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Everything posted by Senord

  1. I had the exact same issue : 2560x1440@144Hz G-Sync monitor. It seems the engine does not like refresh rate > 60Hz with gsync/vsync on (not sure why or may be its >60Hz in all cases). I used to have ~77fps outdoor with none of my CPU or GPU used at their fullest but with horrible random stutter down to 40 or even 17fps making the game unplayable. During these moments, the GPU usage just went down to 12% usage with no apparent reasons for the drop. I did not wanted to choose between g-sync/vsync or lower the graphical details or tweak any ini files, so I found another way : let the refresh rate be controlled by the game using NVIDIA control panel. Now I have a rock solid 52fps (why 52 ? I don't known :smile:) all the time which is ultra smooth with g-sync enabled and all options maxed out even with vsync on. My GPU is only used ~50% but the game is so smooth (there is no more stutter at all) that I don't bother having 52 and not 77+ fps. Here is the steam guide : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=791445615
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