I have been using Nexus for mods for about 3 to 4 years now, back when all we had for oblivion was the oblivion mod manager. NMM is 1000 times more effective then oblivion mod manager at the time, and even wyre bash in some cases ( just because it is more simple to use then wyre bash). Sounds to me a lot of the complaining seems to be from the newer members, who need to understand there is risk to install and uninstall mods all the time. I cant tell you how many characters i lost to corrupted files. However, most of the time it was because of my own incompetence, not the modders, not the people at nexus, and not skyrim it's self. If you download and install a mod, and things get ruined, then that is on you. You made the choice to download, no one made it for you. I didn't at first, but now i always read the readme, installation guide, see how many files need to be updated, and read comments about any recent problems, not the modder's comments, the users who use the mod. Even after i do those things, and have issues, then i look over everything i did and backtrack, making sure i did what i needed to. If I still cant get my game to work, I uninstall and try all over again, however, blaming others is the last thing i do, and i have yet to find an instance where is was someone else's fault. People need to stop getting so upset. These mods are free services people do on their own free time. Just be happy they are willing to share them with all of us.