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  1. I've made a short video highlighting something that has plagued me for ages. I like to play the game in first and third person respectivly, but it appears that when in third person, my the crosshair is pointing to a different place than in first person. No big deal you say? Well, most of the time the bullets/laserbeams will not land where my cross hair is pointing (they might still be directed to the ACTUAL center of the screen, i.e. from 1st person). When I switch back to first person, this issue is non existent. Whatever I point to, is hit (depending on weapon accuracy of course). Is this a known issue? I'd be grateful for any help on how to fix this. I've tried a couple of camera mods, but the "centrage" has no effect on this either. Attached is my mod-list. In case the issue lays there, however, I have had this problem for years with varying loadouts.
  2. I was able to fix this by disabling "Transparency Multisampling" /thread
  3. Hello, I always played F:NV like this, but recently I bought a new laptop for my travel abroad. I installed F:NV on there and played it just fine. However, all of a sudden I noticed that there were actual blood splatter effects when I hit stuff. I remember seing those in random videos, but always thought it was some kind of blood mod.On my desktop PC, where I am using the same version of F:NV, the particle effect does not look like that at all. It is more like a fine bloody mist that looks ridiculous really. I tried searching for this issue on here but couldnt fine anything. Could it be related to my gfx card? On my desktop (the one with the reduced/non existent blood particle hits) I use a Radeon 5770 HD. On my Notebook I have a nvidia one. I`ve made a short video of me shooting a corpse in Goodsprings. The blood textures on the ground are from the Enhanced blood texture mod. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u92pHnK41Y
  4. I find most of the northern part of the Mojave to be annoyingly empty. Too few fiends, and the area arround the northern Vegas is just ridiculous. I wanted to make a video on how I ran for 20 minutes and ALL I was able to shoot were 3 mad brahmin -_-, but to fraps 10 gigabytes of emptiness was a little to lame ><
  5. Nope, happened with a lot of guns. Even before I installed mods with custom weapons, so I dont think its them. I`ll try to monitor it further and make more vids when it happens again [edit]the assault rifle was a standard service rifle though, 3rd was the standard .44Magnum revolver
  6. Hello, I finally decided to record a video of a glitch that has been bugging me since release. I love playing in 3rd person, yet sometimes I seem to miss all shots while aiming down in 3rd person. I switch to ego perspective and realize my focus was completely off (see video). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0zVY13wFRc Thankfully, it only happens occasionally, although I would like to know wether its an issue with mods or the game engine itself. I tried using a mod for better shoulder cam, which seemed to increase the amount of occurances, but that could've been subjective. Has anybody else experienced this issue? Other than a handful of gameplay mods, I'm also using Fallout NV- reanimated, and Type3 Body+Armor replacer. PS: ;) I was reloading, that psycho Chris is still alive~
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