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Everything posted by powerbrite

  1. sorry i lost my glasses seamed small at time
  2. From what I've been told, it largely depends upon the game and how old it is. I recently upgraded my rig to 8 GB RAM, thinking this would solve all my fps lag and stuttering problems and allow me to set all the graphics details to their fullest, but in an older game like Oblivion I was disappointed to discover that I still could not set things to their maximum. I'm told this is due largely to the limitations of my graphics card and the age of the game rather than my RAM. ITS BETTER TO UPGRADE YOUR HARD DRIVE TO A RAPTOR THIS WILL MAKE A HUGE DIFRENCE IT COST ME A FORTUNE TO DISCOVER THIS THEY SAY PUTT MORE RAM ARE A BIGER GPU IN THIS IS NOTT TRUE ,MOST OLD GAMES DONT USE MORE THAN 4GB RAM ,ALL YOU NEED TO RUN OBLIVION IS 8GB RAM GT460 GPU A RAPTOR HARD DRIVE AND HALF GOOD CPU,IVE JUST INSTALLED A FAST SDD THIS HAS MADE VERY LITTLE DIFFRENCE IN GAME PLAY ,ON THE SYSTEM MENTIONED IM RUNNING QARLS TP3 AND THE HIGH LOD ,MOD ON FULL GRAPHICS THAT INCLUDES SELF SHADOWS ECT,THERES NOW STUTTERING IN FRAME RATE ATT ALL,MY RIG IS EX58 AUD7 I7930 ONE RAPTOR AND SSD 258MAG 8GB DDR2 GT460, I RECOMEND THIS MOTHERBOARD IF YOU BUILD YOUR OWN VERY UPGRADEABIL YOU CAN GO FROM A CHEAP I7 TO THE I7 X SERIES ,HOPE SUM USE TO ANY ONE
  3. hi i have a gt 460 i dont have any problems runing oblivion even on full settings and qarls tp3 and high LOD mod perhaps you might think about down grading ha ha
  4. hi and thanks these GPU are starting to be bloody comfuseing i build my own systems gett it rong more right.ok
  5. i have a raptor 300gb and just installed sdd ive not seen much of an improvement in oblvion i also have 6gb sata cable attached.
  6. hi i thinking of getting gtx590 or gtx580 i have a high spec comp i7 ,wich one is the best of the two as ive heard the gtx480 is the better one.?
  7. i play a feamale type called frey after the goddess of the same name and was pleased to finde her in the appachi store mod,a much forgotten god from samartian legend belived to be bast and ashara as well as norse .
  8. a feamale archer sneak type love the girls,
  9. if you going to buy a pc build it yourself with the best you can aford ,save money in the long term ,ore if u cant start with a good mouther board eg one with sata 3 and i7 1366b cpu slot ,wish i did wood saved a fortune.
  10. does any one have problems with this mod buging up the game,and if so any fixes ,
  11. hi new to this site your right about the bottle necks i spent fortune on ram gpu,s ,try a raptar hard drive makes the games run a hell a lot faster ive only gott one 250 and no raid still made a big diffrence,
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