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About Herbo13

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    United States

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  1. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I ran FO:NV with relatively no problems, but I was just looking directly at the recommended specs, I suppose. Just wondering how much it will REALLY effect my game. I mod the Oblivion and Fallout games, but not too excessively and they do fine - I like to play it vanilla first anyway. And yes, these type of games (INMHO) don't match up to the PC on the PS3, or XBox. you posted it wrong. we see no results. Oops, here ya go... MyResults
  2. Hi Everyone. I used the I Can I run it application found in the forums and these are my results: My results My Question is it worth it? I have the 4 GB Ram, Windows 7 and Disk space. But I'd have to invest in a new GPU and Graphics Card (using AMD Phenom X3 Processor 8450 and Radeon HD 4850, 512 MB I thought). Please keep mind I run this on a 19" monitor. I custom built my PC so that's not an issue, but cash is. If so, does anyone know of any processor/ video card recommendations or combo deals at a reasonable price? I've been browsing NewEgg but don't know where to start... And I really don't want to overkill and blow my budget on one game (tho it does look awesome!!!) Or should I save myself a headache and go for the PS3 (tho the lack of mods will sting me!) Thanks so much in advance!!!
  3. OK, Thanks I will! Thank you again for being so helpful!
  4. Thank you for the quick reply! I was considering that BR, but it's Bain only. Would that conflict with my OBMM installs? Also do you use any Face or Body textures with it? If so what ones and what is your install order? Thanks so much!!!!
  5. Hi Everyone. Right now I'm using OBMM for installation of mods and Wrye Bash for LO, etc. I've been searching for months and cannot find a good combo of mods (pref. OMODS) for my female character using an HGEC BR, Face Texture and Body Texture WITHOUT the nasty neck seam (or at least minimal), but mainly without the awful mismatched hands/wrist seams and mismatched feet/ankle seams. So far I've tried: Body: HGEC, EVE HGEC Stock Equipment replacer, HGEC Body Seam Reducer, HGEC Neckline (Jewelry) Faces: IFT, Natural Faces Body Textures: F-in Envlion (by Navetsea) - the body and face were drastically different... I forget which others. Can someone PLEASE suggest a good combo of the above 3 and an install order via OBMM. Specifics would be appreciated. Thank you so much in advance! I'll probably just use a Vanilla Race with this Mod. While I'm at it, are they any good female HGEC body tattoos that would work with said combo? Thanks again!!!
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