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About owenreilly89

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion
  • Favourite Game
    Final Fantasy 8

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  1. Use BV myself, actually. We seem to agree on werewolves, they are kinda unpleasant to play as. They also smell.
  2. I dont suppose there's a way to make it so double-clicking WILL uninstall the mods? Seems kind of an inconvenient change, honestly.
  3. In response to post #23134314. #23144049, #23144164, #23144489, #23146199, #23155579, #23156689, #23158204 are all replies on the same post. Luck, Seren. You'll do great!
  4. So I'm having a problem with skyrim, when I switch to 3rd person view. For some reason, my character renders as a shadow, or a silhouette in 3rd person view. Has anyone else had this happen? And can you suggest a fix? Thanks, Owen
  5. I guess I'm not sure. I haven't played Fallout, so I'm probably not the best help to you. Sorry about that. Late, owenreilly89
  6. try TGM, im not sure about fallout, but on most games this is the command i have used, and it works just fine. let me know if it works or not. thanks, owen
  7. Could you be more specific? How would they serve? what would they look like? what would they do? details are needed, oterwise modders won't know what you want. cheers, owen
  8. Okay, I have a question. I am trying to do a retexture of SKingrad24's "Sharingan and Uchiha Clan" mod. I am attempting to change the race from Corean to SYnx, and use different textures for the various Sharingans. However, my problem is I get one of the sharingan to show up, yet the other is a pale pinkish color. and when they are not active, one eye is solid black, and the other has a black center and white on the left and right of it. I never had this problem before,and I made sure its set up right. Any ideas on whats going on? You can reply here, or contact me via PM or email. Should I use a different mod? I liked the Synx, but if it would be easier with something else, I would do that. ill have a link to the pic at the bottom. my screenshots dont come out well, but it doesnt affect gameplay. so i dont stress over it. if you know how to fix it, let me know. Thanks, owenreilly ps. the link is to the pic on my flickr account.
  9. i can do the texture swap. any questions, send me a pm. thanks, owen
  10. khajit187, just saw your post. havent been online in forever. i dont know of anyone who has made the outfit, however the sword is included in a mod called "Nexons Armory". Its pretty cool, and has a few other things included. Not sure if it would help. I've not been able to locate the outfit Genesis wears, if you could let me know if you did, that would be great. Thanks, owenreilly89
  11. I would love to see this for oblivion. Especially the Exorcists Jacket. Either, the jacket Allen, Lavi, Yu, and such wear, or the general jacket, like Gen. Cross Marian. I agree, its just upsetting i lack any texture or mesh skills. Or maybe they could have characters with the stigmata marks that the Noah family have. The symbols on Road Kamelot's forehead, just like the rest of the Noah, i don't know about the Earl. But this is a great idea, i would suggest it to some people, if you would give your permission. Let Me Know, owenreilly89 PS, This has great potential, if anyone would notice it. I will suggest it, but ONLY with your permission, that is your right, in my opinion, as the person who started this thread. by the way, the second and third links don't work.
  12. thanks for the help. my apologies, i'm kinda new to mods and the terms involved, so i wasn't sure.
  13. i haven't really downloaded any body mods, so i wouldn't know...
  14. Not really. Is there one you would recommend using? I just usually use the default. whatever would be better visually, for the outfit and all. By the way, I appreciate the reply. Just let me know what would be easiest. Thanks, Owen
  15. I would like to have this mod created, and i can provide any details that are necessary. And i will attach photos for a general idea. i attaching another pictures of genesis so people can get an idea of the hair, eyes , and outfit. I already have the sword, so that's the one part I don't need. so thanks in advance for the help, owen.reilly PICS ARE ATTACHED ps if you need additional info, send me a pm or send an email to [email protected] and thank you thanks, owen PS, I started another post similar to this, which is why I put the word "outfit" in caps. and i was hoping this could be for "vanilla oblivion". thanks
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