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Everything posted by KolstonMorbain

  1. Anyone wanna duel me like this on ESO EU server since i got over their from NA server.
  2. Anyone up for making these two awesome swords? make them One-handed and two-handed for both swords.
  3. The full body color (Lavender) two piece (Red with pink)
  4. Ok here's a request A Lavender Bra and Panties or Bikini (If it's not already made) and one mod named (Mannequin's curse) Where a mannequin or mannequin's give you a curse if you wear the clothing that was on them and it turns you into one of them? maybe? Lets say if i put and armor or clothing on it and take it off and put it back on it would give me the curse.
  5. Just need want some different mannequins since i get different homes modded homes and i always see wood mannequins so i want to make a request if anyone would like to make mannequins Life like Mannequins. it would be awesome Thanks. (P:S I don't know if one pic looks like a real person. idk if it is or not.)
  6. Something different to have when Christmas comes around and a new assassian outfit included.
  7. Detail's| Its (Lavender style Lingerie for Females) and was needing someone to make this into a mod. and i also got more in mind if interested to see.
  8. Since i had my character turned into a follower i was hoping if any armor creators would like to create a special armor that has (fully black with gold trims.) same with the sword and shield. Thanks
  9. Here's a pic of my character i need as a mod. One at the left is the one to do. (You can start from scratch) Make her like a warrior type with duel weild and bow and heavy armor thanks.
  10. I had a idea for a good weaponry mod called *Black-steel* where the weapons greatsword sword alll that is charcoal grey or black and gold engravings on them.
  11. Shes a Lunari race (but you can use other races/races) with a cbbe body here's a pic, http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/110/20416939-1448525961.jpg
  12. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/562356 make any type of armor that would look good, thats about it..
  13. Everytime i go into bleedout it goes to alt actors load screen and crashes any advice about that? and thats all i can tell ya
  14. Since my CK is down or i would have done this on my own i was thinking of making a mod where you can actully cut trees dig holes-tunnels whatever you like and using courier's to send messages to npcs for supplies help anything for that matter,
  15. #1 for the mod i would like somebody to create a "Boss" like sword any type< #2 picture everwho messages me the word "Kilio" gets a pic of her-or type "Tria" for a pic of her, Thank you,
  16. This day has been a horrible one,
  17. How is everybody doing this evening?
  18. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120923131223/fantasyraces/images/8/89/High_elf.jpgShe looks just like this elf in this persons picture,
  19. Since CK is not loaded or taking awhile however im only asking if anyone wants to create my elf as a mod? Can't put pic up on here says its to big for it to load,
  20. I made a highelf female light armor magic weilding and im wearing witch armor and im wondering if anyone would like to make a unique armor for her like..really good looking for UNP-CBBE?
  21. I made a Female highelf lightarmor magic and im wearing the Witch armor like in the pic here, was wondering if anyone would make a unique armor for her? really good looking armor btw,
  22. Soo..there is really good skills in The Elder Scrolls Online Sorcerer DragonKnight Templar and Nightblade i think Skyrim deserves some skills and having enemies having them too, like ultimates things like that,
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