I'm using that mod for my current game. I started off at Dawnstar, but I quickly went to Helgen to grab the main quest. I haven't finished the main story, so I want to get to it one day since I don't know the ending (no spoilers!) Although my previous game I visited the cities, I haven't completed much quests, like the dark brotherhood, the thieves guild, etc. I like quests since they add the story, the mystery, the surprised, so its not my playstyle to give them up and roam freely. Maybe the more trivial/chore quests are getting into the way and distracting my focus from the quests that do turn out to be fun and worth doing (which I'm not sure which are lol) Kelsey473: Hmm I'm not sure how to understand if it relates to my real life. There are games, where each quest or mission was exciting enough for me to continue it till the end. One example is Fallout 3, which is pretty similar, but I found more fun. Not just the main quests, but the side ones were unique and memorable. Again, maybe its too distracting here where I'm asked to fetch objects for people with no mystery or much story behind it. That piles up quickly, and I forget who is who or why I should do it. But maybe I'm just OCD about keeping my quest log short and clean. Regardless, games are for fun. Im not stressing, just curious on how other players deal with this if they also felt overwhelmed :)