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Everything posted by ResidentWeevil2077

  1. Yeah, and his name is... well, there's more than one though :unsure:
  2. Oi, long distance is rough - I should know, being in several relationships the last year... >_> It's hard to know if your love isn't dating someone else for real, you have to put absolute trust in that person. It's not easy, always an uphill battle, but if you truly love one another, love will conquer - love is everlasting and unconditional. Like any real relationship, the same feelings are involved - only the actual closeness is absent. I'm glad you have everything sorted out, and if there's anything else, don't be afraid to ask one of us - even though this is a gaming forum, the people on it do care about it's members. Even if it means sharing a little advice on relationships. :happy:
  3. It's funny you mention Aubrey Hodges, as he also composed the chilling soundtrack to Doom 64. I've always preferred his dark ambient compositions, and if anyone is interested, this site contains mp3s of most of the music featured in Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, and Doom 64. :D
  4. Welcome the insane asylum, ladies and gentlefreaks! Mwahahahahaha... :devil: Mental instability is the root of chaos because of unpredictability, chaos leads to unrest and inevitable terror. Evil is purely destructive, always predictable, as it only seeks one thing only - complete annihilation/dominance/whatever evil's goal is. Chaos has no real goal, except be cause more chaos. As to the beginning and end of one sphere and the other, there is no definitive answer. Chaos can be evil, and vice versa. It depends on the circumstances under which evil and chaos manifest themselves.
  5. Who hasn't been through their share of heartbreak? As someone who isn't afraid toexpress how they feel, rather than shutting themselves in, I've learned that expression through poetry/songwriting can help deal with deep-rooted emotions that somehow were buried in the nucleus of my heart. There's no need for thanks, I write for everyone. :)
  6. This is outstanding work - I must say this is far better than most poetry I've read so far. You're a true artist, and I applaud you for your talents. ***** --------------- The Cold Embrace of Heartache Here in the passing moonlight Casting dancing shadows Caressing us in soft pale light You left me cold and alone Once loved, and twice betrayed Nevermore shall this heart break Into these arms I fall The cold embrace of heartache What once was lost shall be found No more to tread this road All I've ever felt and known In my cold heart of stone Once loved, and twice betrayed Nevermore shall this heart break Into these arms I fall The cold embrace of heartache Time has come and gone again The fear of being whole Weathered by this deep-rooted pain Of my curse and dreaded sorrow Once loved, and twice betrayed Nevermore shall this heart break Into these arms I crawl The cold embrace of heartache...
  7. Fundamental anarchy or absolute tyranny - that is the question.
  8. Hehe, that sounds like fun XD I remember when I first seen an article about Doom for the Atari Jaguar. And when I seen it was also for the SNES, I was like "OMGWTFBBQ!!" I agree it's not the same as on the PC, but it opened the doors to FPS gaming for me. Since then I've been a fan of the genre, and always look forward to upcoming awesome FPS titles. Speaking of staying up late, I remember when I first stayed up past 3 am playing video games. I was 8 or 9 and I had rented the game Super Adventure Island - I was fond of the games that were on the NES, and this game was pretty good. I forgot about time that night, but I'll always have good memories ^^
  9. I have too many faves to list, so I'll take what comes to my mind: NES > Super Mario Bros. (1 - 3), Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Adventure Island (1 - 3), Kirby's Adventure, Mega Man (1 - 6), Metroid, Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II, Castlevania (1 - 3) SNES > Super Mario World (1 & 2), Super Mario All-Stars, Super Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, F-Zero, Super Adventure Island, Donkey Kong Country (1 - 3), Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, Final Fantasy IV (4), Final Fantasy VI (6), Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Super Mario RPG, Mega X (1 - 3), Mega Man 7, Super Metroid, Castlevania: Dracula X N64 > Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing, GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark, Wave Race 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie, Donkey Kong 64, Doom 64, Quake 2, F-Zero X, Resident Evil 2 Not gonna carry the list on as it would take up one whole page o_O
  10. Oops, sorry... Well, hello Gizzie :D I hope you enjoy yourself and be a good little... Gah, who am I kidding, be as mischief as you want, we don't mind :teehee:
  11. The original NES - mine still works for some odd reason :P
  12. F-Zero X - I wish they would remake the music from this awesome racing game.
  13. Arena was the very first Elder Scrolls game, and I'm ashamed to say I haven't played anything before Morrowind... :( Much thanks for that. I never got the chance to play the first two and could not find them anywhere. So naturally my next question is: do they have TES I somewhere too? As far as I know "TES I" is "THE ELDER SCROLLS: ARENA" & that is available in the link in the quote @calliton This thread was the one that helped me get the game to work for me >Alternative Daggerfall install instructions (beth's official forums)< Oops! I didn't know that was the full title of it. For some reason I thought the Arena was some kind of multiplayer online thing. Thank you for setting me straight! I'm trying to install & play these right now... Do you know how to use DOS Box? o_O I'm pretty capable of digging out files from my HD, but I have no clue how to use DOS...
  14. ***With a jealous tilt of her head and an indignant snort, she put her hands on her wide hips before speaking*** You never welcomed ME to the Nexus, bben46! o_O Well hot damn - it's a shame, how could anyone NOT welcome one such as yourself Herc? *shrugs and bows*
  15. Well howdy pardner! Long time no see Storm :)
  16. For me as well. The new graphics were okay, but I was expecting to play Doom, not to watch a CG Movie. It's for this same reason that I finally gave up on the Final Fantasy games. I like to play video games, not watch them. As an old school gamer myself, sometimes it's always a great stress reliever to sit down and blast the bejesus out of everything in sight with a BFG :P I do fancy my hi-def graphics however, but if the story is sh*t then no way will I play the game. Like I always say, a great game is one that can be played and one never tires of it.
  17. I suppose now this becomes an issue of what the balance is between freedom and censorship is. Then it becomes that much more difficult to resolve the first issue (that being the apparent "stupidity" of Americans and people in general). There's no easy way to resolve these matters - I myself wouldn't be able to tell you what's right and wrong, as everyone has their own opinions and values that matter to them.
  18. Agreed. But with the media around telling people here "what you need", or "what is good" etc, influences these behaviors greatly. Many people here watch television for countless hours a week, and over a quarter or more of that time they are bombarded with ads and media and often biased news. If you listen to that even ten hours a week for ten years, that will take a toll on what you see things as, what is good, what is not, etc. That is one of the greatest causes of our misguidance. And if this is the largest root of the problem, how can it be resolved? Or at least minimized so it isn't the biggest influence on people.
  19. Here here! *raises tankard* What I've seen so far is excellent work, keep it all up! :thumbsup:
  20. As much as I don;t like saying offensive things about others, I agree with you. It's not only Americans who are self-centred - Canada is also to an extent. Being as how both our countries are as close as we are, one assuredly will influence the other. With the influx of American media in Canada, we too follow the same path. It's a sad reality about our nations, one that I think we both wish wasn't true.
  21. Pretentious bigot...? *prepares to be hit* /).(\
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