i couldn't care less about ads and ranking system, but the endorsement and achievement system changes might impact the site in a veeery bad way and i reeeeeally don't think faster bandwidth is the solution for it. (or may not, who knows) now i say this because, you see, i'm one of the ppl who doesn't care about speeds. I have 1mb/ps connection (for downloading) and it's considered to be one of the fastest regular home connection in my country (also expensive) which i'm sure this situation applies to many many others out there. for years I've been a happy member of nexus. I've downloaded countless number of mods for many purposes. Some were just for the heck of it, some i can't live with out it. now i can tell; If you want more endorsement ratio for mods, first of all, cut the waiting time for the mod we've downloaded... say 30 minutes instead of 1 hour. Other than that if you overhaul the system, even if it is a golden advantage for the new mods, it'll be veeery complicated and unfair for older mods (especially for morrowind/oblivion ones i think) besides how many mods does ppl tends to run at the same time in their game and how many ppl needs 1,5mb/ps bandwidth limit is a very cheesy math. And vast majority of the popular mods is not bigger than 50mb. So Bandwidth speed variants doesn't really make any big difference. (maybe a minute or so?) also i can tell that bandwidth/upload/download restrictions are not welcome in any form for mod makers. See for yourself, " Interesting NPCs ", a Skyrim mod, and how they struggle with upload/download. it is a very popular and very well done mod but they are bottlenecked because of these kinds of things. i'm not sure if this is fair. so what do? suggestions? 1st) now, i'm no expert on these things but why don't you speed up only the mods that requires you to download certain amount of size ... say like 250-500mb. and this might be applied to the file of month and hot files section also. Also if a file/mod exceeds some certain endorsement requirement you might also provide extra bandwidth for it. Rest of the mods, all of them, are fine in my book. This would give ppl and mod makers alike, pleasant advantages. no? 2nd) I've been using services of a site called Grooveshark for a while now. that site has some optional surveys connected to their premium membership system. more surveys = more money = better membership = more content. simple. i don't see any reason why you wouldn't implement the same system to nexus for people who can't pay for various reasons and wants ad-free & faster speed experience. Win-win. Think about it.