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Everything posted by Snakething87

  1. So I just started getting back into using mods for skyrim again, really enjoying it as opposed to previous attempted where I crashed and burned because I had no idea how to do stuff. But now I've succeeded (a bit) with weapon, armor, and overhaul perks all as stable as someone like me can get them, and I wanted some pointers on what the best dwemer related mods are, both questing and otherwise. Dwemer ruins were always my favorite part of skyrim, but I've done basically all of the canon ones and blackreach and the other "holy s#*!" dwemer areas really aren't as special now that I know they're basically giant empty wastelands. So what do you guys suggest? Also general mod suggestions welcome, I'm a massive scrub when it comes to this stuff so all points are appreciated. Current mods I have: PerMa (and all the s#*! that comes with it) Deadly Dragons Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch SkyUI Enhanced Blood textures Immersive Armors, Weapons and Creatures. Cloaks of Skyrim Bandolier - Bags and Pouches. Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Run for your lives When Vampires Attack Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
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