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About whitchell

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  1. First of all let me start by apologising for what I'm about to ask, as it seems to be a never ending topic for this game..... I'm having fps issues which until recently ive always managed to fix myself, but this time it looks like ive been defeated. I may have to admit to myself that my pc just cant handle what I'm now throwing at it but before I think of upgrading just for the sake of this game (which I love beyond words!) I figured I would ask you guys for any advice you may have me try. My system is AMD FX 4100 Quad Core 3.6ghz 8gb Ram Geforce GTX 750 gpu and recently purchased a uhd Samsung 4k tv Now, I am wondering if the tv is the issue but I have tried different resolutions to no avail. I get 15 to 20 fps in the outside world and around 25 to 30 in cells. I use mods, around 130, and understand the toll a lot of these can take on lower end systems hence my possible denial that this setup just cant cut it anymore! Anyway, I will list things I have tried and see if anyone can hopefully show me anything I may have missed or done wrong Nvidia settings... vsync on/off triple buffering on/off texture filtering quality/performance fxaa on/off AA application controlled/off AF application controlled/off Adjust image settings have been tried in favour of performance, quality and balanced. SkyrimPrefs.ini tweaks Skyrim.ini tweaks Enblocal tweaks Have read through s.t.e.p a couple of times in the past and got started modding through Gophers guides so ive tried to follow as much advice and guides as possible to keep my game running smooth. I think I already know what answers are coming but I had to ask. I used to average around 45 to 55 fps when I had about 80 to 100 mods, so its looking like I'm just pushing this too far but as I said I figured id ask first before taking the next step, if you need some mods listed just let me know, also if theres an easy way to post them? Thanks in advance guys and once again sorry for the age old question and rambling long post!
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