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Posts posted by Maddy21

  1. The one thing that I feel really detracts from exploration is that Obsidian makes much more extensive use of invisible barriers than Bethesda did in Fo3. Around DC, if you needed to get somewhere but couldn't handle the enemies there, you could almost always find a way to sneak around and make your own back door by jumping from rock to rock, sliding down walls and cliffs, etc. I've run into half a dozen places so far around NV where the terrain would permit passage to someone patient enough to find the right angles and sweet spots, but invisible barriers blocked off all but the intended approach... forcing the player to go through all the enemies guarding it. Black Hills is one such location. The rock quarry with all the Deathclaws (the name escapes me; it's near Goodsprings) is another. This being a sandbox game, I don't really understand why it's necessary to do that and rather hope someone will mod those barriers out at some point.


    This is what precisely pissed me off, Invisible barriers .. as for enemies , its far more challenging, now you actually fear the wasteland

  2. Graboids are a tenacious creature. They will eat you, your car and your house or anything else, if they get in the way of eating you! but they come in 3 different forms if I remember correctly. If these were added to the wasteland, PLEASE incorporate MORE rocks also.


    Sparse rocks would make the wasteland a rather very tensed area, i mean just seeing how long u will need to go from one rock to another in a graboid heavy country :D

  3. I allways wanted that tremors creature in fallout 3 . Would be cool, you should only be able to shoot it when it fully surfaces, and it moves at normal speed. The helplessness feeling in the wasteland would just multiply..is it possible ??
  4. That increases the amount/variety of creatures in the game, you can edit it ,In game Vanilla setting is 0-1 max setting is 3-5 which i assume is 5 enemies per 1 enemy in vanilla.. More enemies=More Difficulty = More fun


    Ask away all your questions :D

  5. FWE , MMM , DC interiors , Dynamic Weather , streetlights , Ironsight , fallout reanimated (install this mod after Ironsight , it should not glitch) , WMK , NO blur ( this is to improve perfomance while fighting, it basically removes blur effect while getting hit, kinda necessary when you have MMM mod ... lol )
  6. For me its all screwed up anyways the bombs fell in 2077 not 1950. Nothing in the game is 2077 except for energy weapons and robots.


    A game is not always about realism but about the feel of the game. The classic 1950's style post apocalyptic wasteland gives a lot more feel and fun to the game . Mostly because we have read and seen about the cold war and seen the nuclear fallout shelters ,somewhere in our minds we would have expected or imagined an apocalyptic period which fallout 3 creates beautifully...


    Its not always about realism its also about fun and continuing the same pace and feel of the previous games...



    lets take an example of a different game GTA IV and Saints Row 2, GTA IV tried to be so realistic i thought it would be better that i would walk in my neighborhood than play that game.. But Saints Row 2 was so wacky and insane that you could replay it again and again...

  7. I saw the Zombie apocalypse mod.. but i don't want the mod to start lagging and kill off any necessary NPC chars..


    kind of a mod which u can join wasteland travelers + Zombies + better defences for all the cities... so that the game remains fun and i don't want too many zombies to start lagging my pc

  8. I hate to say this but New Vegas looks more like an FWE mod with a new land with same fallout 3 engine, But all i want is less bugs, and better story and more immersiveness. I don't really care about the graphics..


    or maybe its just that fallout 3 has made such massive mods which in itself is like a a brand new title..

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