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Nexus Mods Profile

About twoshoelaces

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  • Country
    United States
  • Favourite Game
    Sin & Punishment (N64)

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Is it possible to play vampire survivor mods with the way the game's been updated? Can one download an old version and play mods on that? If you play VS mods in 2023, how do you do prefer to di it?
  2. A mod I've wanted forever is one that adds messages with the same format as player messages around various points, like "ambush ahead" when there's something around a corner and "I did it!" in boss rooms, for example. They'd have to be placed in organic ways, with multiple messages overlapping each other in some places. The reason I want this mod is that these days it's not common to have a lot of people online at once, and I miss seeing messages everywhere. It reminds me that other people are playing too and expressing themselves.
  3. I wish there was a mod that changed the cave dungeons in some quests to give them different layouts. Not massively different, and not much more difficult, but just enough to make you approach them differently on a new playthrough. I'm just tired of the tutorial caves in the early game, the narrow staircases in the Saarthal cave, the big potema cave... The issue for me isn't that they're repetitive and they blend together (even though an argument can be made for that), it's just that after 30-something new games, I'd like to play some new dungeons as part of the familiar quests.
  4. I'm a big fan of having followers around, and I know that they themselves gain improved stats relative to you, but it feels like they're "stealing" experience that I could have gotten if I fought by myself. Anyone else feel the same way? Is there a mod out that that can solve this by having their fights grant YOU exp? i.e. if they're using a two-handed weapon, you get experience in two-handed when they attack. P.S. And don't tell me I could just use conjuration instead. I can't conjure my husband.
  5. Hey, is there any mod out there that lets you use dragon shouts while in vampire lord form? Is it even possible to do? I love being a vampire lord, but the game just feels lacking without shouts. Thanks in advance!
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