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About missjenna

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    Oblivion (Finally beat Dragon Age. Again)
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    Bladurs Gate - Silent Hill! - Resident Evil (2) - Oblivion
  1. @ iamsaige: Lol yes, a hair cut and a blind fold. Vision is evidently overrated. As for the pic - Sure, here you go :) http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b169/OceanQt3x/Quill-Weave.jpg
  2. I'm actually not importing any NPC Faces or Race Records, so none of that is checked. Although I suppose on some level it is good to know that this isn't just an issue of my Wyre Bash going rogue and that it happens to others as well lol.
  3. Thanks for your quick reply :) I've actually tried re-building the bashed patch several times, but yet every time it decides to throw one of Ren's hairs onto Quill-Weave lol. I went through trying to figure out which option would be causing it to do this, but I'm not entirely sure what I'd have to un-tick. As I said, it's only doing this to one NPC, and only as of yesterday afternoon. Again, weird, really weird. I mean it's not critical, but it's a bit annoying as I have to keep going through after rebuilding the bashed patch and try to override its decision to do this. So any help is grealy appreciated!
  4. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to come with such a question... but today, for no apparent reason, my Bashed Patch decided that it wanted to import "RenHair09FO [HAIR:64004814]" and put it on Quill-Weave, and only Quill-Weave. ...it looks truly bizarre lol. Does anybody have any idea why it would have started doing this? It doesn't do it to any other NPCs. Thanks in advance for any help!
  5. Actually, 'Better Cities .esp' is a dummy esp only. It's purpose it to ensure that Better Cities.bsa is loaded, and it needs to be high up in the list. Oh wow, sorry about that then. Good to know though. Its weird - I had a similar problem, and was told to move that file down and everything has worked perfectly since. I suppose I should probably move it back lol. Again, sorry!
  6. BOSS for some reason puts "Better Cities.esp" (Resource Files) BEFORE all the Better Cities esps. I have no idea why, but it did this to me as well and caused similar missing mesh havok. Looking at your load order the file in question is... DLCShiveringIsles.esp Better Cities .esp Right after Shivering Isles. So, if you move that resources file down BELOW all the other better cities files, as in... Better Cities Full.esp Better Cities - No LEYAWIIN Flooding.esp Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp Better Imperial City.esp Just throw that down there after all those, you should be good to go :)
  7. Intellevision lol. I used to LOVE that thing. I can remember thinking the graphics were like phenomenal. What with its 2D bright green walls. It had the crazy controller that looked like a TV remote circa 1950 with a giant dial at the bottom. Good stuff! We've come a long way.
  8. Lol, yes actually, wow WAY back in the day. That's crazy I'd totally forgotten about. Nice memory :)
  9. I suppose it depends on how you define "a while" - it is not immediate, but I wouldn't really say a while either, maybe 5 minutes or so. That said, I'm sure cleaning the computer definitly wouldn't hurt either way, but the video card has never had any problems like this before and I would be suprised if it suddenly started over heating that rapidly. (Although, admittedly, I am not a computer hardware expert lol.) Also, after kind of messing around with the game a bit to see if I could track down the issue, I noticed that this really only happens in the Kvatch - Anvil area. Once I start getting back past Skingrad it happens hardly ever, if at all, and seems to be centralized in areas with high tree density. So whatever it is is both specific and mysterious. Really at a loss as to what is causing it, or why it would just start out of the blue. Thanks for your response and your help :) it is appreciated.
  10. Thanks for your quick reply, I already tried updating the drivers though and it had no effect. :sad:
  11. This JUST started happening today and I have no clue why. I haven't installed any new mods or done anything differently, these things just began randomly appearing - I mean like ALL over the place. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b169/OceanQt3x/WhatTheHell6.jpg ...Thoughts? Ideas? :confused: Edit: It might be worth mentioning that they don't really *originate* from anywhere. As in, where I get close to where they seem to be coming from, they are gone. They are only ever in the distance. Thanks in advance for any help!
  12. Are you using Windows Vista, and if so did you turn off UAC?
  13. First off, from the look of it those came from DarNified UI. To your other question, I don't think there is way like in-game to find out if your mods are working properly but if they're ticked then they are running. Generally speaking, if you've installed it correctly, loaded it and run it through wyre bash you should be good to go. If Better Cities wasn't working you'd be immediately aware. Either your cities would remain unchanged or you'd have giant yellow "WTF I'm missing a mesh!" bubbles all over the place. What textures do you think you're missing? It could just be a load order problem, Better Cities will usually notify you of a problem though. Are you getting any of the signs saying that the load order is incorrect? Maybe try moving some stuff around.
  14. Lobo, I appreciate it big time, that's probably the most thorough response I've ever gotten on a forum :biggrin: , and believe it or not the first link you provided (for the clothing replacers) did the trick. I'm not sure what the difference was in the meshes, but after installing it the heads are fully attached! Which obviously, I am just thrilled about. So thank you so much! You've been a huge help!
  15. Thanks for your quick reply. I have actually already tried the seam reducer - which sadly didn't do much. Although I think its more geared at people having skin tone related problems, rather than ritual dismemberment issues. As for hiding it, I haven't been able to find something that works on NPCs, strangely my own character is totally uneffected by this - mostly its just every single female NPC that I come across. Except for elves. They are for some mysterious reason immune. I will try your suggestion of searching for other head and body textures. Although I *THINK* that the issue is more related to the upper body mesh not meeting the head mesh and I can't seem to find head meshes anywhere. But fingers crossed! Thanks again :)
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