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About gandhisucks

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    cod 5 nazi zombies
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    cod 5
  1. i ban gandhi cause he sux :nuke:
  2. It is a different company, Obsidian to be exact (same people that made KOTOR 2 where Biowear made the origional) But, Bethesda let them use the same development tools and game engine. I even remember hearing the guy at Obsidian mentioning the GECK once while talking about Fallout. Obsidian does have a handful of people from the same Black Isle team that worked on the origional Fallout, so I could deffinatly see them haveing a close conection with those games, but that is speculation on my part as well. But anyways, if I can pull off my mod, it has the potential to change the very way the game is played, from an RPG perspective that is. Well, it would at least negate the title "Lone Wander" that is. But as to not highjak this topic I will just give you a link. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=150722&hl But really, I am looking foward to haveing Fallout in the Southwest enstead of DC. Mostly because I have never been to DC or the Northeast, so I don't have as much to reference when I work on arcitecture for mods and the like. However, I was born in the Southwest and currently live in Phoenix, AZ, so I am very familiar with the kind of architecture and terrain and stuff goes on around Arizona and Nevada. I am also a big fan of Wild West stuff, and it is a big influence on the way I make the post-war furniture and architecture of my mod. With New Vegas being out in Nevada, I can even pull off some adobe style buildings, which would absolutly not fit the Washington D.C. area. actually i am pretty sure bethesda is doing it. it says so on there site.
  3. fall out 3 was really good but i can't stop thinking about how good new Vegas will be. does anyone feel the same.
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