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Everything posted by KolstonMorbain

  1. I am coming back to skyrim and i was wondering what char would be good to make since i am starting over?
  2. I'm trying to figure out to get my follower to wear the armor I give set as default soo..I wish someone could make a mod that does that..(Like options not related to the EFF etc) like I give my heavy armor and my follower equips it but you can't take it unless you have MCM options...something like that
  3. I would like to see what someone can come up with (I like seeing peoples creativity with mods) And Elves would be a good start. I apalogize for not being specific.
  4. I would like to request 2 followers 1 me as a follower and 2 a follower that close to both player and my follower char. (make them unique too) Thanks. (make them either based off my chars or do it your way) Thank you.
  5. If You think I'm a "nexus idiot" then I have to say that's incorrect I have my char's wearing full body of the sovereign armor and the Nordic hunter etc. I don't really care for the "Show more skin armors" anyways.
  6. I'm sorry if this sounds weird to some of you. but its just a thought.....
  7. I run mods but i turned them off so i can see if its my mods or not but idk what's causing to crash like this.
  8. When i open the launcher and click "play" it goes to a black screen and it crashes for no reason. my drivers are updated.
  9. Is there a mod where it allows you to tfc during your killmoves so you can take better screenshots?
  10. Can someone please make this White skin color and underwear as a mod? i really like it. (Pure white skin with really black underwear like from Elder scrolls online.)
  11. If anyone would like to see me do the Gladiator arena as my Khajiit just say so.
  12. Everytime i try to launch the game it claims my DX is unsupported whic h clearly have DX11 or 12 on my Intel drivers (ESO worked with Intel drivers before) and the lateest drivers are installed and i triedeverything i could do to get it to work and nothing it runs fine on my low end pc but not my good one? i even reinstalled windows do i have to try uninstall my drivers or what?
  13. Ive been wondering how does your armor/clothing never gets graphic type damage from elements Example: If you get frozen in your underwear it freezes your underwear, even when its only clothing and not sure how it gets frozen over?
  14. Does anyone know how to bind armor to a follower/s? either Comand or in-game.
  15. Is there any armor out there that would go good my Orc Female character? Be it skimpy or not. because i cannot find any or did i miss some?
  16. If i had a choice play a character in ESO who should it be? (Race Gender etc)
  17. Choose which armor would be best for my orc. (Poll choices)
  18. Yeahi know how to but i need someone who can make a realistic follower or you can send a link on how to do it thanks.
  19. Looking for someone to make my character into a follower Shes (Female Orc heavy armor two-handed) Thanks
  20. May someone please make a mod where anything can happen to you like wabbajack magic effects all those limbs cut off etc.? and where you can only play as a female when creating a character.? and have where your skin is the armor.....
  21. Anyone up for creating this character Shes Female| Breton| 100 weight| tanned a bit| With CBBE body?| and HDT hair. Physics Ponytail|. (Get permission first :P)|
  22. Anyone wanna duel me like this on ESO EU server since i got over their from NA server.
  23. Anyone up for making these two awesome swords? make them One-handed and two-handed for both swords.
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