somewhat serious Old World Blues style of Fallout, or the Metro/Lonesome Road seriousness/creepy eerie side of Fallout. I've always preferred somewhere in between but this mod is currently leaning towards the serious and eerie side.
  12. Okay I ended up figuring it out, for anyone else having this issue it is because for some reason unknown to me, animations must be set under the "Special Idle" category in order to play their respective sounds.
  13. Hello Nexus Forum! I am currently trying to edit an animation in nifscope to change the sound that is used during the animation, but everything remains silent. Can somebody please give me a run down on how to add/replace sounds in an animation? Thank you! Additional info: I have edited the strings in the animation and changed the "Sound: ..." string to the sound I wanted and added that exact name under the "Sound" tab in the geck.
  14. Anyone looking to voice act for me PM me ASAP, I have scripts ready to go so it should be fairly quick.
  15. In need of a voice actor with a rough, raspy voice, will be playing the antagonist in my mod....PM me for details if you're interested thanks.
  16. From what I've found you can't get in trouble for releasing a mod with copyright music since you aren't making any money off of it.
  17. In need of a voice actor who can sing! I have a bar in my mod where a character sings elvis songs.
  18. I've always had trouble even just barely getting by with voice actors and I can't afford to pay 100+ dollar hourly rates or even pay actors in general so does anybody know where to find decent quality actors for free?
  19. I have a tank from Operation Mirari, but the textures look horrible. I need a texture artist who can make me a nicer more wasteland friendly textures for the tank, PM me if you can.
  20. Here is the official trailer to the Mojave Masters series I'm creating for Fallout:NV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3cwIV-dr6A Let me know what you guys think!
  21. I could help you, but I'm not getting a clear picture on what your problem is.
  22. With this engine, I'd assume that it would allow an unlimited amount until it crashes.
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