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  1. Unable to complete downloads either manually or with NMM. The downloads won't complete. Also, bandwidth is not good. DL speed is less than half of what I normally see when downloading a file. That, of course, is only after I do manage to get onto the site. Page loading has been spotty too. Anyone have any clue as to what's up with the Nexus?
  2. I am trying to set it up to where the companions can be sent to another place when they are fired in addition to either sending them back to where they came from or to the Lucky 38 suite. I have the dialogue set up along with the teleport markers. I added a message that even says they are going to this place and they teleport to the new place as they should. I also added a Sandbox mode for the new place, and set the conditions to fired = 1 quit = 0 and left out the l38 = 1, also deleting the line in the dialogue script to set L38 to 1, so it should be set to 0. The problem is, they get to the place and then just go off to the side and stand there looking stupid. The only problem I can see is that this place isn't in a cell but rather in the Gomorrah area of the Strip World. Can anyone tell me what I am missing in order for their new sandbox to kick in when the companions are in this area?
  3. I am trying to make another exit/entrance to Gomorrah for a Penthouse that sits atop Gomorrah overlooking the strip. The Penthouse is open so in reality, the character is in TheStripWorldNV cell. That means they must exit Gomorrah, and then re-enter Gomorrah in order to leave. That brings me up and issue with the removing and re-equipping of weapons when you enter and leave. Testing has proven that the issue has to be addressed due to multiple CTDs while moving around Gomorrah. My idea is to set up a mirror of the main Gomorrah entrance for the Penthouse that works independently of one other. I have tried re-scripting the door, but the GECK refuses to save the script. Ever since the patch, the GECK no longer gives any error messages when you go to save the script, so I am left with a guessing game. I have tried running through the Script Validator that is linked to the GECK page, but the Validator finds multiplt errors in the original script as well. All items,markers, triggers and NPCs that need to be in the script have already been placed in the cells. All that is left is the scripting which is giving me fits. Can anyone look at this script and give some suggestions on what needs to be changed? scn PenthouseElevatorDoorScript ref Follower1 ref Follower2 float fTimer int bActivate ref rActor begin onActivate set rActor to GetActionRef if (GetActionRef == Player && (this == PenthouseElevatorDoor02)) if (vGOMEntranceGuard2REF.GetFactionRelation Player != 1 && vGOMEntranceGuard2REF.GetDead == 0) disableplayercontrols endif ;Player.MoveTo vGomPlayerEnterMarker2 ;Autosave Activate Return endif if IsActionRef Player ;showwarning "Interior Door, should only activate when inside" enableplayercontrols set vdialoguegomorrah.iWeaponAlert to 0 set vDialogueGomorrah.bGunsAllowed to 0 if vDialogueGomorrah.iPlayerRemFaction == 1 player.addtofaction OmertaFaction 0 set vDialogueGomorrah.iPlayerRemFaction to 0 endif if vDialogueGomorrah.iInGomorrah == 0 Player.Moveto vGomPortMarker2 vGOMEntranceGuard2REF.ResetAI return endif if vDialogueGomorrah.iInGomorrah >= 1 set vDialogueGomorrah.iInGomorrah to 0 vGOMPlayerEquipmentContainer.removeallitems player set Follower1 to PenthouseExitTriggerREF.Follower1 set Follower2 to PenthouseExitTriggerREF.Follower2 if Follower1 != 0 vGOMCompanion1EquipmentContainer.RemoveAllItems Follower1 set PenthouseExitTriggerREF.Follower1 to 0 endif if Follower2 != 0 vGOMCompanion2EquipmentContainer.RemoveAllItems Follower2 set PenthouseExitTriggerREF.Follower2 to 0 endif endif Activate set bActivate to 1 elseif (rActor.GetPlayerTeammate && (this == PenthouseElevatorDoor02)) rActor.moveto vGomCompanionEnterMarker2 else Activate endif end begin GameMode if bActivate == 1 set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassed if fTimer >= .5 set bActivate to 0 set fTimer to 0 if vGomEntrancEGuard2Ref.GetDead == 0 vGomEntranceGuard2Ref.MoveTo VGOMEntranceGuardMarker2 vGOMEntranceGuard2REF.ResetAI endif if Follower1 != 0 vGOMCompanion1EquipmentContainer.RemoveAllItems Follower1 set PenthouseExitTriggerREF.Follower1 to 0 endif if Follower2 != 0 vGOMCompanion2EquipmentContainer.RemoveAllItems Follower2 set PenthouseExitTriggerREF.Follower2 to 0 endif endif endif end Any help would be appreciated. I would name my first born after you, but it is about 15 years too late for that.
  4. Are you running any mods that require NVSE and are not starting the game through NVSE. Steam will crash like that when trying to run the game with mods that require NVSE. Also, I know you have run Steam before, but are you running a Virus protection program. I have to disable mine when I go to run the game, otherwise Steam will crash just as you discribed.
  5. Frank Lee is quite right about the piracy issue. There are places in the world where you can't buy a legitimate retail copy of a computer game or movie, but you can buy pirated copies of just about anything. It sounds to me that I have not been to as many places as what Frank Lee has (though I would love to peruse the markets in London), I have been to several different parts of the world. I have seen markets where shops are set up that specialize in selling movies and video games... all of them pirated. If there is something in particular you are looking for but they don't have it, just tell the shop proprietor and he will "find" it for you. Meaning, he will get his hands on a legitimate copy and have his hacking expert hack a copy for you, in addition to a few copies for his shop's shelves also. It is no secret that the movie industry is livid over the Department of Defenses policy to allow soldiers to patronize local markets that sell pirated movies. Those same shops also sell pirated video games as well. I know that having personally been to such shops on numerous occasions. In fact, I also happen to know that it is DoD Customs policy to allow soldiers and contractors returning to the states from Iraq to bring back a limited number of pirated material to the United States. I know that having gone through the Customs process and received the briefing on what is allowed and what is not allowed on numerous occasions. The decision to allow such a thing is an economic one on behalf of the host nation, in this case, the host nation being Iraq. Pirating digital media for them is a common business practice. The movie industry can get up in arms all they want to, but it is going to do little good. The State Department's influence in that area of the world is only slightly better than that of the movie industry. What would they have the military do? Sack the shops that deal in pirated media? I can hear the cries of "foul" from the international human rights community just thinking about it. The fact is, piracy is a straw man in this discussion. Piracy is indeed rampant in the world, but not in the areas where the producers of digital media have the most influence. They do what they do in those places not to protect their intellectual property so much as it is simply because they can do it and we all sit back and allow them to get away with it. There is something inherently wrong when I purchase something (i.e. Windows OS) on CD and am only allowed 5 installs with that particular disk. When I buy a car, I am not limited by the amount of miles I drive it, but I am if I lease it. So, in that sense, I am not buying anything from Microsoft, but rather, I am leasing it from them. In the case of digital rights, the consumer is the one that is currently getting the shaft, not the producers, I can assure you. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not knocking the producers of digital media. Indeed, they do have a copyright on that media after all, the same as any other innovator or creator. The problem that the digital media industry is having at the moment is how best to market that media. If anything, marketing digital media over the internet does nothing to inhibit the infringement of digital rights. In reality, it only exacerbates it. When it is on the net, it can be accessed from anywhere in the world and all the pirates need is one legitimate copy in order to pirate it. Codes can be cracked and those that specialize in pirating media and software are experts at doing just that. Personally, I would be surprised if there weren't already hundreds of thousands of pirated copies of Fallout New Vegas floating about in the world.
  6. No discount is worth losing exclusive control over a computer system that cost me 50 times what this game cost.
  7. Oh hell yes! There were so many times I wanted to turn my gun on her for that. Then again, there have been a few instances where I did shoot her, all be it on accident when she picked up a melee weapon and then ran right out in front of my character. I wonder if she was originally supposed to be a blond. Perhaps I should go change that in the GECK.
  8. I am curious to know what your hardware setup is. Mine is as follows: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Processor @ 3.4GHz 8.0GB Corsair PC8500 DDR2 Memory @ 800MHz ATI Radeon HD5750 Video Card w/HDMI Audio and Video connect to a 27" HDTV and surround sound system.
  9. Obsidian/Bethesda is blaming the problem with the auto and quick saves on Steam's Cloud synchronization system and said they have disabled that function in the patch. You can read their comments on the release of the new patch at http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1125221-please-read-from-the-teams-at-obsidian-and-bethesda/ So how does it explain people that were having the same issue in FO3 that weren't using Steam? Who knows...
  10. This is real funny, in an ironic sort of way. I had just finished writing Bethesda a very long e-mail explaining to them how paying 59.00 + tax for New Vegas was a waste of my money. That was before I realized that I too had forgotten to shut off auto-updates on Steam and tried to launch the game through NVSE only to get the wrong version message. To no surprise to me, Steam is still insisting on patching the game even though I have auto-update turned off. Using Steam was one of my biggest complaints to Bethesda, but I have still been experiencing CTDs and lockups due to memory leaks too. It is not as bad as it was with Fallout 3, but still, Bethesda's claim that New Vegas is compatible with Windows 7 is bogus. As for bugs, if you've made it to the strip and have completed any of the quests, you know that there are all kinds of bugs that need to be fixed. Bethesda is going to be patching this thing for at least the next couple of years. A lot of the new mods that are coming out are also replete with bugs, but that is a different story. We don't pay out the nose for mods and those mods don't take away control of our own machines as Steam and the ever growing intrusiveness of Microsoft's Windows OS. If you are thinking of getting Windows 7, my advice is... DON'T. The permissions system is all jacked up in Windows 7 and I have had to fight just to get peripherals installed and working right. Peripherals that I have to have for professional reasons, such as a Smart Card Reader... but I digress... The following was taken from the Steam forums. An interesting read, to say the least. I guess they feel that our minds are too numb from the hours we spend gaming to know when we are being fed a line of Brahmin dung. "As you may have seen, we released a patch over Steam for PC users last night. While we didn’t release a full changelist, the patch contains quest and scripting fixes. It’s not a minor hotfix, it contains over 200 fixes in all. We are in the final stages of testing this update on both 360 and PS3 and we hope to have them out to users very soon. We are also pleased to say that we have just released a second fix for PC users to address the autosave and quicksave issues that some people were encountering. That particular issue was never seen prior to release and it was extremely difficult to reproduce reliably, even after the game had launched. In order to fix this problem we have had to disable Steam Cloud functionality. It has been turned off, and we won't turn it back on until we're absolutely sure it will not cause any more problems. Please restart your Steam client to make sure you get the update. We are also working directly with hardware manufacturers to improve performance for certain video cards. This is a driver issue, and not directly related to the game. On consoles, we are aware that a small group of 360 users are seeing a DLC warning which is preventing you from loading save games. We are absolutely looking into this bug now, along with other reports of save game corruption. It is our highest priority right now that we find out what is causing it. In the meantime, we recommend you save often, and revert to an older save if this occurs. As far as general memory and instability, you should see an improvement once the patch goes live, but we are continuing to work on this based on user feedback. We want everyone to know that we are monitoring the forums and cataloging every single issue we see reported. We’re reading forum posts, we’re checking Twitter, and we’re reading Facebook comments. We aren’t able to reply to most threads, but we’re listening. If we see an issue, we have people here trying to reproduce it so we can fix it. While there are definitely legitimate issues out there, we wanted to take a moment to address a couple of things that have been reported as “bugs.” The now infamous Doc Mitchell video, while very funny (and horrifying) was not a bug. Unfortunately during our launch day, there was a brief window where Steam was pushing out corrupt or incorrect files. In the event that a user wound up with a corrupt meshes.bsa file, they would get that error. It was easily (and instantly) corrected by simply re-validating your files with Steam. At most, a handful of people ever saw that issue, and even then, only for a moment before fixing it. We have seen forum posts where people are claiming they are not getting all of their perks. Again, this is not a bug. In Fallout: New Vegas, you receive perks every other level, not every level as you do in Fallout 3. And finally, a quick tip: Be aware of your faction status before assuming the game is broken. Factions will react very strongly to you based on your current armor. If you’re wearing Powder Ganger or Caesar’s Legion armor, you will be shot on sight by the NCR (and vice versa). Also note that there are groups of renegade Powder Gangers (known simply as “Escaped Convicts”) who will shoot you regardless of your faction status. Please post any issues you are having to our forums and we’ll do our best to fix them as quickly as possible. Thanks, The Fallout: New Vegas Teams at Obsidian and Bethesda" A MINOR hotfix he says. That is rich. Well, at least they are recognizing the fact that they do have memory issues and are trying to address it. That is more than they did with FO3. As for the auto and quick saves, those were a problem in FO3. Seeing that they used a tweaked version of the same game engine for FONV, you would think that they would have fixed this by now. I can't blame anyone for putting off updating their mod for FONV in favor of creating maps for SCII. At least SCII didn't crash or freeze every hour on the hour when it was first released. OK, OK, I am done ranting... for now...
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