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Posts posted by Delusibeta

  1. So, er yeah. That explains the dozen or so crappy Viagra spams I got sent to my spam account. Even then, all but one got sent to the spam folder, and now the spam seems to have stopped. Rubbish hacker is rubbish.
  2. I'm working on the assumption that the first DLC is a timed exclusive. Certainly, I wouldn't be at all surprised if a PC (and PS3) version was announced in January or February.


    Why does M$ keep *bleeping* Windows game players? If it wasn't for games Apple would have a much larger percentage of the personal computer market.

    Nope, Windows' popularity is pretty much entirely due to is popularity in businesses. I'm guessing M$ wants people to buy a 360, so that they totally control their games and extract more money from them. Plus, they get to thumb their nose at Sony.

  3. A big patch is being submitted to testing and certification and stuff, according to the Bethesda Blog. It won't be deployed for a few weeks yet, but it should *hopefully* improve things.


    In the mean time, a smaller patch for the PC version will be released (via Steam) that should fix save file corruption (read: allow Valve to turn on Steam Cloud again), Havok physics issues and improve people who recent Nvidia drivers.

  4. The Half Life 2 fiasco done a lot of damage to Steam, those who have little experience of todays Steam will still be a little wary of it.


    That's true, I guess, but considering people can just download it and Alien Swarm for free, I can't see why they wouldn't try it before QQing.

  5. The fact there is not a forth-coming official patch that isn't reliant on Steam proves my point. The game isn't being supported. FO3 didn't rely on GFWL to patch the content.
    Garbage statement is garbage. Reliance on Steam does not equal no support. I would raise TF2 at this point, but that would be too easy. So instead, I'll point out Supreme Commander 2, which has been receiving a slow, but constant, trickle of patches to this day (or, at least, their last patch was a month ago).
  6. Is it just me or does anybody else get the "pedo" feeling.


    Admin Note:


    You were given a strike for this behavior and you do it again in such a short time frame. Time to find a new place to troll.



    Not sure how that would constitute as trolling.

    Probably the word "pedo" got him into trouble. The rule of "if you have nothing good constructive to say, say nothing at all" very much applies to these forums.


    The small fact that he has multiple accounts doesn't help either.

  7. Nope.


    Well, you could install the game to a computer with an internet connection (*points to sig*), let Steam download the patches on said connection, and then copy the steamapps folder over to your gaming PC, but you'll probably nuke your save files in the process.

  8. I'm not sure, but I think I will now throw a monitor at NuclearDestination. Unless he can answer to why I got the achievement for reaching level ten and thirty, but not twenty.


    Indeed, calling HAAAAAX on NuclearDestination. AFAIK console commands disable achievements for that play session. To re-enable Achievements, quit to Windows and fire the game up again. Please note that this only matters when the achievements are triggered (for example, if you've disabled Achievements when you've beat the game, hard cheese. However, if you save, quit and restart just before you beat the game, you should get the acheesemints).

  9. @Marthos: I guess that was back in the days of Half Life 2's launch. I have no idea how Steam could break your operating system, especially considering my understanding of how it works, but I can tell you my best guess at why Steamworks was picked instead of no DRM or GfWL: it's for DLC distribution. Games for Windows Live was, by all accords, rubbish at that, and the only alternative currently is Steam. The small fact that GfWL is definitely withering on the vine also helps in this decision.
  10. After figuring out how to sort their offerings by price, I found only one game that was free: Alien Swarm. I was not surprised that the game was released by Valve either. It looked interesting so I looked it up on YouTube and saw enough that I wanted to try it out. Downloaded it and had a blast playing....oh ya, this is about NV, not AlienSwarm...almost forgot. Hmmm...I guess that's how Steam works.


    I say, I say, I say, there's quite a lot of free games on Steam if you know where to look.


    On topic: Good write-up. Since I'm about to fire my copy up myself, it's good to know what to expect. Nice and spoiler-free too.

  11. Well here's an issue with steam to consider, Not everyone with a computer is connected to the Goddamn Internet!


    99% plus of the people here in this board are, I have been for the last ten months since I paid a small fortune for a satellite connection to my remote mountain village. But not everyone is.


    Had FO3 been 'steamed' then I would have got to play it sometime around February 2010. Software companies that assume we all live in urban conurbations with broadband should wake up and smell the skinny triple latte! We do not all live in LA!


    To be fair, this argument applies to pretty much every major PC game released in the last three years or so, with a few notable exceptions.

  12. it is the nature of the thing, FORCING us to use some 3rd party just to play a game we bought and own. i understand not liking piracy, but to assume we are all ripping you off is just bad business. same thing with Civ V, i have played for years and refuse to buy or play due to the steam debacle. corporations mistrusting their base is no way to get anywhere. and they're quick to ban everyone, but look how many threads with problems go unnoticed. just a really poor decision and a bad business model.


    Bad business model? It's actually a good business model. The number of people Steamworks alienates is probably insignificant than using, say, GfWL, and the small fact that Steamworks is free, which is more than can be said than GfWL, SecuROM or most other DRMs. Valve recoups their losses in people buying direct from Steam, Bethesda saves money they would have spent on the DRM. Win-win, as far as they are concerned.

  13. I disagree. We should not be required to subscribe to some online money making scheme in order to play new games when they are released. It's not crying, and if you don't understand the point of the original post then either you have trouble understanding the English language or you simply have so much money sprouting from your bodily orifices that such obvious attempts to milk gamers for their gaming dollars are irrelevant to you. I'm not a wealthy person myself, so I guess that makes me an anti-Steam crybaby too.


    You don't have to pay valve a cent to play fallout: NV.


    Or MW2 for that matter. Or any non-valve game that uses steam.

    Unless you buy the game direct from Steam of course, in which Valve gets a cut. (But then and only then.)
  14. I also don't want to buy a game, just to have to download it's actual contents off the net thank you very much. I'm capped, another scam in and of itself. I will not buy another STEAM game again. My choice, you're free to have yours.




    Enough said. (I really should put that link in my sig...)


    I maintain my opinion that people complaining about having to download the game from the web must have done something wrong, but there's the fix. Certainly, I can confirm that the retail disc does contain the game files. (i.e. It worked for me.)

  15. The issues, other than Steam spying on my every keystroke(1), are frequent CTDs (expected when Gamebryo is mentioned somewhere in the production, and not Steam's fault), random minimizing of the game by Steam for pop up ads (2), Steam taking random times to launch the game (anywhere from 40 seconds to 12 minutes with the average being 3-6 minutes)(3), no access at all to the game manual (I submitted a ticket on this, and Steam responded 5 days later saying update Adobe reader. NOPE. Still get the same thing, the manual is broken and cannot be repaired or accessed)(4), Steam constantly overwriting the .ini file if started in online mode(5).


    This will undoubtedly be my last purchase of a Steam game (never again will I buy a 'required third party...' game without knowledge of what that third party is), a Bethesda game, and Obsidian game, or anything from D2D. Already went through this kind of garbage from EA back with BF2142, where they forced spyware upon installation so they could spam players with appropriate in game billboard ads based on web browsing habits. Haven't bought an EA game since, and never will again. (6)


    So yeah, those of you who do not wish to use Steam, let these companies KNOW and do not buy their games. Contact them and tell them the reason they don't have your money is because of their decision to implement Steam.


    Side Note: The game has a lot more wicked, twisted humor than FO3, but is horribly unbalanced.

    (1) Excuse the language, but bulls***. Steam doesn't track keystrokes. It does detect the hardware you're using, but so does pretty much every major game these days. You have the option to send in your hardware stats if you get picked for their Hardware Surveys.

    (2) Steam, Settings, Interface, Uncheck "Notify me...", OK. Problem solved.

    (3) I suspect something's wrong at your end. 30-45 seconds is plausable, not 12 minutes.

    (4) Fair point, the .pdf is borked.

    (5) Launcher problem. Blame Bethesda and/or Obsidian. I hear there's a mod for that.

    (6) You'll be a console gamer by next week then, especially when you find out what Ubisoft includes in their games. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif

  16. will someone make a new rock stastion with real rock like disturbed, korn, metallica ect. please.


    No, due to all the artists listed still being under copyright. We might get away with The Slip (by Nine Inch Nails), but the rest, there's no chance. Besides, that's what the MP3 player mods are for.

  17. It should be noted that achievements are disabled whenever you use mods or console commands.


    No it doesn't with mods, Stop spreading false Information. I got a recent achievement with modded content, and there was absolutely no problem.


    With console commands however, that one is questionable.


    AFAIK entering a console command disables Achievements for that play session. You can re-enable achievements by closing the game and starting it up again.

  18. If you have the disc, and Steam wants to download 7Gb+ worth of game, then read this. If it's wanting to download below 1Gb of stuff, it's more than likely the two patches that's been released already (they're probably about 400Mb or so in size together, AFAIK. Probably less, actually). Trust me, you want them.
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