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Everything posted by WeissYohji

  1. Public outcry? So what? It's just a goddamn video game! Totally fake. Not real. Made up. If they can have kids in Fallout 3, they can have them in Oblivion! Bethesda had better learn from this and fix all these problems once TES5 gets out the gate. Especially all the glitches that they never fixed--it's like they just didn't care. Then there's the official plugins. They know we like the plugins--why not just put them in the game from the start?
  2. Actually, I have seen an NPC committing a crime and getting arrested - and this was in a straight vanilla game as I had not discovered about mods yet. :) It was the trainer that lives in Skingrad, I forget his name. I was at the stables when he snuck by and attempted to pickpocket someone. He was detected and the gate guards went after him. He resisted arrest and the guards killed him. What could I do except loot the body and sell all of his stuff. :biggrin: because of child slaughter. Go outside of Anvil and talk to the guy in the torn blue robes about romours. he talks about the reasons bethesda didnt put certain things in the game That's just stupid of Bethesda to not put kids in Oblivion. It'd be a lot more realistic!
  3. Not quite. Khajiit with digitigrade legs? Sure, except for the Ohmes (Who can easily pass as Bosmer) and Ohmes-raht (Who, if not for their fur and cat ears, could easily pass as humans), given the lunar lattice thing. But being lizard people, Argonians would have plantigrade feet. Modern reptiles IRL are the same way. Now, look back at each game--the Argonians have had different forms, but in-game this is justified because their form ultimately depends on how many times they lick the Hist sap (Maybe they used certain dinosaurs as references for Morrowind's Argonians). So far, we've seen four different strains of Khajiit in each game--Arena had Ohmes, Daggerfall Ohmes-raht, Morrowind Cathay-raht, and Oblivion Suthay-raht. No surprise we'd also see four different strains of Argonians, too. (All these strains and how they're determined must make for some strange breeding cycles.)
  4. Well, it's been a few days, so here's some more stuff: After the Oblivion Crisis ends, instead of searching for a new emperor, why not just try a new form of government?
  5. Some mods I can't play Oblivion without: --HGEC and related clothing/armor mods. The vanilla female bodies look a bit underdeveloped for an RPG hero, and you can only use the vanilla clothes and armor for so long before you want something different. --Advanced Magecraft. Saves me the hassle of going to Frostcrag Spire or the Arcane University whenever I want to enchant stuff or make spells. --COBL, Ren's Beauty Pack, and various custom races (Corean, Chocolate Elves, Cute Elves, etc.). The vanilla hairstyles and eyes were too limited, there were too few alchemical ingredients, and it's always refreshing to play a different character from what vanilla has to offer. ---Alchemy Advanced. Why didn't Bethesda do this before? There's no reason why we should not be allowed to filter potion and poison effects, alter their durations, or save recipes! --100% Chance Harvest (Vanilla and Shivering Isles). Excuse me, but how the hell do you fail to pick up a leaf? --Waterfront Market. Being a port, you'd think the IC waterfront would be much livelier. --Midas Magic. Why stop with the vanilla spells when you can summon a magic carpet to fly around on, force-push enemies and hit them while they're down, or shoot explosive missiles at guys? I especially like shooting some plasma shards, then charging in for the kill. --Deadly Reflex. There was no reason not to have realistic combat and gore in Oblivion. We had that kind of gore in Bio-F.R.E.A.K.S. on the PS1 and N64 12 years ago, and those were far less powerful consoles! --All the official plugins except horse armor. --Francesco's overhaul. Fixes all the problems with level-scaled enemies, which can cripple your character if you don't manage your stat growth properly, thus punishing you for not being a munchkin.
  6. Anything from FFX/X-2 would be nice, as would stuff from the Xenosaga series. (I know the latter's not lore-friendly, but we've got lots of lore-unfriendly mods out there.)
  7. They already did that in Arena, but it wasn't multiplayer.
  8. I thought Ebony and Glass were both mined in Morrowind. Speechcraft: Total load of s***. Lockpicking is obvious enough, simulating a lock (Even though it's useless if you've got unlock spells). But speechcraft? You've got this abstract minigame where you have to rotate these wedges and you have four options: Boast, coerce, admire, and joke. And you have to do all four EVERY GODDAMN TIME. Why? What's wrong with being able to just pick the one option X NPC likes most and do that (i.e., okay, this guy likes jokes, so I'll joke a lot)? It's also strange that an NPC would still give you a friendly greeting after you coerce them--you'd think they'd run to the nearest guard instead! As for coercion, I can see that being used to get a farmer or a beggar to spill some info, but a guard? They'd sooner sock you in the jaw! You'd have a better time impressing some burly Nord or Orc in a bar with your boasting than you would the countess of Bruma.
  9. Because Oblivion is so broken that it's not funny. You can get a set of items that can reflect all melee damage, make spells that reflect or absorb all magic damage, and merely enchanting an item, making a spell, or leveling a skill can break the game into over nine thousand pieces. And that's before you use the game-vaporizing 100% Chameleon suit. If people combined the 100% Reflect Damage suit with a spell that does 100% Reflect Spell for X number of seconds, nobody would die in the game from anything short of traps, long falls, or arrows. Also, Bethesda tried it in Battlespire and it failed horribly.
  10. Maybe they're all robots? There's sleep in the game, though. Hunger? Thirst? That's what mods were made for. (I don't use hunger/thirst mods; you may want to also get OBSE and COBL for those.) Leveled enemies? I just use Francesco's overhaul to solve that crap. Bethesda's heart was in the right place. They just didn't do it right. But another thing that grinds my gears is that the Dwemer were able to build humongous Gundam-like mecha that still work after thousands of years, yet never so much as invented guns. They never believed in magic; you'd think the Dwemer would have guns, which other races would later use for their own ends (Albeit augmented with magic).
  11. I never played any of the games before Oblivion, but with all the in-game books, it didn't feel like I had to play them to understand Oblivion. How did Bethesda miss all those glitches? Did they just not care? (Wasn't Daggerfall also glitchy as hell?) Why don't they even bother to rebuild Kvatch after you go through all that trouble to save what's left of it? There's no reason why it should burn forever! (With all the rain, you'd think that would put out the fires.) Going back to the geography issues, you'd think Cyrodiil would have at least two time zones between it if Tamriel is supposed to be as big as Europe. I looked at a map of the world's time zones, and mainland Europe's got four time zones to it (Not counting Iceland). Ditto the lower 48 states in the U.S. Since Nirn is an Earth-like planet (Right down to having a 24-hour day, supporting similar but different lifeforms, etc.), you'd think that, say, Anvil and Cheydinhal would be an hour apart. Also, with two moons orbiting Nirn, that must have a weird effect on the tides (Since Masser is bigger than our own moon).
  12. Different body types: That's one thing that really grinds my gears about Oblivion. Hence why I made that thread for that and other things that nag at us. :) Skimpy armor vs. more practical wear: If it looks good, wear it.
  13. Makes sense, but an obsidian bow still should not work. Arrows? Sure, they'd work. Blades and axes? Well, it is sharp enough to cut a horse's head off...
  14. Maybe that's because you're used to all the überfem bodies that litter pornography and other fantasy. Robert's female body is a normal, average woman. I look very like that IRL, myself, and I've never been accused of appearing "mannish". In fact, I know quite a few women who would kill to look like that. Not everyone has hips that can compete with a horse or boobs that can compete with a cow, and not everyone actually appreciates those features on an otherwise, trim body. The EGEC/Exnem body meshes have some severe problems. It's one of the reasons our very own AlienSlof doesn't support them with her own mods and supports Robert's bodies (male and female) exclusively. I simply got tired of a reasonably good body plagued with stick-like arms and legs, and that's why I switched to Robert's female body for my female characters. Maybe it's the angle I've looked at it in all the screenshots. The fact that the game engine limits modders to working with huge shoulders and hands doesn't seem to help, either. For instance, I just looked at the author-uploaded screenshots for Ravenous Elegance. It doesn't look too butch from the front, but in profile, it looks a bit mannish to me. HGEC does have options for cup size, body type, etc., if you wanted the muscular frame in it.
  15. As for hawking this elite armor to bandits and highwaymen, maybe we could get the ghost of the late, great Billy Mays to do commercials. I can see it now: "HI, BILLY MAYS HERE FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE WITH ELITE BANDIT ARMOR! IS YOUR IRON ARMOR RUSTED TO HELL? DOES LEATHER KEEP SHRINKING AT THE WORST TIMES? SICK OF DEALING WITH FUR ON A HOT SUMMER DAY? TRY ELITE BANDIT ARMOR! CALL NOW AND WE'LL SELL YOU A FULL SUIT OF ELVEN, GLASS, MITHRIL, EBONY, OR DAEDRIC ARMOR RIGHT TO YOUR HIDEOUT! IT'S A 1,000-SEPTIM VALUE FOR THE LOW PRICE OF ONLY 300 SEPTIMS! BUT CALL IN THE NEXT THIRTY MINUTES AND WE'LL THROW IN AN EXTRA SUIT OF ARMOR, ALONG WITH FIVE SETS OF HERCULES HOOKS, TWO ZORBEES, AND FIVE TUBS OF OXY CLEAN! THESE SUITS OF ARMOR CAN BE VERY HEAVY, AND YOU'RE GOING TO NEED SOMETHING TO HANG THEM UP ON YOUR WALL WITH! THEN YOU'LL WANT TO CLEAN ALL THE BLOOD AND GRIME OF BATTLE OFF. FORGET PAYING THE LOCAL BLACKSMITH'S HIGH PRICES! THAT'S WHY I'M OFFERING OXY CLEAN WITH ALL THIS! CALL 1-800-555-8906! THAT'S 1-800-555-8906! CALL NOW!" :biggrin: Skeletons: Elven and human skeletons wouldn't really have a difference in their bone structure, except that Bosmer skeletons would be shorter. But why deny us the ability to fight undead Khajiit and Argonians? Maybe some undead ogres? If Bethesda really thought nobody would notice this omission, they're sadly mistaken. To Ferryt: There's carts lying around along the roads, so of course Tamriel has wheels. But why didn't they bother putting in some NPCs driving some horse-drawn carts around?
  16. 1. Sex sells. 2. I've always found Robert's female body replacer a bit too mannish compared to HGEC/Exnem.
  17. I can understand levitation being removed, seeing as how the AI can't handle it and with cities now being separate cells. But there was no excuse to not put horse combat in the game. Looking at your post, what does grind my gears is that the Imperial military doesn't seem to care about the forts. Instead of cleaning them up and repurposing them, they just let them go to hell and become hangouts for rebels, toughs, thugs, and the odd goblin tribe. WTF? The Gray Fox. If nobody knows who he is, how can he be wanted for tax evasion? You can't tax someone if you don't know who they are! Why is there only one bookstore in the Imperial City? It's supposed to be a bleeding huge city; you'd think there'd be more bookstores around! It's not like First Edition's a corporate chain bookstore that elbowed out the competition! Imperial City. Why such a lame name for the capital of Tamriel? Surely Bethesda could have come up with a much better name! That's like calling Washington, D.C., "Presidential City" or London "Royal City"! At least name it after some important historical figure (Alessia, Reman Cyrodiil, Tiber Septim, etc.), or use whatever name the Ayleids used when they first built it!
  18. Not just your horse. I noticed when I was experimenting with companions (that was before I gave up on companions, but that's another ground gear), that opponents would attack my companions, whether NPCs or creatures, and completely ignore me. I suspect this is built into the game engine, though, and is probably behavior that couldn't be fixed in a mod without the use of continually-running scripts. Yeah, as far as I can tell, this behavior is hard-coded somewhere. This is the number one reason why I thought conjuration was overpowered in the vanilla game: enemies would always target the summoned creature, leaving me free to kill them without risk to myself. I made a mod called Stickier Enemy Targetting to try and fix this problem. It does use a continually runnning script, but I haven't noticed a performance hit (and neither has anyone else, based on the sparse feedback I've gotten so far). If you're interested there's a link in my signature. --------- Another thing that grinds my gears is how there are a ton of locked chests and doors, but the keys to these locks don't exist anywhere in the game. I've been looking for a mod that fixes the enemy targeting! Thanks! ^_^ Locked chests and doors with missing keys...well, why require keys for them if they're not in the game? Harvesting stuff: How do you fail to pick up a leaf? There is no reason for this, Bethesda! Did you not think anyone would bother harvesting fruit and leaves in the damn game? Bandits' armor: Ignoring certain overhaul mods, how do those lowlife bandits end up with glass, mithril, elven, or daedric armor? Under the old adage that crime doesn't pay, you'd think they'd only be able to get iron, leather, or fur armor! Banks: We had them in Daggerfall. Why didn't they put them in Oblivion, too?
  19. I can understand this, actually. A bandit wants to kill you and loot your corpse, which is kind of hard to do if you're riding away on a horse. So, kill the getaway vehicle, then kill and loot the victim. That's most illogical. You'd think they'd want to kill you and take the horse for themselves! Also, why don't they put horse combat in the game? What do they think is going to happen? Then there's the one guy in the Arena who gets all butthurt after you beat Agronak gro-Malog and become the Grand Champion. I can understand that Agronak was his bestie, but it was bound to happen at some point! If nobody else got to him first, he'd have to kill Agronak himself! What, was he gonna go to Owyn and say, "Hey, I don't want the Grand Champion to fight anymore?"
  20. Maybe it's sorta-illegal, but the prosecutors are told not to press charges. Just like Holland is with weed.
  21. Why doesn't Bethesda fix these things no matter how many patches they release? Case in point: Enemies prioritizing your horse over you. What the hell do bandits have against horses? Or the one guy who yells that Kvatch is under attack, then runs back in the general direction of Kvatch?
  22. Rushing it is still no excuse. The ESRB rating: The ESRB in general needs to be abolished. Back in the olden days, they had porn games on the Atari consoles. Also, why the hell don't NPCs give you any more respect than they did before you beat the main quest? You literally go to hell and back to close the Oblivion gates and you and Martin took on Mehrunes Dagon, and you become Champion of Cyrodiil. You'd think everyone from beggars to highwaymen, from the working classes to the upper crust would be singing your praises, and bandits would pretty much leave you alone after all you've been through!
  23. Isn't that what overhauls are for? It's already enough you can beat the main quest at level 1, and merely leveling a skill, making spells, or enchanting stuff approach game breaker territory. And that's before you start using the ever-famous 100% Chameleon suit.
  24. http://r11.imgfast.net/users/1114/74/52/47/smiles/6192.gif I love that. Emperor's bling. All of you have made really good points. I just have one peeve to add, and that is why do Argonian females have breasts? They're not mammals, so they shouldn't have them. This too goes along with the previous point about everybody looking the same. Also why can Argonians breathe in water? Are they reptile or amphibian? That's what I'm wondering! Argonians are reptiles; they should NOT have breasts! Can't Bethesda get anatomy right? Then there's the lack of gore (Outside of using Deadly Reflex). Why give us a sword if we can't cut guys' heads off? Don't tell us the system can't handle it, because that's a damn lie! We shot dinosaurs' heads and limbs clear off in Turok 2 on the N64 12 years ago, and that was a much less powerful console! Ditto tearing guys' limbs off in Bio-F.R.E.A.K.S. on the N64 and PlayStation. If those consoles could handle it 12 years ago, so can today's systems! How is it realistic if you can't see the damage you're doing? To antonkr: I can see glass arrows being of use, but bows? No way, Bethesda. It can't possibly work. Also, spears and crossbows. There was no reason to remove those after Morrowind! Then there's the lack of brass knuckles. Why didn't they put brass knuckles in? It'd at least make hand-to-hand a more worthwhile skill!
  25. Actually, I have seen an NPC committing a crime and getting arrested - and this was in a straight vanilla game as I had not discovered about mods yet. :) It was the trainer that lives in Skingrad, I forget his name. I was at the stables when he snuck by and attempted to pickpocket someone. He was detected and the gate guards went after him. He resisted arrest and the guards killed him. What could I do except loot the body and sell all of his stuff. :biggrin: Pics or it didn't happen. :tongue: I've always found it strange that there's only one body type in Oblivion and that there aren't even any children in the game. Also, you play as an escaped prisoner who's got no backstory. Could all the people be mass-produced homonculi?
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