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Everything posted by aNoob

  1. I found a direct fix after digging up a previous support post here: <https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6538176-help-with-vortex-please/> Tannin42 says: " If the plugins tab disappeared completely that probably means the "gamebryo_plugin_management" extension was disabled. You can re-enable it by going to the "Extensions" tab (in advanced mode) and toggling it back to enabled. " In short: Go to the Extensions tab -> Scroll down and enable Gamebryo Plugin Management.
  2. I've had a couple of computer shut downs and turn-ons since bringing this up, but still no luck. I did notice that if I change the multi-user mode from per-user to shared that the plugin menu returns, but none of the mods i have are installed nor the profiles. Lastly, I'm having to turn on plugins that I have not been able to turn on via vortex through the in game mod load order menu and turn on the missing mods each start up.
  3. I was doing a pretty long session of modding Fallout 4 with Vortex (great mod manager imo regardless whatever is happening to me). At some point of time, the Plugins tab disappeared from the left side of the vortex window as seen in the attached file. I might not even be a bug or a glitch and could be some setting I messed with, but all of my Settings->Interface options are green/checked/on and I already tried reinstalling without uninstalling. Any Idea what I can do to fix this?
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