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Everything posted by WeissYohji

  1. Public domain. I, too, think the Legion could use better weapons. Look at the machetes and bumper swords they use now. They'd break in a real fight. Come to think of it, so would the tomahawks from Honest Hearts and knife spears from Dead Money. I get it, it's a post-apocalyptic setting and you have makeshift weapons. But the ramshackle stuff we have in the game looks like it'd fall apart if you used it in IRL combat. And as OP said, the Legion has smithies, grindstones, etc. So I don't see why Edward Sallow (d.b.a. Caesar) wouldn't have looked at the old books he claimed to value and studied up on metallurgy. He's an ex-Follower so you'd think he'd have had access to Pre-War books on the subject in his earlier years.
  2. As for belts, I'd go with a mix of the ones from both the White Legs armor and Brotherhood scribe robes. Now that I think of it, a third version of the helmet would work with the top half of the Remnants helmet as a base. Repairing: Make it repairable with the Honest Hearts armors, leather armor, Pre-War clothing, Great Khan armor, and Legion armor.
  3. And modders have lives, too. There's another human being on the other end of the request.
  4. Great idea! Thanks, YanL! :smile: You get a free Internet! :thumbsup: EDIT: Just had a thought regarding the helmet. We could go with two versions: One with a skull and one with part of a T51b power armor helmet. In both cases, we'd still have decanus helmet feathers in the front and shotshell braids in the back.
  5. Just got an idea for the helmet: Feathers from the Decanus helmet in the front, with the hair/shotshell strands in the back. As for any horns, we could go with those from a Deathclaw. Stats: I'd go with something comparable to SUW's helmet, maybe with a Luck bonus or something. And like with the armor above, we could also add a cheat/god version for shits and giggles/testing purposes.
  6. The gem on the cane can work for the Pimp-Boy glove. I haven't done much of a "gangsta" playthrough myself but I have done some tribal genius runs based around the Fist of Rawr, Compliance Regulator, Holorifle, and throwing spears/axes; and have made sure to get the Pimp-Boy every time. It's right up there on my checklist along with keeping the Heartless and Spineless perks after finishing Old World Blues. As I've had such characters pursue the Independent Vegas ending, it only seems fitting that my new Queen of Vegas have a regal-looking Pip-Boy instead of the one you start the game with. If you're going to drive both Caesar's Legion and the NCR from Vegas with the aid of robots and tribals and make your own country, why not do it in style? Mr. House? He does have the technology and knowledge to rebuild the Mojave and colonize space but he still kicked the inhabitants of Vault 21 out of their own f*#@ing home! And what's he thinking allying with the Slither Kin, the tribe that would go on to become the Omertas? They're a bunch of backstabbing slavers, rapists, and murderers; what makes House think they won't throw HIM against the wall? What makes him think one of the Omertas won't somehow gain access to the Lucky 38, kill House, and then form a better-dressed version of the Legion? They may be a wasteland tribe that dresses like Cosa Nostra, but they aren't stupid. There's no reason they couldn't have a Benny of their own. Better that the Courier takes over and shares House's technology with the Followers.
  7. Now that I think of it, I do recall in YanL's Blackjack armor mod, he used a bust from Gomorrah for one of the pauldrons on his gladiator armor. If he could do that, there's no reason you couldn't do the same with those crystals from Old World Blues.
  8. hey :tongue: not me, I dont make mods anymore (actually, I do made them, but not for now and not in the near future) You still did great work with the Blackjack mod, though. Believe me, the tribal armors in that mod look more badass than the Honest Hearts armors did. If anything, Obsidian/Bethesda should be offering you a job. Look at the Templar armor, for instance; that alone looks like it would fit right in with the Knights of the Nine add-on for Oblivion and would make me want it more (I already have the game, DLCs and all minus the horse armor). ADDENDUM: As for effects, refer back to page 2 somewhere. I added suggestions regarding armor effects a while back, but nothing that would break the game balance. Now that I think of that, we could also add a cheat/god version of the Barbarian Armor for testing purposes/shits and giggles. Add a modded Pimp-Boy 3 Billion (see one of the other threads) and I'll have my Courier ripping up NCR and Legion in style. ANOTHER ADDENDUM: Looking at the Legion Gladiator Outfit here: I'd say the leg wraps and sandals here would work.
  9. YanL: I downloaded The Legion Will Ryse solely for that modded version of SUW's helmet! :laugh: I will NEVER go back to the vanilla version! I spent a bit of time searching for just the SUW helmet alone but then found it was part of a larger mod that replaces the vanilla Legion armors with stuff from Ryse: Son of Rome. This same mod also affects SUW's helmet, and it looks infinitely more badass than the original. Nothing beats it. And I also have the Blackjack Armor Pack. Excellent work! I haven't used vanilla armors much since except for repairing other stuff. I'd say go for it. Make whatever adaptations you have to do; wish you well.
  10. Existing assets would be a human skull (easy enough to barrow some horns from a critter to tack on) or brahmin skull (or if you remember something else in game). Then rig it and run it through Conformulator to create a egm for the headwear. You could add some faces for a cut skull, also might as well put the pony tails in as well so it's all one piece. Maybe even reduce the alpha since it looks like the hair is less wispy and more "solid" than most fallout hair styles. If you want I can try a mock up as an example, time permitting.... Sure, let's see it. :) Horns? We could easily poach those from a Brahmin skull or perhaps a Deathclaw. And "reduce the alpha? Explain.
  11. Yeah, I'd say this is right on the money. Now, what of the helmet? Any draft plans for that?
  12. I don't see why you couldn't scale down one of those crystals near the Forbidden Dome. Scale it down to fit the glove, change the color, do what you have to do.
  13. The extra carry weight is for other DLC items. Even if I don't use them, I still get goodies such as the K9000, Elijah's Tesla cannon, Christine's CoS sniper rifle, the Survivalist's Rifle (which I've only just gotten for the first time), and SMMG. If I don't give those weapons and armors to my companions, I'll sell them for stuff I do need or stash it at the Lucky 38. Even after taking weight-reducing perks, I'm still a hoarder; for RP purposes, it's to ensure the Mojave has enough firepower to stay independent of both the NCR and Legion. An army of Securitrons isn't enough. My favored tribes deserve firepower and aid. They deserve miniguns made with cyber-dog brains. They deserve Tesla cannons that would give a Brotherhood Elder a stiffy. They deserve rocket launchers with sniper scopes (especially the Boomers). They deserve knives and power fists made from the Saturnite alloy found at Big Mountain. They deserve the vending machines and security holograms from the Sierra Madre. All that along with the Brotherhood, Boomers, the Three Families, and strategically placed Securitrons will protect the roads in and around Vegas. They'll protect trade with the Mormons of Utah, sharing the tech from Big Mt. with the tribes of Zion. They'll protect the Followers of the Apocalypse and their mission to rebuild the wastes with that Pre-War knowledge. And the tribes of Vegas will use these weapons to keep the peace.
  14. You're not the only one. The fact that the glove is the same for both Pip-Boys is jarring and immersion-breaking. Even for a post-apocalyptic wasteland, you'd think the Pimp-Boy would look much nicer, glove and all.
  15. Indeed it would. I myself haven't been able to learn NifSkope and Blender due to work. I've barely played New Vegas as of late and currently I've only just now added Raul to the Mojave death squad. Shortly before that, I kept Elder McNamara in charge of the Mojave Brotherhood and f*#@ed the Powder Gangers over by siding with Ringo and Goodsprings. I've done Heartache by the Number and You Can Depend on Me to the point where you have to go get Cass but still haven't recruited her yet. I haven't spoken to The King and done G.I. Blues yet, much less Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog. I haven't been anywhere near Jacobstown or otherwise gotten the second trigger of ED-E My Love. And I still haven't so much as entered the Strip yet. I've actually considered trying a run with a battle rifle/This Machine but think it might still come back to ol' reliable Holorifle.
  16. My step-nephew was 11 when New Vegas came out. He's played that along with Fallout 3 and 4. He visited at one point this past summer and we had quite the discussion about the Fallout games. Now, bear in mind that I've only played New Vegas. Neither of us has played the Interplay Fallouts. "Emmett" got a glimpse of me playing Honest Hearts and Old World Blues with a modded game. Much of the time, I did a bunch of inventory management with my companions (uncapper and DLC mods). We discussed all the different mods and exploits, different builds, different playthroughs and endings, etc. Ditto the broken mess that is Oblivion (I've never played Skyrim but he has). He and I have different outlooks on weapon and armor loadouts. He's all about a subjective cool factor; fine. I tend to think a bit more objectively, studying the hell out of the Fallout wiki. At the time of Emmett's visit, I had used a Holorifle-based tribal genius build specced out in unarmed, melee, and energy weapons. I've thought of trying out the battle rifle/This Machine but given my M.O. of doing all the DLCs, I think it might ultimately come back to the good ol' Holorifle. Remember how much easier it is to craft energy ammo than ballistic ammo given all the components needed to make either.
  17. One way to do it. As for me, I've always just gone into the console and added 2,000 carry weight solely to steal all the gold bars. Then I loot all of them, use a Stealth Boy, hit some Turbo (I've never started Dead Money any later than level 10 so I don't have Implant GRX by this point), and take the long way past the holograms and other crap. By the time the Turbo chain wears off, I'm already at the door to the elevator with all the gold before Elijah has even reached the vault. Then it's a quick dash to the elevator to get the death collar off me. If I want to unload some gold, I can always use it to buy mods for the Old World Blues and Lonesome Road weapons and the Gun Runner's Arsenal stuff. You can abuse the commissaries in the Divide by plunking down some gold bars for the Red Glare and SMMG mods. Even if you don't use the weapons, it's still good to unload all those kilograms of gold. LAER mods? K9000/FIDO mods? Anti-materiel rifles? Sleepytyme? Embrace of the Mantis King? Two-Step Goodbye? Those weapons would otherwise set you back thousands of caps. Plunk down some gold bars and you can come out ahead in many cases, after factoring in ammo, mods, and your own Barter skill. Cha-ching!
  18. Nice draft, YanL. Like what you did with it, even doing things I hadn't considered. :smile: Was that in NifSkope, Blender, or in the GECK?
  19. HELL NO to multiplayer in New Vegas! We all know how broken the game balance is already, and that's all before using mods: 1. Energy weapons are far better than guns because of how fewer ammo types there are to keep track of. Electron charge packs, microfusion cells, and small energy cells can all be converted to one another at a workbench; and if you have Lonesome Road installed, you always have a workbench as long as you have ED-E with you. You start with 35% chance of recovering spent cells, doubled to 70% with the Vigilant Recycler perk. It takes 4 drained cells (3 with Vigilant Recycler) to make a fresh cell, which can then be upgraded to overcharged, max charge, or optimized (Vigilant Recycler) cells. Why bother juggling different types of shell casings, powders, and primers when you can just buy all of a vendor's energy ammo and convert the undesired types to whatever ammo you need (i.e., ECP to MFC ammo for laser weapons, Gauss rifles, and the Holorifle)? 2. Maxing out your Luck is a great way to break casinos, especially the Sierra Madre. Win 7,500 chips and collect your comps from the cashier; you now have complimentary vouchers. The vouchers spawn in the abandoned bunker every three in-game days. Redeem them at the vending machine near the bed and you now have free healing and weapon repair. 3. Speech. Maxing it out is a great way to talk yourself out of sticky situations, including getting Dog/God, Joshua Graham, the Think Tank, Ulysses, Lanius, and Gen. Oliver to stand down. 4. The sexuality perks. If you want to do more damage against human enemies and open up more dialogue options, you want to play as a bisexual character. If playing a male character, you'll have an easier time recruiting Arcade (Confirmed Bachelor) with a low Speech skill. If playing a female character, you'll get some unique dialogue with Christine (Cherchez La Femme) and Dean (Black Widow, it dodges a hard Speech check). And if playing a female Courier with the Black Widow perk, you can seduce and then kill Benny, saving the hassle of chasing him all the way to the Fort. Again, that +10 damage bonus from each perk doesn't hurt. 5. The missing laser pistol is the ultimate holdout weapon. Do the Brotherhood quest Pistol Packing to get it, but don't bring it back to Hidden Valley once you find it. It's a quest item, meaning that no one and nothing in the game can ever take it away from you. You can take the missing laser pistol into casinos and the Fort without putting a single point into Sneak. You can bring it with you into Dead Money, seeing as how all your other items vanish. You can take it to Zion regardless of the weight limit. 6. Animal Friend. You don't even need to take both ranks of this perk. Just the first one avoids most combat with animals. A fair chunk of the combat in Honest Hearts vanishes. Ditto Old World Blues, as Nightstalkers are affected by Animal Friend, including Shadis. Arthropods, cyber-dogs, Deathclaws, Centaurs, Yao Guai, and Fire Geckos will still attack you, though. 7. The Heartless and Spineless perks. No matter your play style, you want to KEEP these perks through the remainder of the game. As long as you have the artificial heart, you'll never need antivenoms, snakebite tourniquets, or anything that buffs poison resistance again. White Legs' poisoned weapons can only do normal damage against you. Nothing short of the Cloud from Dead Money can harm you due to its corrosive nature. Keep that artificial spine, too, so your torso can't ever be crippled again. The cripple immunity stacks with that of the Big Brained perk. Now the game can only cripple your legs and arms. Must-have perks regardless of your build, role-play be damned. 8. The gold bars. They're very heavy but extremely valuable. By exploiting a series of scripted events, you can haul the whole stash out and trap Elijah with time to spare. Normally, you can carry up to 5-7 out of 37 unencumbered with the right perks and weight-reducing tricks. But if you go for broke and steal all the bars, you now have 389,943 caps worth of gold. There aren't very many merchants in the entire game, DLCs and all, who have enough caps to buy just ONE bar from the player! Now go to the Gun Runners and buy some GRA weapons for a song and a dance. You can plunk down a few bars for Two-Step Goodbye and come out ahead. You can buy an anti-materiel rifle with all its mods and a fat stack of .50 MG ammo for a couple bars and make some more caps. Same goes for any merchant carrying GRA weapons and mods. Pre-War money follows the same principle but is weightless; you can clean the Sierra Madre of all the Pre-War money AND gold bars and wreck the in-game economy. You can clean out the commissaries in the Sink and Divide and return to the Mojave with a fully modded LAER, K9000/FIDO, Red Glare, and SMMG all by plunking down some gold, as they have thousands of caps. Ditto Contreras, and that's before doing his quest. 9. Boone and ED-E. Boone's Spotter perk illuminates enemies on zoom, making sniping easier. ED-E is a floating workbench, reloading bench, and turret all in one; and his Enhanced Sensors perk lets you target cloaked enemies in V.A.T.S. Boone just by himself is an exploit thanks to his precise aim, and that's before you find him an anti-materiel rifle. 10. Implant GRX. A non-addictive version of Turbo with a 8 Endurance and level 30 entry fee. First rank gives you five doses a day, the second rank ten. And it regenerates at midnight every in-game day. It can't be hotkeyed for some reason, unlike regular Turbo.
  20. If you were to read a book from 200 years ago, you'd have little difficulty understanding it. Go back to the 14th century and the Canterbury Tales; you'll have a harder time reading it. Beowulf in the original Old English? It might as well be a dialect of German, since English is a Germanic language. It didn't stop being one post-1066. Role-play: No matter what build I use, I only role-play as far as armor and weapon types go. I could play as some tribal clad in gecko skins running around throwing spears (and I have my last few playthroughs, but with more emphasis on unarmed and energy weapons), and I'd still start with max Intelligence and Luck. I just cannot bring myself to play a low-intelligence character no matter my build. I'll dump skill points into Science, Speech, Medicine, and Repair up through level 8-10, then start Dead Money and take advantage of the skill checks with Christine and Dean. I've done some gun-based builds (usually shotguns and rifles), and now I lean more toward energy weapons because of how easy it is to stay topped off on ammo with a workbench/ED-E/Veronica nearby. I've leaned heavily toward the Holorifle, Compliance Regulator, Fist of Rawr/She's Embrace, and throwing spears BECAUSE of how broken they are. Not so much the spears as the other weapons. I'll often have at least 80 Speech in order to save Dog/God from burning himself to death. I'll always take Educated early on for the extra skill points and the sexuality perks for the damage bonuses and dialogue options. Ditto Jury Rigging, which breaks the in-game economy as much as the gold bars and Pre-War money. Just like Oblivion before, it always comes back to finding every exploit possible.
  21. As for effects, I'm thinking of bonuses to Survival, Sneak, AP, Unarmed, Melee Weapons, and STR but not so much that they'd be OP. Probably +20 to each of the above skills and AP, +2 to STR at most. With the helmet, we could go with the same bonuses as SUW's helmet but also +1 to PER. Don't want it to break the game too much more than it already is. To be fair, though, New Vegas isn't as bad about that stuff as Oblivion before it. ADDENDUM: Thinking of adding assets from Dead Horses armor to the leg wraps/sandals from the badlands armor.
  22. Probably 110,000 caps or so by the final battle for Hoover Dam. It helps that I do Dead Money early and pillage all the gold bars. Once I go back to the Mojave, I can then go to the Gun Runners and buy some Gun Runner's Arsenal weapons for practically free. The commissaries in Old World Blues and Lonesome Road also have enough caps that I can sell more gold bars as I go along. With a few bars per, you can cut down the prices of mods for the K9000, LAER, SMMG, and Red Glare to nothing. Then there's the matter of NCR and Legion money. I'll kill both Profligate and Legion troops, take whatever money they have on them, and then convert it at a casino by playing blackjack and winning big (max Luck helps). I end the game a rich Courier even after getting all the implants (minus Intelligence and Luck as I max those out at the beginning of the game).
  23. I didn't want to double-post, hence the edits. Didn't want to make it look like I bumped my own thread. And they were also spur-of-the-moment edits. I did so as the ideas came to me. I haven't been looking at the armor/clothing list in the Fallout wiki for nothing. Don't mistake that for board noob talk. I've actually been on here since 2010 but took the longest break from the Nexus boards. I bought New Vegas back in 2011, played it for a little while, then took the longest hiatus from that once Valve made Hat Fortress free to play. Got back on New Vegas a couple years ago and have been hooked ever since. The fact that people are still playing, modding, and debating about this game shows what a great job Obsidian did. And thanks again for the aid. EDIT: Just realized the shorts from the raider badlands armor with the loincloth from the Dead Horses armor could work just as well where the skirt would go! I don't know why I never considered that before!
  24. I'd have liked to have Veronica join the Followers and bring them that Brotherhood knowledge. And who said she had to join them at the outpost when there's Old Mormon Fort around?
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