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About thc002

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  1. bump, been looking for this for ages.
  2. tanks are evil, there should n´t be any of them anywhere.
  3. Im such a d**b clown, that I didn´t backup this time. :wallbash: Edit:I swear to everything, thats the day Im starting to hate STEAM. Never had problems with it before. But this time...
  4. Afaik, you even cant update your gpu, as u dont have a dedicated one at all.
  5. Hi Nexus folks, is there some workaround yet, to not lose the bindings when using two identical improved daggers (ie 2 sharpened daggers)? This bug annoys me so much, as I have to bind the keys again, every time I switch from the torch back to my 2 daggers. Thank you very much
  6. Yep its the same on the 560 TI by NVidia. No flickering without AO,but also much less ambient in the game.
  7. Can´t see it either.Strange. No update for me.
  8. Hi Nexus People, Im gonna start playing Morrowind for the first time this weekend and Im looking for a working mod-manager to order my downloaded mods for the game. It seems that the NMM doesn´t work with Morrowind, as the game is not supported (anymore?). Also the Morrowind Mod Manager is actually corrupted and not supported by its author anymore. Would it be an alternative to use the mods without any manager? I suppose, I would most definitely run into conflicts without sorting the load-order properly. Any Ideas? Thanks
  9. Please, let them be wrong. Just modded my game up, with almost perfect graphics for me and 32fps most of the time. I just can´t afford losing a single fps right now. :sick: Else I will have to stop playing. For real. Edit: Could someone paste the patch-notes? Cant find them on Bethblog.
  10. Just saw Steam made a download... Does anyone have the patch-notes???
  11. Hi my Nvidia Inspecor Skyrim profile is for some reason I dont know gone. Not reset, but gone. If I type "eld" in the search bar in the Inspector, all I see is Morrowind and Oblivion. I reinstalled the inspector, reset profiles in the nvidia controll-center, but nothing. Has anyone any Idea, how to get back the Skyrim Profile in the Inspector? Edit: fixed: reinstalled drivers
  12. Won´t patch either, until I read about some real improvements. Gonna stick with 1.1 till the day.
  13. no, they dont keep it check-marked, as the function still works perfectly without the check-mark.
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