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  1. Statues of Zeus, Apollo, Athena, and Aphrodite. There aren't enough female statues, but if one going to make an Athena, one might as well make Apollo too, right? At least those 4 or even just a generic god & goddess in togas would be cool.
  2. Yeah, I meant the discussion, not just gratuitous bumping. Are there any workarounds? Such as reducing fall damage via script?
  3. It would be amazing if this mod were actually made. Let's keep bumping it till someone takes the initiative. :yes:
  4. There have been many h2h mods and scaling tools, and even giant race mods, but no mod even attempts to make a "complete" giant character. A scaled-up actor still kicks high into the air, for example, and enemies do not react as if attacked by a foot larger than their entire body. Personally I would like to see a true "trample" mod, which would include the following features. Some of these features can be found in other mods, but are not tailored for a scaled-up actor. I'm not talking about a new "giant" race that looks significantly different from normal races, but rather the ability to alter existing races in the following fashion. 1. A scaling tool that changes the PC's height to various scales: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x (without console) 2. Ability to trample other actors by walking on them (as with mounted combat mod, but at any speed, on foot) 3. Replace ALL walk/run/stance animations with more casual ones (poses, sexywalks)* 4. Replace ALL player h2h animations with low stomps/foot attacks - Normal foot attack: Low kick/shove with bottom of foot - Foot stomp (normal power attack): raise foot slightly and stomp down - Forceful walk (front power): walk forward and plant foot on target - Foot stamp (side power): turn sideways and stamp foot - Double stomp (backward power): small hop onto target with both feet 5. Hand to hand modifications to player: More damage, very high knockdown probability 6. Special birthsign to provide high resistance to damage, extra strength and health 7. All changes would apply to the player character, not to NPCs. *could be optional; I'm thinking of a female character but others may not prefer the casual/sexy idles, walks, etc. This mod requires knowledge, skill, and ability with animations, and I know someone has the ability to do far more than I would be able to do. The end result would be a "giant" capable of easily walking on/trampling/stomping around on NPCs in a natural, fluid fashion.
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