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  1. my skyrim will not allow me to kill children! I don't want to top everyone but here i go.. when a begger asks for a coin.. *looks around to see if anyone is watching*... ..i don't pay.. OMG!
  2. i found a dragon sleeping on top of a hill.. then a guy busted out of a coffin to protect the dragon then when i was about to attach the dragon another dragon spawned and attacked me.. then i was on the run till i came across some shelter where i could take them both out from
  3. i haven't completed the thieves guild and haven't played oblivion. i got oblivion a week before skyrim came out and will go back to it when im done with skyrim. i've heard oblivion is really good. i just need to find out what sneak is like in oblivion.. i like that i shoot and then can roll away and they look for me.. if it's like that in oblivion i'll be happy if it's more of as soon as i shoot they can see me then i won't be playing with sneak
  4. That's because i'm a member of the stormcloaks and you failed to kill me my friend.
  5. before i joined the brotherhood i would get attacked and read the contract they all said.. "heres the gold agreed upon kill this man for stealing / murder / being bad" and then a name.. that's when i hunt this person down
  6. That was epic i really enjoyed it.!! i really liked it when the thing happened with the other thing and then the other thing was all like ouch.. Epic!
  7. hey guys, sykrim is my first TES game ever and i'm really enjoying playing the thief. i have Oblivion on ps3 aswell and have played enough to exit the sewers and choose my birthshign and class. is a thief going to play the same as in skyrim being that i can sneak around shoot with an arrow and they will search for me before attacking or is it going to be as soon as i hit someone while sneaking they will know exactly where i am? if so i'm thinking maybe i go an assassin or something with dual wield and sneaking cheers
  8. this is my first Elder scrolls game aswell. but i knew that i have always like rogue / stealthy characters. i chose the thief stone and have been leveling: Sneak, archery, one handed weapons, light armour, and a little in speak. the way i play is really working for me.. i basically walk around with a bow in sneak mode.. i shoot at an enemy and nearly always get a 1 shot kill. if they start searching for me and head my way i roll out the way to a new area and shoot.. roll away and shoot. but then i also enjoy my daggers and swords.. my daggers do 15x damage and now i have a dagger that has a small chance to instantly kill and armour that does double damage to my backstab so i now get 30x damage on my 20 hit dagger. dragons i usually run to cover and shoot arrows from covers and shout at them if they land i get to their side and dagger punch them or sword punch them. the only magic i use is the healing one. my sneak is high enough that if im in the shadows and an enemy stands right next to me a lot of the time they can't see me. i was going to go mage 'cos they seem to have a lot of variety. but being my first TES game i dediced not to. i will probably do a 2nd play through with mage and imperial and all the other sides i didnt go on this one.
  9. i had a crap load of stuff just lying around on the floor in my house... i came back alater and it was all gone... 2 possibilities here, 1) it all got removed to save ram 2) my lovely wife cleaned it all up and threw it out.. although she did leave a naked lydia upstairs.. i still have no idea why s he is dead and in my house naked.
  10. i read or heard that the game saves everything from items you knock over to where you leave stuff.. i have often see dead bodies and items i left long long ago
  11. Don't be jealous of all the shineys
  12. i think somebody has been stealing some items http://i.imgur.com/UpcKk.jpg
  13. I married Camilla and when i got home there was some elf dude in the house.. Woah!! what's going on here?!? he tells me how he loves camilla and gives me a fake note about sven. i go and tell Sven what has happened and as i walk away i hear" camilla is mine and always will be".... this stops me in my tracks where i tell sven.. hey come with me i need your help with... sometthing... Sure! he says i take him accross the river and tell him to wait.. i get behind a sneak kill him and drag his body to the river and off if goes. Who's is she now Sven?! she's my Wife!! next is the elf.. pre-warning dude!
  14. haha i picked an old ladys pocket and she caught me so i killed her in the middle of the street in the middle of whiterun in the middle of the day... middle i went to jail, came out and there were 3 hired thugs "you'll pay for what you did" uhh guys there's 3 guards between you and me good luck with that.
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