As stated above, anyone know of a way to get physics with JoP? I've created a 150+ stable mod list focused almost entirely on survival and realism. I'm working on expanding it, I want to get it to about 200 mods. I managed to get HDT Equipment from oldrim to work, kinda, with SSE so that I can have physics on them. But imagine my surprise (sarcasm) to find out that physics are disable in first person. I've yet to check the files for a way, as I've spent most of today, about 13 hours, just getting everything ready. It's currently 00:26 for me, so it's time for me to sleep, I'd appreciate any help I can get though EDIT1: So while experimenting I've stumbled across something, JoP doesn't disable physics, it's more like they create a secondary new body for 1st person and move the other one out of sight. How did I find this? Well, I added physics to the cloaks/caps added by Cloaks of Skyrim and Winter Is Coming. While equipped they consumed some performance (about 3-6fps) and I noticed that while they were equipped I had the same fps lose in first person as 3rd EDIT2: I've decided to abandon my attempt to get JoP working in favor of Improved Camera Ultimate which uses a port of Enhanced Camera. It accomplishes the same thing as JoP but minus all of that extra overhead and needing patches for armor, etc etc etc. Just thought I'd update this in case anyone stumbles upon this in search of a alternative first person mod for SSE