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Posts posted by Maddy21

  1. I love the other weapons mods, but i would really like if someone entirely reworked on the vanilla weapons. Especially the swords and the bows. I hate how thick the swords look in the game. Unique uniques is a wonderful mod along with "Real Bows" mod for Vanilla Skyrim which has not been ported yet into SSE. IF someone could port that into SSE it would be totally awesome.



  2. I would say Stick to Regular skyrim, for some reason i have noticed no performance or stability improvements in SE as many have claimed, but then i have a shitty computer. Besides, i can't stand Vanilla Skyrim UI without mods like Requiem. You don't even need an ENB to make Skyrim look Great...

  3. 20160725220458_1.jpg












    Mods Used


    • Enhanced Landscape-Winter Edition
    • FrostFall
    • Winter is Coming
    • Footsteps
    • Wet and Cold
    • Snow&Ice texture mod
    • Vivid Weather
    • Get Snowy
    • The Honoured Dead
    • Campfire



    The game is very tough now, have to check the weather make sure get supplies of wood before travelling from one place to another. Winter clothing becomes extremely useful. Been playing for some time now, the world looks so much cooler with everything covered in snow. I assumed i would get fed up of seeing so much snow, but so far the change is very enjoying..


    Recommend other mods which could go well with this.

  4. So, i was going to make a quick visit to the Yarl and all of a sudden i hear a huge "thud" behind me. I turn around and i find a Frost dragon right behind me and TWO MORE flying around. I knew immediately i had to record this Battle....

    I have Skyre with Dragon Combat overhaul with Deadly Dragons and i was lvl13,, there was no way i was going to win this. So later on i added 40 healing potions just to fight the entire battle . Did not want to miss the sheer Epicness of the fight. Did not continue the game though, loaded a previous save as i cheated. IF they return am gonna get my ass out of whiterun...

    I was lucky none of them was breathing fire, with the fire and ice mod, i would have been in big trouble...


    -3 dead dragons

    -Each and every guard inside Whiterun dead, none left alive

    -Its 11:00 am Belethor and Archedia's store is still closed, no sign of what happened to them

    Sorry for the low quality, my computer can't handle stress

  5. The consensus on Reddit's BuildAPC forum is that these requirements are extremely overblown. Don't start throwing money just yet.


    I hope so, i really wish i could play this, i don't care if i have to play it on low without shadows. I will get a new card by Feb but i don't want to wait -_-



    Below is Witcher 3 recommended requirements ? and that game looks waay better than fallout 4



    I didn't find that. In fact, i found the Witcher to be rather... Dragon Age Inquisition-y.



    I have GTX 430 with i3 processor and i can run Dragon age Inquisition on low and medium if i use lower resolution. This sounds like some kind of a deal to make gamers buy Graphics cards.

  7. lol....i have an i3 and a GTX 430..i guess no Fallout 4 for me then :sad: . I don't mind upgrading my GPU, but CPU....dang...

    Graphics on all those videos does not look really that better than my copy of Skyrim with enboost and sweetfx. .


    Below is Witcher 3 recommended requirements ? and that game looks waay better than fallout 4


    CPU: Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz / AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz CPU Speed:

    RAM: 8 GB OS: 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)

    Video Card: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770 / AMD GPU Radeon R9 290

    Free Disk Space: 40 GB

  8. A guy's head getting chopped off during the intro scene, Sapphire being held captive and raped by a bandit horde, another guy getting his head chopped off, Serana and her mother being raped by the Daedric Prince of Domination, countless bloodied corpses lying around in random bandit's forts, countless random skeletons in the citie's cages and prisons AND a dragon trying to literally eat the world is not dark enough for you?


    Think you'd love The Witcher.


    Yes, but thats few and far between and would be quiet normal in any Fantasy RPG Genre. My point is the game world just does not look like its a war torn area being harassed by Dragons. I am well aware of the veiled hidden darkness, my point is its just too few and far between. Game simply does not simulate a war torn state..


    Well, that is my opinion anyway, I had forgotten on how people can be argumentatively opinionated about these things.



    The whole thing feels, incomplete... like they intended something different

    That's probably because, in many cases, it was. Whatever else Bethesda is, it's a business with deadlines it has to meet and often the designer's dreams are too big for the set time and budget. So, sometimes things get chopped due to time-constraints, packaging constraints (mostly for the console-players), etc. Just look at all the stuff Arthmoor and ApolloDown necro'd with the Unofficial Patches, Cutting Room Floor and CWO; and it seems there is even more stuff buried in there that is just too incomplete to bring to life.


    BTW, whats your opinion on CWO, i plan on using it...

  10. Its honestly play styles, i prefer a game which is tough to level up and rewarding when you get to the higher levels. Some people may not like that which is fine with me so i don;t really judge others. But few things i change in Skyrim is the insanely low weight limit and i also increase the stamina, remove dropping of weapons or breaking of bows. But otherwise, Requim is amazing mod.

  11. yeah, i am aware of the two who does get killed by Mirmulnir, but Skyrim gave him a rather lame ending for a dragon who survived the Blades... Poor guy gets killed by a bunch of guards and a noob Dragonborn .. The whole thing feels, incomplete... like they intended something different. I believe Riften was somewhere along the line supposed to be the city of thieves ruled by a corrupt Elite, like Dunwall in Dishonored. Looks like things just did not come out right in the end...

  12. So, i have always been wondering, apart from the few beheadings which occur in the game i have rarely noticed anything dark. Especially considering its a war torn region.Many of these things can be fixed by mods but still...


    In the first dragon fight none of the soldiers die. Each and everyone survive, which is surprising considering Mirlmulnir was one of the few dragons which was not killed by the blades, you would expect him to give a fight.


    Another problem i often see is no other village during the entire game gets pillaged by the dragon aside from the few dead NPC's. Essential Dragons/Deadly dragons along with open cities can give rather disastrous results. In one of my games Riften population was entirely wiped out aside from the few essential NPC's and the once in the tavern. Had an entirely new RP effect to the game after that.


    The war in skyrim is barely visible. Would have been fun to occasionally wonder into a battlefield with broken weapons, dead bodies and blood everywhere. It would also add into the immersion to see imperial and storm cloak soldiers seen hanged from trees or posts. (wonder if there is a mod which adds those)


    Two potatos

    Copper wire.

    Half eaten piece of carrot

    Glass of Beer

    and some weed


    Will i be able to Run ENB's ? :blush:


    jokes aside, use 1k textures instead of 2k, i personally don't see any difference b/w the two. And certian ENB's are very performance intensive. It can take away 10-15 FPS quiet easily....

    Ok. But look at my rig...is that really not enough to run this thing?




    One of my friends also has got a similar system. He faces FPS loss around whiterun, but in other parts of the map he can easily reach 60 FPS... So i guess its based on the location..



    Basically this is what i read somewhere.. if it helps


    Enabling ENBSeries: -10% fps

    Enabling SkyLighting: -15% fps

    Enabling Sunrays: -2% fps

    Enabling Detailed Shadows: -2% fps

    Enabling ENB SSAO: -16% fps

    Enabling SkyRealism DoF: -12% fps


    Total Cost: -57% fps

  14. Two potatos

    Copper wire.

    Half eaten piece of carrot

    Glass of Beer

    and some weed


    Will i be able to Run ENB's ? :blush:


    jokes aside, use 1k textures instead of 2k, i personally don't see any difference b/w the two. And certian ENB's are very performance intensive. It can take away 10-15 FPS quiet easily....

  15. Get DynDoLOD to improve the look.




    This is amazing, strange but this also increased my FPS considerably and seeing Whiterun with the window lights from such a distance is awesome !!! Thanks a ton...

  16. Why is Skyrims Distant terrain so bad ? Most of the open world games i have played seems to have used distant blur to hide the texture problems. Is there any way of adding distant blur to Skyrims distant terrain ? I know ENB adds blur but i cant use ENB due to performance issues. I know Oblivion has a distant blur mod which made the distant terrain a lot better...


    ok, so is getting one shot by skeevers normal ? I just started a new game, using Iron sword/mace only reduces their health by 1/6th...

    Most of the skeevers are only level 1 and have around 50-75 health. MAce does damage of 33. So i don't understand how they loose so little health unless skeever is wearing ebony armor within their furcoat.


    I hope you did not forget to install the "reproccer" ?....because that balances things a lot. also "uncapper" can help you out on lower levels.


    I have played Skyre for over a year.. in legendary mode.. and have lost fights from skeevers, wolves etc... Skyre is just very hard gaming.. especially in the beginning... i always did a lot of sneaking until i could get a few levels under my belt .The uncapper helps a lot with that.. because in vanilla skyrim you only get 10 heath, stamina or Magicka with one level-up, but with uncapper you can set the amount you get yourself.. as with Magicka, stamina and Carry-weight.


    This should help you out a lot.




    That did help, thanks. Uninstalled and reinstalled the mods, and reran reproccor and everything seems fine now...

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