Project Title: Project Harrison(Get it? Van Buren then Harrison?) Slowing down due to school starting The Idea The idea is to add many more types of mutants to the game and increase the amount in game. I want to add around 13 new types into the game. The Concept I came up with this idea after reading about how Super Mutants evolve in their lives from lowly regular all the way up to Behemoths. I have been obsessed with finding and killing super mutants ever since my first encounter. The Team: I am eliminating the team as I have no time to coordinate everyone anymore... Proof of Concept In the games no hierarchy of super mutants in fallout 3 is ever established but obviously since they travel in packs there is some. Many mods have already proved the addition of these new classes is possible. This mod proves addition of multiple mutant classes. This mod proves the ability to make extra-large mutants. Hierarchy: ****Missing from above 'Brutalizer'***** Obviously the Fuhrer is the leader and when a Mega class gets to the point it wants to try and run things the Mega class and Fuhrer have a fist fight to the death. What is done so far/ needs to be done: Titans: 100% Colonels: 100% Brutalizer: 100% Colossi: 100% Feuhrer: 50% Look is complete need to finish mesh then find somewhere for him to go. Mutant Stronghold: 1% Concept roughly planned Quest: 5% Planned; Brutalizer carrying note to start quest Everything else: 0% Any questions, ideas, comments, or concerns?