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SKSE64 reinstalled using new version from official website, verified the game cache to get the newest version of Skyrim.exe back, logged into the game, went through race menu, did all that nonsense and then game crash again right at the same time, literally it's just after it finishes initializing the apocalypse magic mod that it crashes on the top left hand corner. [03/15/2019 - 09:05:19PM] [WB_MCMQuest_Script <WB_SkyUI_Quest (6004013A)>] INITIALIZED[03/15/2019 - 09:05:19PM] APOC 7.05 DEBUG: Reset Ritual tracker![03/15/2019 - 09:05:19PM] [WB_MCMQuest_Script <WB_SkyUI_Quest (6004013A)>]: Registered Apocalypse Spells at MCM.[03/15/2019 - 09:05:20PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript OnUpdate[03/15/2019 - 09:05:20PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript Maintenance[03/15/2019 - 09:05:20PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript SKSE installed, release 63[03/15/2019 - 09:05:20PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript Current Version 220, Last Version 0[03/15/2019 - 09:05:20PM] error: Cannot call SetOutfit() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias ArnielShade on quest CCF_OutfitQuest_CollegeMages (1624B3CC)].CCF_AliasChangeOutfitOnLoad.OnUpdate() - "CCF_AliasChangeOutfitOnLoad.psc" Line 32[03/15/2019 - 09:05:21PM] [Ecks_IAConfigMenu <IAAdminQuest (18014836)>] INITIALIZED[03/15/2019 - 09:05:22PM] APOC 7.05 DEBUG: Reset Ritual tracker![03/15/2019 - 09:05:22PM] error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[iAAdminQuest (18014836)].ecks_iadistributionscript.DistributeArmors() - "Ecks_IADistributionScript.psc" Line 781[iAAdminQuest (18014836)].IAStartupQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "IAStartupQuestScript.psc" Line 168[03/15/2019 - 09:05:23PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Books...[03/15/2019 - 09:05:24PM] VM is freezing...[03/15/2019 - 09:05:24PM] VM is frozen[03/15/2019 - 09:05:24PM] Saving game...[03/15/2019 - 09:05:24PM] VM is thawing...[03/15/2019 - 09:05:24PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Books...[03/15/2019 - 09:05:25PM] [accm_MCMenuDDC3Script <accm_Quest (33E90017)>] INITIALIZED[03/15/2019 - 09:05:41PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Scrolls...[03/15/2019 - 09:05:46PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Staves...[03/15/2019 - 09:05:48PM] error: Unable to bind script _sycCCOBookScript to Item 3 in container (00000014) because their base types do not match[03/15/2019 - 09:05:49PM] [cwisemcmscript <CWISEMCMConfigQuest (1F437FCE)>] INITIALIZED[03/15/2019 - 09:05:49PM] [Ecks_IAConfigMenu <IAAdminQuest (18014836)>]: Registered $Immersive Armors at MCM.[03/15/2019 - 09:05:49PM] [accm_MCMenuDDC3Script <accm_Quest (33E90017)>]: Registered Diverse Dragons Col. 3 at MCM.[03/15/2019 - 09:05:50PM] [cwisemcmscript <CWISEMCMConfigQuest (1F437FCE)>]: Registered I.C.O.W. at MCM.[03/15/2019 - 09:05:50PM] APOCNEW DEBUG: Populating leveled lists...Done
03/15/2019 - 08:48:31PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript OnUpdate[03/15/2019 - 08:48:31PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript Maintenance[03/15/2019 - 08:48:31PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript SKSE installed, release 61[03/15/2019 - 08:48:31PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript Current Version 220, Last Version 0[03/15/2019 - 08:48:31PM] [Ecks_IAConfigMenu <IAAdminQuest (18014836)>] INITIALIZED[03/15/2019 - 08:48:31PM] [A Quality World Map] Applying map camera constraint settings on load.[03/15/2019 - 08:48:32PM] [A Quality World Map] Settings applied.[03/15/2019 - 08:48:34PM] [accm_MCMenuDDC3Script <accm_Quest (33E90017)>] INITIALIZED[03/15/2019 - 08:48:34PM] error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[iAAdminQuest (18014836)].ecks_iadistributionscript.DistributeArmors() - "Ecks_IADistributionScript.psc" Line 781[iAAdminQuest (18014836)].IAStartupQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "IAStartupQuestScript.psc" Line 168[03/15/2019 - 08:48:35PM] VM is freezing...[03/15/2019 - 08:48:35PM] VM is frozen[03/15/2019 - 08:48:36PM] Saving game...[03/15/2019 - 08:48:36PM] VM is thawing...[03/15/2019 - 08:48:36PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Books...[03/15/2019 - 08:48:36PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Books...[03/15/2019 - 08:48:47PM] error: Unable to bind script _sycCCOBookScript to Item 3 in container (00000014) because their base types do not match[03/15/2019 - 08:48:49PM] [cwisemcmscript <CWISEMCMConfigQuest (1F437FCE)>] INITIALIZED[03/15/2019 - 08:48:49PM] [cwisemcmscript <CWISEMCMConfigQuest (1F437FCE)>]: Registered I.C.O.W. at MCM.[03/15/2019 - 08:48:49PM] [Ecks_IAConfigMenu <IAAdminQuest (18014836)>]: Registered $Immersive Armors at MCM.[03/15/2019 - 08:48:49PM] [accm_MCMenuDDC3Script <accm_Quest (33E90017)>]: Registered Diverse Dragons Col. 3 at MCM.[03/15/2019 - 08:48:53PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Scrolls...[03/15/2019 - 08:48:58PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Staves...[03/15/2019 - 08:49:02PM] APOCNEW DEBUG: Populating leveled lists...Done I noticed that it keeps saying the UI is not loading correctly but I don't understand why it is saying that, I thought I fixed that when I got SKSE64 to start working again
It was crashing before I turned on the logging and is currently the only way to tell what the hell is going on so I doubt it is the logging for now, I'll install these mods and see what they do, funnily enough I was actually looking at engine fixes already in another tab. But I thought against it at first because I thought maybe my solution didn't involve installing more mods, hopefully this will work though, won't take too long, after getting off the race menu after game start it takes about 5 minutes tops to crash out.
I've tried load orders, mod organizers, LOOT, Bash, Wyre, mods, reinstalling the game three times, downgrading to a previous version so SKSE64 will work again and everything else I could think of and no matter what I haven't been able to play skyrim special edition in over a year and a half now and I am on the verge of giving up with ever making this game work with mods again. I need help, desperately. I have a clean install of skyrim that I've tried to keep modding to sensible for the sakes of gameplay without screwing it up too much but it just isn't working. I've made a copy of the most recent crash script, hopefully someone can read and understand it better than I can. Here is my load order if that helps too. # Automatically generated by VortexSkyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmUnofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.espBSAssets.esmBSHeartland.esmRigmorCyrodiil.esmBS_DLC_patch.espFalskaar.esmRigmorCyrodiil - Sounds.esmRigmorCyrodiil - Textures.esmWyrmstooth.espSkyUI_SE.espHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espBook Covers Skyrim.espImmersive Sounds - Compendium.espUndeath.espWeapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.espSMIM-SE-Merged-All.espfallentreebridgesSSE.espQw_WACCF_ISC Patch.espWACCF_Armor and Clothing Extension.espCutting Room Floor.espHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espImmersive Wenches.esp1nivWICCloaks.espQw_ACE_CRF Patch.espQw_BookCoversSkyrim_CRF Patch.espCharacter Creation Overhaul.espSummermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.espRelationship Dialogue Overhaul.espRigmor.espCollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.espJKs Skyrim.espSanctuary Reborn.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.espOpulentThievesGuild.espSPTConsistentOlderPeopleSE.espThunderchild - Epic Shout Package.espOpulentOutfits_2017-SSE AIO.espLegendary Skyrim Crossbows.espZIA_Complete Pack.espCheckpoints of Skyrim.espRun For Your Lives.espCloaks.espQw_ACE_BSHeartland Patch.espQw_BeyondSkyrimBruma_USSEP Hotfix Patch.espCivil War Battlefields.espThe Eternal.espImmersive Patrols II.espCCO - Permanent Birthsigns.espCCO - Diverse Races And Genders.espCCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.espCCO - Oblivion Carry Weights.espDiverseDragonsCollectionSE.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espIcePenguinWorldMap.espFNIS.espCloaks - Dawnguard.espImmersive Weapons.espGQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.espRichMerchantsSkyrim_x10.espRuned_Nordic_Weapons.espsirwho_Wizard_Hat.espskyforgedWeapons.espTrueStormsSE.espUnique Uniques.espUnreadBooksGlow.espZim's Improved Dremora.espArcanum.espRigmorCyrodiilPatch.espThe Drunkard Drinks v1.00.espQw_CloaksOfSkyrim_CRF Patch.espCloaks - USSEP Patch.espCBCraftableRobes.espBells of Skyrim.espForgottenCity.espBells of Skyrim - JKs Skyrim Patch.espZim's Fortify Enchantments.espArchmageApparel.espArk_Battlemage.espBarenziahQuestMarkers.espCWICRFSEPatch.espKS_Hairdo's_Lite.espCWIOOSEPatchAIO.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espDBRewards.espdragonAspectMage.espmagic of the magna-ge.espTerra Umbra.espOblivion Gates in Cities.espHaem Projects Shalidor.espHirsute Beards.espMageBackpack_150.espQwibGuardArmor.espssNordMage.espStaffVariety.espStormWrathLightning.espJKs Skyrim_Thunderchild_Patch.espQw_ACE_CloaksOfSkyrim Patch.espQw_ACE_SkyrimImmersiveCreatures Patch.espQw_BarenziahQuestMarkers_USSEP Patch.espQw_ISC_CRF Patch.espQw_WACCF_LSCrossbows Patch.espRDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.espRDO - USSEP Patch.espImperious - Races of Skyrim.espOrdinator - Perks of Skyrim.espApocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.espCWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.espApocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.espOrdinator - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espWACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp I am on my last legs here, I've spent weeks trying to find some sort of solution. You guys are probably my last hope of finding someone who understands this more than me that can actually fix it.
For some reason I keep getting random freezing to occur when I reach a certain point in certain dungeons. For Example, underneath Winterhold College in the first area. In Sarthaal right after having a vision of the monk speaking to me and progressing past that point. The first Dungeon after getting the Golden claw off of that Guy who was trapped by the spiders. That Dungeon from the Bards College. To explain in detail, I will be walking through the Dungeon and then I would round a corner and suddenly for some reason or another the game just freezes. I can still hear sounds and stuff like that from the music/ambieance playing but I loose all control and the screen freezes. I cannot do anything other than tab out and close the game manually from there. This is a rather annoying bug. It's basically forcing me to have to COMMAND COC teleport through certain parts of certain dungeons just to progress and it's killing the immersion and fun constantly having to deal with this. This is literally the only issue I have and quite frankly it's almost game breaking at this point. https://gyazo.com/f043f9062edd5e5c9793496c4ad2293a https://gyazo.com/dfa9215876000b38885051beae42a2a0 I honestly don't know what is causing it. I've Wrye Patched it and everything and nothing is working. Please help.
Nexus Mod Manager plans, answers and if you're a coder, we want yo
DONUTSREVENGED replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #11032534. #11036134, #11050713 are all replies on the same post. I actually find the American servers to be quicker than the England counterparts, although that's probably because the server posted in England just has crapper hardware than the ones in America -
Nexus Mod Manager plans, answers and if you're a coder, we want yo
DONUTSREVENGED replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #11050490. What do you suggest I do then? A lot of the mods for oblivion don't seem to install correctly without using OBMM or using dirty installs (c/p'ing straight into the folders). If I removed OBMM or uninstalled it, would all the mods I activated with OBMM be removed with it? -
Nexus Mod Manager plans, answers and if you're a coder, we want yo
DONUTSREVENGED replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I seem to be having a problem in the form of Nexus mod manager not working the moment I try to start it up now, I've updated to the newest version and it worked for a couple of months until I downloaded OBMM, a few days after I am now incapable of starting it up.