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About Castornebula

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  1. In response to post #38619910. I actually din't know that as I don't turn adblock off due to paranoia (justified in that I've experienced some real bad infections in the past due to ads) But that's nice to know. Obviously I don't blame anyone at the nexus for the sorry state of internet advertising, after all if I did I would never be a supporter. I just take exception to someone calling using adblock piracy. I call it a very needed shield against the scumbags trying to waste our time with intrusive ads and malware.
  2. It is tremendously naive to insist that all problems are solved with an ad reporting tool. I cannot risk the safety and performance of my computer when ad providers - all of them have proven themselves unscrupulous and unwilling to police their own content. Not just the virus risk, but intrusive popups and videos as others have said. I've supported the site when I could, but that's about it. I can't remove adblock until there are some solid guarantees of safety and reliability.
  3. This is a copy of a post I've made elsewhere but I'm trying to get some insight from as many places as possible so apologies if you've seen this on other sites. I'm having a weird problem where saves seem to become repeatedly corrupt, but only with once specific thing, otherwise they load and play fine. Any mod that comes up as the ID 42 in the load order seems to become corrupt and everything from the mod in the save is lost. The mod is still active and works right away, but the save acts as if it's gone. Trying to load the save brings up the following: http://i.imgur.com/2Ihr2O4.jpg Looking at the save in Wrye Flash shows up this: http://i.imgur.com/iHxevJu.jpg Two seperate saves from different times and locations both corrupt the same mod at the same ID. This only seems to happen after quitting the game, i.e. saving and then loading within the same session won't show any corruption. I tried deactivating the mod that was affected, but this only caused the mod below it which now took the ID 42 to become corrupted. Is anyone experiencing a similar issue or can tell me what could possibly cause this?
  4. In response to post #36250120. #36250875, #36253370, #36253890, #36255175, #36255675, #36255830, #36257015, #36257275, #36257890, #36257990, #36258140, #36258155 are all replies on the same post. I would suggest that you exercise some self-control with regards to saving and reloading. I know I can, and would use saves for peace of mind against crashes, glitches and needing to suddenly leave the game. And I can't think of anything more unimmersive than using beds as savepoints, even with portable bedrolls. My character does not have narcolepsy. Granted, options to tweak these "features" would be the best outcome for everybody. Hopefully if Bethesda stubbornly refuse to do so, modders will pick up their slack... as they always do.
  5. In response to post #36250120. #36250875, #36253370, #36253890, #36255175, #36255675, #36255830, #36257015, #36257275, #36257890 are all replies on the same post. How the hell is it more immersive? Because you say so? Making a bed a save point is immersive? How? Better yet, if you like it why can't it be an option? Why must this and the console disabling be imposed on all of us along with the features we actually want? Hey I tell you what's immersive. No saving at all! Not even to quit. So you have to leave the game running. And if you die just once not only is your character erased but Fallout 4 is automatically uninstalled and removed from your Steam account. How's that for immersive?
  6. In response to post #36250120. #36250875, #36253370, #36253890, #36255175, #36255675, #36255830, #36257015 are all replies on the same post. Something has always been wrong with this engine. It's never been known for it's stability. That's a simple fact. Try to actually read what I say before responding. And let me explain this to you very simply. I want the features of survival mode. Just not this ridiculous save point system. It is nothing but an albatross around the entire mode's neck that is impractical for a myriad of reasons, the potential for crashing being merely one example.
  7. In response to post #36250120. #36250875, #36253370, #36253890, #36255175, #36255675 are all replies on the same post. What a stupid thing to say. You don't crash therefore it's okay? I crash, sometimes. Not always, but enough that saving on demand is better for peace of mind. Plenty of people have problems crashing and always have with Fallout 4, with Skyrim, with all the other Bethesda games running this engine. Mods or no mods. Case in point: I've never had a single glitch, crash or performance issue with XCOM 2. But I'm not going to sit here and smugly blame other people's computers for the problems they've had to the point XCOM 2 is semi-notorious for it.
  8. In response to post #36250120. #36250875, #36253370, #36253890 are all replies on the same post. I do hope the no save thing is as simple as changing a variable in FO4Edit or whatever they use now because I'd like to try this, but no way can I tolerate this save point idea. It worries me that Bethesda are so blithely ignorant about how their game works, and the inherent instability of their own engine. At any moment I can get kicked to the desktop, not even an error message. The game will just randomly die. The worst part about this is that the highest occurence of these CTDs happens when I approach settlements... otherwise known as PLACES WITH BEDS. Essentially guaranteeing I will lose the most amount of playtime in any given crash. I could never play this game without saving on demand and that's all there is to it.
  9. Are they still insistent on that save point nonsense? I guess I'll have to wait for a mod to disable that ill thought out feature.
  10. Yeah sorry, but expecting us to police ads for your indolent and irresponsible ad providers is pure lunacy. I know you can't do anything about that directly, but websites everywhere should be putting pressure on these people to provide a better service than they currently do. Until ad providers learn to keep their services clear of malware and scumware, my adblock wall stays up no matter what and I imagine many will feel the same.
  11. The purple eyes at the feet are a Storm Atronach armour addon, that is force-equipped on you when you get the spell effect because the game is really that obnoxiously stupid. The form ID is 10c1df, however all attemps I've made to unequip or remove this item through the console have met with failure. The console says the item is removed, but it's still visible.
  12. Only Dead Island interests me out of any of that lot. FPS just bore me to tears.
  13. Unfortunate, I thoroughly dislike trying to find files top to bottom in such a narrow space.
  14. Not that I was planning to buy it, but that's just sad.. and hilarious.
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