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About WarFireGirl

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    Oblivion, Fallout3 and Mass Effect2
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    Oblivion, City of Heroes and Villians, Call of Duty, Metroid

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  1. With TES IV Oblivion GOTY version perfectly up and running I will get my hands on the TES V Skyrim as well this week. Ok, it sounds a littlebit late for some of you, but I'm also Beta tester for some other online games like FireFall the game www.firefallthegame.com
    1. wolfsangeleyes


      Not really. I was late to Oblivion, began playing it 2 years after it came out. Skyrim I've been playing from day 1 but I've barely scratched the surface. There's so much to explore, so much to see and do. Knowing me, I'll still be playing Skyrim 3 years from now lol.
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