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About Drullo321

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  1. Hello there, I have a Perk with an Entry Point for "Modify Tempering Health" and would like to check the subjects keyword list against another (form?) list of keyword if there is any match and return true. The other list may contain up to ~35 keywords. I've done this before for very simple checks with 1-3 keywords that won't change by simply using the provided item condition check "HesKeyword"==xyz. I could simply add those 35 keywords as OR conditions on the item but that is clunky, inelegant, prone to error and poorly maintainable. So my basic idea was to create a (form) list containing keywords and somehow check against this list. However i couldn't find a) a condition that would meet this criteria or b) a place to attach a small papyrus script/fragment. Maybe I am doing it wrong or there really is no other way. May someone tell me how I could solve this issue. Seems I'm the first, as Google couldn't find any other person with this problem in the last 10 years of Skyrim modding :mellow: .
  2. As you may be aware, in unmodded and unfixed Skyrim and Skyrim SSE, there is an issue with incorrect spell absorption behaviour. E.g. if you have any kind of % spell absorption, like Breton Dragonskin power, own conjured creatures may be absorbed. USSEP fixed this for all conjurations by spells. USSEP can't fix this for any other type of conjuration, like conjuration by staves and other sources, meaning that this issue still exists in nowadays Skyrim. Fast way to prove the problem (use Live Another Live mod): 1. Start a new game 2. Choose Breton 3. Use console to add a Staff of the Familiar ID player.additem 00029b75 1 4. Activate Dragon Skin 5. Use the staff several times (50% chance for failing) Detailed description and answer by Arthmoor why it can't be fixed by USSEP: Link It may is possible to fix with SKSE (don't know) see: Link Is anyone able to a) look in detail if it is possible to fix this bug via SKSE plugin and b) write a SKSE plugin fix Thank you ;)
  3. We need more information about this. I just can tell you, that newest SKSE is working fine with the new SSE version. You have to make sure, that EVERY MOD DEPENDENT ON SKSE you use either don't need an update or is updated otherwise it will crash. If you use a mod organizer like MO2 (recommended), created a new test profile with just a couple of mods like USSEEP, Alternate start, SkyUI and try to make that work. Then activate one mod after another and you can track down your problem. Also make sure that the Skyrim SSE root folder does not contain any additional dll and co which needs to be updated which is may not tracked by your mod organizer
  4. When playing Skyrim several quests, locations or items force the player into factions, even when they don't want to. For example finding an unusal gem starts the quest "No stone unturned" which then forces you to become a thieves guild member. To get access to some word walls, you have to play through long quest lines, even if you don't care. For example to get access to one of the word walls for Slow Time, you have to partake in the Civil War, at least up to "The Jagged Crown" which lets you enter specific parts of the nordic ruin Korvanjund. While it is somehow understandable, that faction or quest specic rewards are locked, like Staff of Magnus or Chillrend, it isn't for global content like all three words from a dragon shout, (faction/main) quests that forces you on the fly into other factions or a collection of items (e.g. dragon priest masks) which are only fully collectible when you are a completionist and do every (faction) quest even if your character has nothing to do with them. Tl;Dr: I'm looking for mods that completely or partially unblocks global content or modify quests to not force you into specific factions. There are some already out there: Civil War Neutrality SSE gives access to Korvanjund, Thane of East March, etc. Not so Fast Mainquest besides overachiving things lets you skip the negotiations College Modifications (my own mod) prevents joining the college when taking Faraldas test but doesn't unlock Saarthal or digging deeper, thus still no availability of Morokei. Are there more? Especially for word walls, dragon priests, unusual gems (and unforce thieves guild).
  5. 1. First, use a mod manager 2. Download SmartCast for Oldrim 3. If you don't have Bethesda Archive Extractor 0.10 (google for BAE 010 Skyrim) , download it 4. Drag&Drop and unpack SmartCast.bsa and put the loose files into the same folder 5. Delete the .bsa 6. Optional but recommended: Load the SmartCast.esp into the CreationKit for SSE, set it as active file and just save it again. 7. Done If you don't do step 4-5, Skyrim SSE will crash on launch because it can't load Oldrim .bsa archives. If you dont load&save the .esp in the new CreationKit, the .esp internal number won't switch from 43 (oldrim) to 44 (SSE) and it may cause problems but don't have to.
  6. Hello there, There are mods like Display Enemy Level or Floating Health bars (see also Github, it works) which properly displays numerical values for health on top of the NCP health bars. SKSE methods are used, so I guess it is possible to access even the player values and position of the bars. Then there are mods like SkyHUD or its variants whcih repositions players UI element like health, stamina and magicka bars. But i couldn't find any mod out there, which features the numerical display of values from e.g. "Display Enemy Level" for the player stats. Is there any SSE mod out there (or a guide to activate it) or is anyone out there able to make a quick version of it? I already wrote PNs to some mod authors but sadly no response yet. Thanks in advance
  7. Hello, I didn't find anything related to my request, but feel free to guide me to any existing mod on nexus (SSE or oldrim). From a player perspective there is no real sign when crossing hold boders, e.g. traveling from Winterhold to the Pale as visualised on the uesp wiki seite (http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Holds). I would like to have some sort of ingame information. It could be: - Ingame map which shows borders and/or current Hold - A script/SKSE plugin which notificates me when crossing borders - An immersive way of borders, similar to https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/681/? but focussed on the Hold borders - etc.
  8. In addition to the above posts, you can easily convert most of the popular Oldrim mods yourself with a little effort. It would be nice if the original authors would convert their mods to SSE but I guess, everyone will move on at some point.
  9. Just to make my question more precise, There are a lot of tutorials and answers for having english voices plus native subtitles. I want the exact opposite: Native voice language, english subtitels / text.
  10. Hello, I would like to play with english language and german voices. Simply swapping and renaming the german voices bsa to the english one or vice versa did'nt seem to do the trick because for example the whiterun guards still partially talking english. Is it even possible and what do i have to do to make it work? The reason is pretty simple. I have no qualms having dialogues and text in english, but i like the german voices and it would be easier to use all the english mods instead transate or wait for a translation, especially when the mods are bigger (like Morrowloot)
  11. Hello, I made a fresh Skyrim SSE setup with basic mods (see below). I'm having a relative high VRAM usage (>3GB) where I expect no more then 1,5GB for a fresh basic setup compared to Oldrim and decreased FPS (48) in areas, where it should be higher (arround 60). So my question are: How does Skyrim SE handles VRAM differently then Oldrim besides not copying it into RAM (Dx9) and using bloated HighRes (2k) textures. What can I do to improve the VRAM usage to make room for stuff like aMidians armor/weapons and NobleSkyrim HD 2k? What are the most FPS consuming settings which can be tweaked, to improve my FPS (without setting Godrays Low to Off or going below Shadows Medium)? My rig (should be powerful enough): i7 4790kR9 290 4GB16GB DDRCrucial M500 SSD2560 x 1440 resolutionFresh Windows 7 x64 install with updates, up2date drivers, etc.MSI Afterburner for OverlayFurther I'm using: MO2 BethIni (Tweaked only some gameplay relevant settings like NPCs use ammo) Cleaned Master Files LOOT Just a "basic" mod setup (SKSE64, SkyUI, USEEP, Open Cities and some fixes which does not affect anything) My only texture/mesh mods: Simply Optimized Textures for SSE (Either loose or bsa, saves ~100-200 MB VRAM) SMIM Skyrim Flora Overhaul 2.7.2 (+ optional files) Total Character Makeover Enhanced Bloot Textures Realistic Water Two I experimented with Half sized / Quartersized SSE textures instead optimized textures, resulting in 500-600 MB less VRAM used but that was ugly and still way too high VRAM usage then expected. Skyrim Ini Archive section: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 bLoadArchiveInMemory=1 sArchiveToLoadInMemoryList=Skyrim - Animations.bsa sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices_de0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures1.bsa, Skyrim - Textures2.bsa, Skyrim - Textures3.bsa, Skyrim - Textures4.bsa, Skyrim - Textures5.bsa, Skyrim - Textures6.bsa, Skyrim - Textures7.bsa, Skyrim - Textures8.bsa, Skyrim - Patch.bsaGodrays low, Shadows medium I attached two screenshots (and Overlay results), Whiterun and Whiterun Watchtower which shows the VRAM/FPS right after loading the game. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ocXCp-Rr8r7jYyOiiUmwuDwQoSM4AmWm?usp=sharing
  12. As far as I know, most of the SKSE mods from Oldrim are portable with the method above as long as no code injection to the Skyrim.exe is done. Just check if the mod contains some dll. If it doesn't changes that it is portable are relatively high, if it does, it won't work. As long as you don't upload your SSE port without permission, it will be fine. E.g. Oldrim mods from Kryptopyr should be portable.
  13. It's a while since I last played a fully modded Morrowind and I could never find a solution to remove the player's weapon and armor degradation. We live in 2016 so is there a way to finally stop it? I couldn't find a mod for it. Ideas: A) I had a look at the MWSE page and found functions for item conditions: http://wiki.theassimilationlab.com/mmw/Category:Item_Properties_Functions_(MWSE) so it may be possible to write a script which constantly checks the players armor/weapon which would be annoying and maybe there are ways to break weapons and armors in one hit so you may have to manually repair/reequip them. B) Are the formulas which define the degradation hardcoded? I found a formular described here: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44007/? (Weapon Degradation Rate = Weapon Damage * ( 0.5 - Weapon Skill * 0.004 )) If not, it could be possible to change the formular to return zero C) Is it possible to revert the destruction effect by creating a permanent effect with negative values to "heal" armor and weapon constantly? http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Disintegrate
  14. Thanks. I tested it for the mainquest and it works well. Does this work for other quest lines (vanilla and or DLCs) as well? I had a quick look at UESP and their quest names where quite different and not consistent.
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