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About Sigulbard

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  1. My favorite book so far has, by some reason, got to be "Aevar Stone-Singer". I don't know why, but It's one of the first books for what I actually took time to read instead of just quickly flipping through the pages.
  2. Dual wielding spells, huh? As far as I know, Any proper dual wielding mod in Oblivion would require a lot of work. There are some out there, but I doubt they'd be any good and have spell support. And with TES: Skyrim just behind the corner...
  3. You want to play as...fish...in Oblivion? *sigh*
  4. Ok, well, now that I went in-game again to check out the problem, it wasn't there! Seems that it only appears randomly. Now that I remember, I did not have any problem with the Road earlier today when I just loaded a save game, but after a hour or so playing, it appeared.
  5. That would suck for the blade... dragging the sword against a stone road. A pretty nonfunctional positioning of the sword, too. The max amount of weight a (functional) two handed (biggest, meanest, war)sword could have is about 3.5 - 4 kg (5 pound?), so not heavy at all. At least, not so heavy you'd have to drag it along with you.
  6. Hello, Today when wanting to travel from Skingrad to Kvatch by the Gold Road, I stumbled upon a very nasty little bug/glitch/whatever you call it. There was a hole in the ground that seemed to have been filled with some distant landscape texture (check pictue). *EDIT* The arrow that's supposed to point towards Skingrad (right) points to the opposite direction (left). You can see Skingrad behind a tree on the upper-right of the picture. (I may be posting some more pics soon.) I discovered that this seems to have been caused by my omod file of Unofficial Oblivion Patch. When I disabled it, the game was fine, but I'd really prefer to use the Patch too. Now, I do can walk AROUND the hole, but still... Just in case, I'll give you the list of stuff I currently use with the vanilla game: Duke Patrick's combat archery mod, Improved Trees & Flora, Qarl's texture pack 3 redimized (I do not have the compatibility patch that the Unofficial Patch suggested), Enhanced Water 2.0 And of course, Unofficial Oblivion Patch. I also have Shivering Isles (unpatched, I think). So, what do you suggest I do? Should I just not use the problematic mod? Also, notify me if something was left unclear. Thanks in advance. P.S I really don't know if this was the right place to post this problem. And excuse my imperfect English - Me no speak Engrish as first language.
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