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About darkroses

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  1. sry to say killed whole game the new version so going back to 0.56.1 with new install sadly. i hope you will support 0.56.1 with downloads and working in the future, cause this virtuell thing is not my way of modding. i would like to see the option to disable virtuel folder install and have normal install instead as option. over 900 mods installed :( textures and such. reseting/restore doesnt work. Wrye Bash, TES5Edit not working correct. sadly this new version is a fail for me. and thats the only thing i like on MO, when MO recognize there is an installed game with mods, MO doesnt mess it up and it stays intact. well think after installed my ground install again with 0.56.1 MO will have a new user if i ever decite after to use virtuell folder
  2. In response to post #24562404. #24562524, #24562599, #24562684, #24562874, #24563024, #24563444 are all replies on the same post. thanks you 3 :)
  3. i get fake (corrupt?) download file from: Rugnarok: and the shrouded lair: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19037/?
  4. dawnguard, hearthfire and patch 1.8 had this question some time ago, this was with mods activated. i made again a new install. i started new game again from beginning, no mods running. still same problem (bug?) after entering High Hrothgar, i get greeted from Master Arngeir, all other greybeards are there. when i then use the shout *unrelenting force*, when asked. all greybeards attack me till i am dead. newest unofficial patch (skyrim, dawnguard and Hearthfire) installed still same problem. this problem starts after patch 1.8 was installed from steam, before i had no problems. i made with every try new installation, with mods, without, few, or only armor. everytime same result. if you need more information, please tell me, what you need. has anyone same problem? or do anyone know what i can do? sry for posting again.
  5. have DLCs *Dawnguard and hearthfires and patch 1.8* new. so i started new char. started new char, same mods as i had before. when entering High Hrothgar, i get greeted from Master Arngeir, all other greybeards are there. when i then use the shout *unrelenting force*, when asked. all greybeards attack me till i am dead. made several tries, like new start from village ... but always same problem. can please help me anyone? sadly i cant use an older save, cause i had hd-crash
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