Hello, Today when wanting to travel from Skingrad to Kvatch by the Gold Road, I stumbled upon a very nasty little bug/glitch/whatever you call it. There was a hole in the ground that seemed to have been filled with some distant landscape texture (check pictue). *EDIT* The arrow that's supposed to point towards Skingrad (right) points to the opposite direction (left). You can see Skingrad behind a tree on the upper-right of the picture. (I may be posting some more pics soon.) I discovered that this seems to have been caused by my omod file of Unofficial Oblivion Patch. When I disabled it, the game was fine, but I'd really prefer to use the Patch too. Now, I do can walk AROUND the hole, but still... Just in case, I'll give you the list of stuff I currently use with the vanilla game: Duke Patrick's combat archery mod, Improved Trees & Flora, Qarl's texture pack 3 redimized (I do not have the compatibility patch that the Unofficial Patch suggested), Enhanced Water 2.0 And of course, Unofficial Oblivion Patch. I also have Shivering Isles (unpatched, I think). So, what do you suggest I do? Should I just not use the problematic mod? Also, notify me if something was left unclear. Thanks in advance. P.S I really don't know if this was the right place to post this problem. And excuse my imperfect English - Me no speak Engrish as first language.