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About Dingoman013

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    United States
  1. Thats what I did originally, didn't know you could change the editor ID though, thanks for the help.
  2. I copy and pasted an interior but the npcs keep using the original "door" to leave the interior, even after completely deleting it they simply use the spot where the door was to teleport to the exit of where the door marker originally was on the base interior. Even if I replaced the door with a new one they continued to use the deleted door. How do I fix this? The cell I'm using is "zplungersewer" and my new space is "dingohideout1." I'm honestly at a loss here of what to do, the idea of copying and pasting a pre-existing space was to save time. In my google search I've seen there is some kind of portal marker, but I can't seem to find it. I've got the esp attached, I'll take anything at this point. Thanks in advance for the help, wish the geck wasn't so frustrating at times. FYI the esp is a TTW file.
  3. Something like this? Where you reach out and pick up items? http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62656/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D62656%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D5174125&pUp=1
  4. Been working on a couple models using patchworks of other models from modders resources and abandoned mods etc using solely nifskope. I've done this with around 30 or 40 models and have usually found my problem for GECK crashes was forgetting to rename a mesh after pasting it in. I've gone over it about 10 times now, and even rebuilt it in another mesh that worked and I deleted the previous contents of said mesh and still got crashes when I imported all of my parts. I was even working on a sister(though drastically different) model for it at the time, and it came out fine. But I am absolutely at a loss as to how to fix my crashing issue, if you want to take a look there is a link provided. Thanks in advance :D As a note I'm not particularly knowledgeable when it comes to nitristrips and the finer aspects of textures, so if the problems is hiding in there I most likely wouldn't know. Also there is no upper size limit for a mesh correct? http://www.mediafire.com/download/9ro4y93r4s4vnan/phantom.nif
  5. Been working on a couple models using patchworks of other models from modders resources and abandoned mods etc using solely nifskope. I've done this with around 30 or 40 models and have usually found my problem for GECK crashes was forgetting to rename a mesh after pasting it in. I've gone over it about 10 times now, and even rebuilt it in another mesh that worked and I deleted the previous contents of said mesh and still got crashes when I imported all of my parts. I was even working on a sister(though drastically different) model for it at the time, and it came out fine. But I am absolutely at a loss as to how to fix my crashing issue, if you want to take a look there is a link provided. Thanks in advance http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif As a note I'm not particularly knowledgeable about about Nitristrips or some of the finer details of texture work, so I imagine the problem may be in there somewhere, but I simply don't know :/ http://www.mediafire.com/download/9ro4y93r4s4vnan/phantom.nif
  6. Sounds like you have some sort of overwrite going on. Try uninstalling then re-installing the nude female nude mod, be sure to overwrite if it asks.
  7. I have several custom NPCS roaming the world, and while I understand that I could make them essential, I feel like that would defeat the purpose(especially since some are faction linked). Though they have some passive health regen items(+1 sec) on higher level characters with rougher spawns, or certain firefights it simply isn't enough. Basically what I want to know is; if I made a new item that is identical to a stimpack with the exception of being unplayable will it be infinite, similar to companion ammo(which works in the same way), or will it just be a one off item, but still be unplayable?
  8. I got it fixed it looks like, yes there is an always run box, and I simply checked "must reach destination" and all was well. Been out of the game awhile lol
  9. Been modding for a few years now and I'v never been able to fully overcome this problem. Both are with npcs getting around the world. My first issue is that I have a character(Sundog) that starts in the megaton common house and walks to super duper mart. He will quite ofter get stuck on the mens restroom and proceed to walk in circles, sometimes leaving megaton and waiting for an hour fixes this. Othertimes he will get stuck just past that at this area between the restroom and Jericho's house(pictured below) After hes' supposed to swing by crateside supply for an hour and Moriarty's for an hour, both at set times. He seems to refuse to do either one of these things, though that may be because of the long journey required to bet back to town. All his routes are set to "Wander in XXXX cell" not "travel to xxxx cell." Afterwards hes supposed to go to underworld on the weekends(at 12:01 Saturday morning) and doesn't even start walking until around ~5 and then proceeds to essentially dissappear, though the dissapppearing may be my difficulty tracking him using console commands. One time he has ended up in a completely empty cell with some other megaton settlers, though this may have been my fault. Another time has ended up on the crows nest with stockholm in megaton along with his follower, he sure as hell isn't scripted to go up there. My other issue is with another follower with similar behavior(Devon) who will go to a couple places around Goodsprings and then to the Ultra-Luxe and Gomorrah on the weekends. He routes there fine but refuses to leave the Ultra-Luxe and just stands by the door. I should be able to put up both of their esps, but you'll most probably need Tale of Two Wastelands. All in all I'm not sure what the problems is, though I suspect that "Wander" instead of "travel" may have something to do with it, but I'm afraid they run to the destination if you use "travel." Anyhow, any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated, link to esps is at the bottom. To find anything of mine in the esps simple put "dingo" without the quotes. Everything I do has dingo in it. Devon(Ultra-Luxe problem) http://www.mediafire.com/download/88ex6168i8ao8av/zzzzdingoDNPlm.esp Sundog(First Problems) http://www.mediafire.com/download/792dinviv3r93ow/TESTINGGROUNDESP.esp
  10. Like maybe.... THIS http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/images/77724/?
  11. you can simply use the player model, though you'd have to get it out of the .esm
  12. I'm trying to work on a mac10 mod i foudn and give it an extended mag and suppressor. I already fixed the magazine to be longer and it appears properly in game(I know how to do this in nifscope) but when I added the suppressor from a different file(Deleted everything around the suppressor in the other file and coy and pasted it over to the mac 10.) I then imported the suppressor and adjusted what needed to be done etc. this is my result in nifskope; Aaaaannndddd ingame; Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I have this same problems with clothes as well, and I am not particularly good at blender. If someone could help me I would be all kinds of grateful.
  13. Hey is there any way you could repost the sword or give me another link? I'v been trying to get this word from awhile and im fluent in blender.
  14. I found it slightly annoying that that even after re-opening the mine that the amount of people and activity in raven rock was exactly the same. I'm requesting a mod that just adds a few people to wander around Raven Rock after the mine is re-opened, like a few travelers and a couple prospectors, maybe an adventurer like you you. In conclusion I think it would help a lot with realism and immersion, I'd do it myself but I have a few things I'm working on in new vegas at the moment. Dingo
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