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Nexus Mods Profile

About Auoralegendx

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. CBBE. All we're using these kind of mods are for the ass 'n titties, and CBBE perfects that. Not to mention. more armor support.
  2. You said "it is being used by another process" ? Use a program called Unlocker and cut that process out. As for NMM, try this: 1) Run as Admin 2) Uninstall NMM and re-install 3) Delete the mod in NMM and download it again Also as qwertyzeldar said, have you used LOOT? If not, I HIGHLY recommend you use it as you will get little to no crashing.
  3. Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I nearly had the Marriage to work, however for some reason I lagged as if I was running WinXP.. I also tried using Console Commands to move Maramel to the center as he kept moving even though the marriage was about to start, but with no luck - the marriage STILL failed. Hey guys. So I wanted to marry Serana and I figured out you actually can't, so I installed a mod that allows you to marry Serana and so on. However, when you begin the "Attend your ceremony" quest & when you wait for 10 hours or so, the quest automatically fails. I've taken the time to solve this problem with various ways such as dismissing Serana right after the "Attend your ceremony" quest begins, sleeping in my own bed instead of waiting, or going to places like "Bee and Barb" and wait there, or even sitting in a bench at the Temple of Mara (ive looked around in the internet and this one person said its fixed just by sitting in a bench) but nothing really worked. One thing worth mentioning is when the first time I've tried to marry Serana with the mod, an Orc Necromancer interrupted the wedding which forced the Marriage to end, and I asked Serana for another chance & stuff and the same with Maramel. But when we did the Marriage again, this time it was the same person again. I've tried throwing the bodies downstairs, and that didn't work.. the marriage failed again. Another thing worth mentioning, even when I proposed to Serana, I still had the option "Interested in me, are you" to other people like Lydia, Aela, etc. Was this always part of the game or like..? And yet another thing worth mentioning, in the process of me trying to solve this major bug, the quests duplicate. I propose to Serana again, the quest begins, but when I talk to her again, the option "Interested in me, are you" is still there, and repeat. wat. And when I do the entire marriage process, it STILL failed. The quest duplicating thing (or bug) was solved when I reloaded to a save when I first asked Serana to marry me, and unfortunately the marriage still fails for no particular reason. So, any idea of the problem? The only idea I have is the Serana Mod is completely bugged and wasn't scripted right and so on. Another idea could be the Marriage Mod, but I'll leave that with your thoughts open here. Any help would be appreciated. Oh and yes, I have a heavily modded game and if needed I'll provide my entire load order.
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