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  1. Do this: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1496790/discussions/0/3773490215226533018/ Then rename all ucas/utoc files and use the old pak from the December patch build. Then pak mods work again.
  2. Hi again. Could someone more skilled than me please combine these two textures? "Torso_F_NRM" and "Torso_M_NRM" found in the editor at "XComGame\Content\XCOM_2\Packages\Characters\Humans\HumanShared\Textures
  3. Anyway, your "random numbers" were invaluable for me to learn how to get it right. So, thanks again! :)
  4. Thanks again for your help! "Smoothness" definitely made an impact on how clearly the reflections are displayed on the visor. But I still can't get them to show up like in your mod. They are still too dark and lack colour. I got it! The visor colour was too dark. I'm using your setting "0.1" for XYZ. :smile: I also learned that there is zero difference between "Reflectance" "1" and "0.001". May just be a switch, X=1/0 - on/off. There is also a max "Smoothness" value. I guess it's somewhere between "1" and "2". Anything more than "2" doesn't seem to make any difference. Most values range from "0" to "1", such as "Opacity".
  5. Hmm, okay. Thanks. I've been fooling with it now, but I cannot for the life of me find a pathfinder helmet with the "VFX_Smoothness" "VFX_Reflectance" vector parameters. And adding them doesn't seem to do anything. Maybe I'm using incorrect values?
  6. Okay. NP. So, the way I understand it is I just have to add new "VectorParameters" for the "char_vis_mat" shader, call them "VFX_Reflectance" etc., make them "ShaderParameterType_Scalar" and figure out good values? :)
  7. Cool. Do you per chance still have the project? :)
  8. I like to be of assistance. Maybe now you could tell me how you managed to get the environment map onto the pathfinder helmet?! :laugh:
  9. A good thing would be to start from here. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5736252-guide-player-armor-model-swap-with-frosty/
  10. Sorry to bump this, but I'm no good with textures and this is still on my wishlist. I can only do things like this: http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/mods/627/? :laugh:
  11. I'm sorry. Essentially I just wanted to give advice. In the future I'll refrain from doing that.
  12. Not meaning to be rude, but that's unnecessary. You make tons of money later in the game, especially with the right AVP investments. ;)
  13. http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/407/?
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