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Status Updates posted by finestanonymous

  1. hey you okay? how you been lately? havent been on here in eons
  2. Is back briefly
    1. BlackBaron2


      Really? That's a surprise. Shoot me a PM sometime, there's a lot of things you should know.
  3. Has just finished his tsaesci race ~ just adding finishing touches ~ WILL POST SCREENIES SOON! ;)
    1. finestanonymous


      They are also female and male versions! ;)
  4. I saw your new armor mashup :D its awesome! you thinking of sharing it? anyway how do you do that sort of stuff ? mash things up?
  5. Hiya i was wondering if work is still going on the black marsh mod? :) the work looks absolutely stunning i must say!
  6. Hellooooo! :) how are you?
  7. Happy new year to you too my friend :)
  8. Love the signature! :) its very nice> hope your ok
  9. Im hearing thumping when im playing oblivion ..... its really annoying its like " bang..... bang..... bang....." i put a thread up in the forums. its so annoying and i really cant stand playing oblivion whilst its doing that >:O
    1. BlackBaron2


      You need to download a script effect silencer mod.
  10. Has just come out of hospital ...... been ill since boxing day, they seem to think its swine flu .... O_O apparently i've been very naughty for avoiding my doctors appointments ...... >.> *whistles* im okay though im confident pull through!!!!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pujangga


      Whoaaaaaa D:


      I'm glad that you're doing fine ^_^

    3. BlackBaron2


      Wow, I'm glad you're OK! :)
    4. naomis8329


      oh honey, take care, rest and drink plenty of fluids. Speak soon xx
  11. Hiya friend! sorry havent been on recently > i've been a very busy bee in real and whenever i try to go on chat it wont let me :O hope your okay ! and we can speak again soon> have a nice christmas if i dont see you before :)
  12. The chat isnt letting me get in ........ oh well ......
    1. BlackBaron2


      I know :( I'm pretty annoyed about that, I've been really sad that I couldn't talk to you :(
  13. Thank you for your birthday wishes :) hope you are doing well my friend,
  14. Hey is the black marshes mod still going? do you know? :) im very interested in this mod.... and i do hope it does come out- still waiting to complete and play the whole map :) cyrodiil gets so boring after a while.
  15. You sound like a cool dude :) mind if i add ya as a mate?
  16. :D Lol hi there fellow modder! how you been? :P
  17. Also i love your profile picture! :D its so damn true..... :P
  18. :O Awww but the cake looks so tasty! *sad finest* :'( lol
  19. Hiya lexxi! yeah im fine thank you :) had a few problems as of late - hents why i havent gotten back to you till today :O anyway you alright my friend? :)
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