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Nexus Mods Profile
About WeissYohji

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United States
Currently Playing
Fallout: New Vegas, Sonic Mania
Favourite Game
Oblivion, Xenosaga, Halo, Shadow of the Colossus, Zelda, Mario, Unreal, Diablo, Freelancer, Fallout: New Vegas, Sonic 3 & Knuckles/Mania
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After years of playing melee/unarmed builds, I'd like to see a berserker armor modded into New Vegas. Nothing more satisfying than having a drugged-up Viking ravaging the Mojave. General concept: But also with a female version. Thanks!
1. The Steam version, with all DLCs installed. I bought the game back in 2011 and have it patched, including YUP, NVAC, and the 4GB Patcher. 2. xNVSE version 6.2.9. If there's a newer version floating around, I've yet to hear about it. 3. Version 56.78 of JIP LN NVSE. Again, if there's a newer version, I'm not aware. If that's not enough, I've also gotten the "Out of memory" crash for the first time. I'll admit, my laptop isn't the best gaming rig around. I tried installing a patch to fix the snow effects (Think that might be killing my framerate), I tried running on low graphics settings, and still keep getting the same crash.
I just installed Fallout: The Frontier, and it keeps giving me a message claiming my version of JIP LN NVSE is outdated. I downloaded and installed all the vital stuff to get The Frontier up and running, but no matter what, it keeps saying JIP LN is outdated and I have to update it. I looked all over the Nexus and elsewhere and could have sworn I have the latest version of JIP LN.
Modding the legacy Tesla helmet
WeissYohji replied to WeissYohji's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
I have NifSkope but don't know where to start. How do I find the relevant meshes/textures, import them into NifSkope, merge them appropriately, then put it all in the game? How does it all go together? -
I want to try my hand at modding the legacy Tesla helmet (the one that's only accessible in FNV via the console) but don't know where to start. I've never undertaken a project like this before. The closest I've ever done to modding is making minor edits to existing mods in the GECK. I want to add any of the following things to it: --The shotgun shell dreads from Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet --The rope dreads from Glott's helmet in the mod The Legion Will Ryse (already downloaded that mod a long time ago for the way it replaces SUW's helmet) --The red hair from Link's Barbarian helmet from Breath of the Wild (YanL modded that whole armor in for me back in 2018) --Feathers from the vanilla Legion decanus helmet I want to do this mod for me, to see if I can pull it off. How would I go about merging assets from two existing helmets in FNV? I tried looking in the GECK and can't find anything on how to do it. I looked at tutorials on YouTube and couldn't find anything on how to do something like this. I'd appreciate any help anyone has to offer on how to do this, especially from veteran modders. Every bit helps. Thanks.
So I recently discovered the FO3 Tesla helmet and armor in FNV via console commands. I like that armor better than the Remnants and Gannon family Tesla armors. But I'd like something more on the helmet, though, for role-playing as a tribal character. Some ideas include: --Deathclaw horns a la dragbody's Legion power armor mod --The shotgun shell dreads from Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet from Honest Hearts --Ripping another page from dragbody's book, the rope dreads from Glott's helmet/the modded SUW helmet from another mod, The Legion Will Ryse --The red hair from Link's Barbarian Armor helmet in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. YanL once cobbled that together as a mod for me back in 2018. --Feathers from the Legion Decanus helmet. YanL did something similar with a helmet for his improved Courier's Stash armor mod. Or any mix of two or more of these things. I'd greatly appreciate this for my current Courier. Thanks to anybody who makes this mod.
Since Bethesda released the new update to remove the Games for Windows Live requirement, I can't play FO3 AT ALL. It'll launch but when I click "New Game", the game crashes to the desktop on the loading screen. WHY? What good is a game if I can't play it? I tried loading with and without FOSE--SAME THING.
Coming off of the Barbarian Armor from Breath of the Wild, I now have a hankering for running roughshod all over the wasteland while playing as Linkle. I've already got a crossbow mod but it doesn't do pistol crossbows. And dual-wielding like John Woo is unrealistic; it'd make aiming and reloading difficult. Hence the request for the outfit and a single pistol crossbow. Concept: The ladies' version of the merc charmer outfit or the regulator duster seems like a good base to work from. We could use the compass from Honest Hearts and choker from the prostitute outfit for the necklaces.
I want to take a break from my usual "tribal genius" build and thought of role-playing as a female pimp/thug. I thought: What better outfit to use than Poison's garb from the Final Fight and Street Fighter games? I'd like to not only role-play as a pimp character, but also do this as a low-DT challenge run, so I'd say zero (on par with the prostitute outfits). You wouldn't have to do much to the police hat. Just remove the police logo and put a chain around it. The chains and handcuffs from the exposed prostitute outfit will do fine. Take the shorts from the normal women's prostitute outfit and recolor them blue, with red shoes recolored from the same garb. Then make a low-cut version of the top from the female merc grunt outfit. Item weight? I'd say about 2 "pounds". I want to keep the load light. Repair with other prostitute outfits (normal) and Pre-War clothing/hats, merc outfits, and other clothes as well as the Honest Hearts light armors (Jury Rigging). Stick it in Doc Mitchell's house and you're golden. Also have Johnson Nash, Cliff Briscoe, and Ralph sell them. Bonuses: +2 to Charisma for the hat, +5 to Melee for the clothes. Proof of concept: If there's any takers, I'd appreciate having this mod made. Obviously, this would be female-only. I NEVER play as men and never will. ADDENDUM: Make the shoes a separate item from the outfit itself, and add a separate pair of boots. I find the notion of scaling ruined buildings in high heels impractical and immersion-breaking. I'd like to be able to switch between both pairs of shoes, so have them use the "BodyAddOn3" slot.
At present moment, I have 1,789 hours logged in Fallout: New Vegas and 1,754 in Team Fortress 2. I'd say that says plenty.
Seeing as how ghouls were originally non-mutated humans, they're still human because of their ancestry. Their parents and grandparents were obviously human, too. You don't grow out of your ancestry. Nature doesn't allow that.
As far as leveling and character building go in TES6, I hope to hell we get stats back. I don't like how they replaced stats with perks in Skyrim. Also, GIVE US A PROPER IN-GAME MAP! There's no roads in the vanilla map for Skyrim, forcing people to mod them in! I found myself getting lost all too often. And I still haven't finished the main quest yet. I barely touch Skyrim anyway. Hell, I've got a backlog of games I've still never played. I was so caught up in Oxhorn's rampant bigotry that I forgot to mention the power trips and bogus beard growth pills. He shuts down other YouTubers for criticizing and even correcting him. And I wonder how many people were unfortunate to actually buy those beard pills. If there's a sucker born every minute like P.T. Barnum said, then I bet some neckbearded hipsters got suckered into buying this crap. I sure as f*** wouldn't as I hate having facial hair and body hair PERIOD. YUCK! Always have! I'd rather laser and hormone it away and be done with it. I also forgot to mention how he filmed a teenage girl (itself already creepy enough) and then fat-shamed her. This is a 40-year-old man who doesn't look like he's said no to a donut or done a sit-up in twenty years! What a creep! As for the bigotry, I wouldn't be surprised if Oxhorn is a closeted gay man himself. You know how the loudest homophobes are always in the closet themselves? I bet he's so far in that he's finding all the Christmas presents his parents never bought him. It's a matter of time before he's caught looking up guys on Grindr or perhaps some bear dating site. Even if that's not the case, I wouldn't be surprised if he's a transphobe, too, and less so if he's caught with his pants down like Alex Jones was. If it happens while he's livestreaming, I'll laugh my ass off. If the loudest transphobes aren't unhatched eggs themselves (which seems unlikely in Oxhorn's case), they're turned on by the notion of schtupping a trans woman (and it seems to always be straight cis guys for some reason). And they lash out violently when confronted with such desires because they're scared that admitting it will make them gay. IT f***ing DOESN'T! These aren't drag queens we're talking about here! There's no un-dragging with a trans girl; what you see is what you get. Totally different ballgame from the cis man who dresses as a woman usually, though not always, for entertainment purposes. And "traps" don't exist, either. Anyone who believes that dangerous myth must have watched too many Wile E. Coyote cartoons; nobody or their dog is going to spend years of transitioning just so they can trick someone into sleeping with them!
If TES6 or FO5 ends up being multiplayer-only, that's a deal-breaker. And in the case of FO5, get Obsidian to develop it and let them do it RIGHT this time. Ditto a remaster of New Vegas; make it RIGHT this time, with all the stuff that Obsidian never got to implement. And TEST THE s*** OUT OF IT! Why release a game if you're not going to make sure it works right? That's not gaming. It's greed and not giving a s***. Also, Bethesda should quit having Brandon "Oxhorn" Dennis shill for their games on account of his homophobic and misogynistic blog posts. I've watched some exposés on the man such as this one and after learning all this s*** about him, I'm DONE. I can't support a bigoted YouTuber like that, so I unsubscribed from his channel. It was already bad enough that he shills for Bethesda like it's going out of style and relentlessly covers FO76 but the bigotry is the icing on the s*** cake. A gay guy created the OG Fallout; I doubt Tim Cain wants some bigoted neckbeard with a bowler hat promoting his baby. As a matter of fact, I plan on booking a trip to the doctor to get on some spironolactone and estradiol, then off to get laser hair removal. Then to cap it off after a few years on the titty skittles, have a plumbing installation downstairs, if you get my drift. Then I'll go to a lesbian bar, pick up some hot chick, take her home, smoke a bowl, and make sexy times with her to piss Oxhorn off.