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Everything posted by Tristamid

  1. IMO Mod Organizer is the best. Plus, there's nothing keeping you from using multiple Mod Managers. Install w/e you can with MO and then use, say, Wyre Bash for everything else.
  2. In that case, I'm sorry for posting a duplicate idea, though I did try to do my research first. I hope that, at least, I had a couple of unique ideas to press. Guess I don't have to talk to you, a fellow dreamer, about the wonderful possibilities of this feature. Perhaps we should, instead, petition for Bethesda to create the mod for us, themselves, as they have the greatest mastery of the mod. I think it would be worthy of an entire DLC pachage, if done correctly, and would expand the game into a huge, mostly untapped, realm that anyone could enjoy. Thank you for the reply.
  3. Any follower can be controlled, and played as, by you, gaining all the benefits of doing so -- Racial bonuses, Werewolf/Vampire, stats, items, perks etc., while losing the all of your previous "host's" abilities. Any changes you make to the characters is permanent and saved, so you can actually do things like level your followers manually, or send people to get their Werewolf/Vampirism cured via quests, or become infected instead. Quickly and easily dress NPCs manually, teach them new spells, or just go on a killing spree without getting the blame placed on your "main" character. Give followers perks, even those from other mods, and all around enjoy yourselves. The main idea is that you really body snatch these guys, so you would leave the Dovahkin body behind as a npc. (of course, this would be the most "optional" part of the mod, but it'd be a great touch.) Lastly, I would like some Living Manniquins to possess. These Living Mannequins open the ShowRaceMenu when possessed and become new, level 1 characters. This is important because there will be players that want to play as multiple custom races, or create followers on the fly. I'd like this to be compatible with the main follower mods, especially Extensible Follower Framework, which is my mod of choice. Preferably, it'd work with them all, but if given a choice have it work with that one. Because its my mod, and I can cry if I want to. Thanks for reading through, and please pm me if you're up for the task. I'd like to be kept afloat on the mod, and any compromises or improvements that could are made to it.
  4. An alternate attack button or two mod. Basically a mod that is a modder's resource, in which each weapon has a secondary attack. By default, it would be the exact same as the vanilla game. But modders could use it to create kicks, alternate swings, and various other features for each of the weapon types out there. But that's the kicker -- you have to make alternate attack functions for each type of weapon, not just light and heavy, but warhammers, halberds, daggers, shortswords, the works. Preferably including every category that is supported by Skyre. I think it would be a huge contribution to the community. Thanks for reading through.
  5. TL;DR: You can save your in-game character, complete with current inventory and spell list, then save them in-game in the form of a book. These books, called Character Tomes, (CT) will transform you into the respective characters inside them when read. CTs are stored in-game, in a chest (Let's say, at Breezehome) and when any are placed inside of it they are saved out of the game in a file. (An .ini file I imagine.) By uploading and sharing these .ini files, you can share whatever characters you wish with the online community, and download new ones as well. Since each CT will (ideally) create it's own .ini file storing it's information, you can easily share the files you want. Even if all the CTs do share one .ini files, for programming purposes, then so long as each CT is organized neatly within them the results will be the same. An extension of this mod would have players capturing and storing CTs of the NPCs in-game. By defeating opponents with a special condition, let's say under a custom "Soul Trap"-ish spell or with a specific weapon added by this mod, any defeated NPC will become a CT, and can be stored and used like other CTs. Famous characters, such as Talos or Urium Septum, can be secretly hidden throughout Skyrim in appropriate places for players to discover and use. Perhaps in two versions: One for permanent transformation, and another that is more of a "power-up" transformation that is temporary but gives new abilities like shouts, resistances, and magic for the duration. In this way, Skyrim will get a touch of what makes other great, collectible-style games more popular, such as Pokemon or Way of the Samurai. Thanks for reading through.
  6. Love the idea. Here is some more fuel for the fire: 1) Summon that increases "gravity". Jump height and arrow distance are reduced, fall damage increased. 2) Summon that heals -everyone- that is hurt. Can be used to help level skills, spar, or heal you if you can drop enemies faster than it can heal them. 3) Provides light. Alternate to Mage Light since its another school. 4) Invisible. Hovers near enemies and cloaks them with a detect spell. 5) Loots chests and bodies for you. Higher player skill = higher chest unlocks too. May or may not need lockpick tree perks to work that way, for balance. 6) Amplifier, changes your shouts. - Unrelenting Force/Frost/Fire/Freeze all cause it to explode and send the effects in every which direction. 7) Flies near enemies and causes them to gain weaknesses to elements. 8) Shopkeeper. Buys stuff only.
  7. Already done. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14544 Mod isn't balanced since non "draining" spells (wards, flamethrower-esque attacks, etc.) don't take mana when using the mod.
  8. The backwards power attack is useless. The side ones don't hit as often as the standing, and the sprinting and forward ones are only advisable on giant enemies that you -can't- miss. So I figured: why not make the other Power Attacks (PA) easier to connect with and more useful. The timing and movement are the killers. When using backwards PAs you tend to step out of range before even swinging, especially with range reducing mods out there like Deadly Combat or Duel. The side attacks have a similar problem, but to a lesser degree, since you can circle strafe. By "charging" your PAs and releasing them on demand instead of charging your attack and trying to time a PA's activation, you have much more precise control over your character and can land hits much easier. With a mod like this it would even be possible to sprint forward and then roll directly into a backwards power attack that CONNECTS! Or even do such things as PA immediately after jumping off your horse.
  9. I use Extra Hotkeys, and there are other mods that do (or would) refer to Spell ID's in order to function. The problem is, that those ID's move around based on what your load order is. By creating a static list, ala BOSS, meant for IDs of mods out there, players will be able to refer to the spells of other mods without worry about failure. Even Extra Hotkeys, which loses the ID of Spells when the load order changes (but not weapons for some reason...) would be fixed. This would require a hands on modder(s), one able to constantly update over time to keep the lists up to date, and work with patches and updates from the mods that come. Along with that, the modders themselves would need to communicate in a nice thread (or site) and call dibs on their numbers to make sure things don't overlap. We'll call this mod SIDs in this thread. Static I.Ds. Added poll for those who want to throw in their 2 cents without taking the time to post. Cheers.
  10. I'd like this, and to see companions with "jobs" and abilities. For example: A priest that could heal over long distance and had a fast magicka regen rate, but absolutely no offense skills and low health, but they're essential and rise from the ground faster. Things like that would really push this to the next level. That, and the ability to call companions to meet up with you. Instead of going to fetch them, you could communicate (either with a spell or carrier bird) and have them meet you somewhere. It would also be nice if they could be sent out to quest on their own, but I don't want to dream too hard.
  11. I'd like to see more of any races really, simply to make my crew larger and more diverse. All of my funds.
  12. Rather than just the weapons, I'd like to see the Super Slick Style from Oblivion recreated. Someone out there might be on it, but it needs to happen.
  13. All for this mod. I hope someone makes it, any excuse to fight would be wonderful.
  14. I'd personally love to see Oblivion Gates in Skryim, and I know I'm not the only one.
  15. As a user of several Script Dragon Mods, including the wonderful Extra Hotkeys mod, it pains me to wait ages for all the text to scroll past the screen. Every load, every save, every time I assign something, or grab a flower, I'm stuck waiting to see if its O.K to reach for my sword, or healing spell, or w/e because I don't know whether or not I'm assigning hotkeys at the moment or not. Handling this would be a great help, and a lot of people would appreciate it, even non-script dragon members who just want more immersion by ridding themselves of on-screen text asap.
  16. Use the mod called Game Setting Changer. You will not only be able to respec yourself, but change how many perks you get per level and several other things. Requires Script Dragon, but you'll see all that on their page. Cheers.
  17. With the Game Setting Changer mod you can respec yourself. So you could do things like gain back all your perk points, change your race, then redistribute them. Its a solution for your problem, but probably more roundabout than you'd like since I believe you're trying to avoid respecing at all. Still, the option is there.
  18. Friendly bump. Come on, at least have the common courtesy to shoot me down people.
  19. The idea is to get the features found in games such as Dragon Age, which allow people to choose responses with the numbers 1-5 (based on respective order or answers from top to bottom) in Fallout 3. I'd also like to see the ability to skip text, which is normally done by clicking on the text with the mouse, by pressing the Space Bar. Next, I would like to see a mod similar to Oblivion's Quantity Prompt one, where holding Shift or Ctrl can sell items by giving up the entire pile or individually without a prompt, regardless of the number you have in your inventory. This should work with any container, not just shops. So you can use it on anything from containers to companions. Lastly, if possible, I would like to see the ability to open up Shop Menus and/or Repair Menus from Traders at the push of a single button. So that if you know someone offers a service, say Moria, you can just open the shop without bothering to read which line activates the shop. Preferably, this magic button would also skip all dialog a person might have when using it, but that may be game breaking... Excuse me if these have been suggested. I did my research but didn't turn up anything similar to these for Fallout. I could be wrong though, and if so links to the "right" would be appreciated.
  20. Yeah, I guess. Shoot for the stars and ram into the moon right? Guess I'll hold onto this dream until Skyrim rolls around, and see what that engine has to offer. I just figured, since Midas and Deadly Reflex both have all these features you don't see in the game, using tools besides the normal editor, that something could be done about it. And that he workload wouldn't be so bad if people took it on as a team. But alas...
  21. Thanks for popping open this thread. I'm new to the forums but not the game, bear with me and read through to the end. All solid opinions and critic is welcome. Thank you for your time. I am fully aware that I'm being a greedy idiot in this post. But if you guys could see what I see, you'd be a lil' greedy too. :P The TL;DR of this is to change the animations in Oblivion for Spellcasting. Period. The rest is just me brainstorming of all the cool things we could do with such a mod, and HOW we could do it. But at the end of the day, I just want to have more than one way to throw a fireball. Is that so wrong? :P Instead of the Vanilla Oblivion, which only has: A Pointing animation An upward palm animation A thrusting palm animation (touch) I would like to see a mod that makes dozens of animations, and allows you to assign animations to different spells. Imagine being able to Snap your fingers Do the Kamehameha Wave Point with Various fingers (Index and Middle/Index and Pinky aka Bull Horns) Use Naruto-esque hand seals/Ninja Seals Raise your hands to the sky Touch the ground with both hands Stomp the ground Put your hands to your eyes like looking through binoculars Put your hands on your hips, Superman style Kick Foot Sweep Yell/Roar Backflip into a Ground Pound Write invisible words on the ground Form Glyphs in the Air Clap like Full Metal Alchemist Spin and point your weapon like Sailor Moon Slowly raise your arm, ominously Sweep your hand in front of your body, as if purging the world with your will Thrust a punch forward Thrust rapid fire punches/kicks I could go on but I won't. :P Having all these animations would make spells WAY more interesting. As each player, and character, can look and FEEL differently. Ninjas using hand seals, or Wizards raising their hands to the sky to call lightning, or a Priest calling their gods. It would give the game a new look and feel. While 3rd Person animations are welcome, I'd like to emphasis first person animations. Since I imagine that's what most people use anyway, it would also be easier to see animations when your hands are right in front of you rather than trying to look around your body when its in the 3rd perspective. The mod would need to be open source, so that everyone can add to it. I think its the best way to get things off the ground. The best animations can be included into the main file, with credits to it's author, but I'll leave that entirely up to the man (or woman :P) that puts the work into this. (I have no talent for this sort of thing, you see. T.T) Along with the animations themselves, I'd like to see a timing configuration to the animations. That way, you can have spells activate at the beginning, middle, or end of your animation. So if a custom spell (something from Midas for example) doesn't quite look right, or activate when you'd expect it to with the animations, you can have the "Fireball", or w/e the case may be, come out JUST when you want it to in order to line up the animation. While this is PURELY wishful thinking, I figured I throw out all ideas. Animations can be chained, flipped, and/or looped. So you can choose which hand you want to Thrust with, or Thrust and THEN Kick when delivering spells. You could also do something like have an animation where your hand is raised, you snap your fingers, and then point towards your target, "loop" on the snap part several times. This way you can have a Fireball spell that works with the "One Snap" animation, and another which launches 3 Fireballs work with a "3 Snap" animation. Which brings up my next point.... (sry, I'm greedy >.>) You can allow your animations to cast the same spell several times in the animation. This way you can make different "levels" of spells with more complicated animations to match their skill levels, as well as have animations that make more "sense." No reason to kick like Chung-Li or something if its only gonna spit out 1 measly Frost Spell. The animations shouldn't be restricting. I.E: Players should still be able to aim their crosshairs while using them. Even if it "plants your feet" like Power Attacks do. There should also be animations that don't plant your feet, so the mod won't be overlooked do to the fact that, "Yeah that mod looks cool, but it gets you killed cause you'll be a sitting duck." This may have to come at a later time, perhaps by modding the mod, but it would be great if animations gave bonuses to the spells they were cast on. Special Bonuses (SBs) and General Bonuses. (GBs) [LOL, Glad Beasts. X3] Special Bonuses are bonuses for using an animation that makes sense/is designed for that type of spell. Using a animation where you touch the ground with both hands, or raise your hands to the sky will give you Special Bonuses if you're using Conjuration Magic with it. Using something like a Kick animation to Conjure Armor doesn't make sense, so there would be no SB for that. (granted, due to some obscure anime or something there COULD be a reason, but that's what the INI is for, right? :P) General Bonuses are just that; bonuses granted JUST for using a animation. This is to balance those long animations out with the really short ones. Things like more Power, or less Magick cost for the really long ones, etc. In this way, we can reshape the gameplay and look cool doing it! I'd like these options to be saved to save files. So that each character/profile can have it's own settings, and you don't have to redo everything each time you log it. There would preferably be a INI file so that the average Joe can tweak things here and there.
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