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Nexus Mods Profile

About SupermassiveBlackHole

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout: New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    TES IV: Oblivion
  1. We shall await your return!
  2. Good luck with school hope to see you back
  3. Hello! Never heard of hellgate :D But a monty python reference or easter egg would be nice. I'll make a note of that since I've recently became a fan of Monty Python! Cheers.
  4. Hello again, I'm currently using Blender. Thank you for the offer but I'll pass, as great as your models look I'd rather make everything myself so it'll be even more of an accomplishment. Thanks a lot though! :)
  5. Thank you :) An Australian based mod would be pretty awesome! The Sydney opera house would be an immense place to hold a war. Thanks! :) I have a hell of a lot of experience with the GECK so the GECK work is coming along fast. I'm still learning with Blender though. Scotland would be another great place. And yeah maybe, that would be pretty cool :P Thanks! Thank you :) I'm hoping to do this solo though as it would be an even greater achievement. I will of course will have to fall back onto the awesome Nexus community for help and ideas though. Cheers :)
  6. Thanks! I chose London as it's such a cliché, in a good way though. Notable landmarks and history have to play big part in my opinion, and that is something London has plenty of. Thanks for the feedback. In TV and Movies it's usually because Hollywood usually pitches at the average american, and the average american always associates England with Europe because the culture is the closest to the States. If you want to see media representations of the other places in Europe, buy a European movie =] Love the idea of the mod. Maybe when it's a little closer to being complete I could contribute something as I do find the idea of a ruined westminster or buckingham palace intruiging. Looking forwards to screenshots and the like. :thumbsup: Thanks! I've drawn up some concept art of a heavy fortified Buckingham palace which looks pretty nice. I'll upload an image soon. Thanks for the replies.
  7. Anything shareable? XD Must be after 4 years. *grins* Aha yes! I'll rephrase it then, it's my first ever public mod in four years. Thank you for the endorsement! :thumbsup: I'll be putting a few pictures of some concept armor and a screenshot of my first model. Haha, glad to hear. I was surprised nobody has taken a mod set in England on, there's so much to work with! Thanks but I will be doing this solo, but suggestions would be nice! Thanks for the replies.
  8. Edit: I'm closing this account as I have new one. This thread will be ported over to the new account as this one will be closed. Thank you.
  9. I'm having the same problem. The speed seems to vary between different times of the day though. Download speeds are fine though.
  10. O and the jerico thang worked and i dont have to hire em they just followe ri have 4 of em right now so00
  11. Quite alright :) Hope it all turned out well.
  12. Welcome to the forums Sergiroth. I'm sure with your humor and modding experience you'll fit in fine here. :thumbsup:
  13. I believe it has already been done, after seeing numerous screen shots with characters kissing. I'm not sure what the name of the mod is though.
  14. Ah, well when you put it that way I guess it seems likely it won't ever become a function for the public. Like you said, people trying to cover up their tracks *shakes fist at the trolls* Thanks for replying. :thumbsup:
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