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Everything posted by erszebet
Yeah, it seems if you attack and kill evil characters unprovoked you get good karma. Which makes no sense to me, an unprovoked attack is an unprovoked attack, doesn't matter how nice the person you just murdered is :P
Peggy Lee. Google is your friend.
Seeing as how the original poster was banned for piracy related posts I doubt he bought anything. Haha, touché. Still though, there's enough games of chance online, some of them with real money - why get a game as big as NV and only play it for the casinos? I guess we'll never know... :C
Is there a way to change your characters looks?
erszebet replied to Hejo's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
If you're on the PC, then using the console command "showracemenu" (without quotes) should do it. Dunno if there's any way to do it in-game, but I've not explored a whole lot yet. -
Man who buys an RPG / shooter exclusively for the gambling? :I
From what I've seen, even noCD cracks, which are legal, are verboten here. I think the ruling is that it's too easy to stray into illegal stuff if people are discussing noCD cracks.
How do i apply the ingame weapon mods to a weapon?
erszebet replied to Sleepytime's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Find your weapon in the inventory press the "mod" button job done :I It's basically the same as repairing from your inventory screen. -
Uhh, yeah you can. There's an offline mode.
Surplus Ammo? Creating special ammo? Fail!
erszebet replied to dookieboy's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Don't you have to use a reloading table? IDK :X -
Really annoying bug when trying to get into NCSCF
erszebet replied to erszebet's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Nevermind, fixed it by turning off the AI in the console and just walking past. Lock, please! -
So I'm trying to do the "My Kinda Town" mission, and I'm looking into finding the potential sheriff at the Correctional Facility. When I approach the gate in Powder Ganger gear, I get stopped by a guy named Dawes who says that he knows he never served with a woman, but he'll let me in if I give him 100 caps. I gave him the 100 caps, but as soon as I try to walk past, he pulls a gun on me and starts shooting! At first I thought it was because I had Ed-E following me, so I got the robot to wait outside while I tried again, and he still shot at me when I tried to go past. What should I do? I really want to avoid going in guns blazing, but if this keeps bugging out I might not have an option :/
No Repair Needed Mod for New vegas ?
erszebet replied to lorka85's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Not realistic? Uuuh. Weapons don't last forever IRL, fella. -
STEAM? REALLY? I'm out - how about you
erszebet replied to ICERAY2000's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Not needed, no, but it's helpful to be able to get help from people or look stuff up without leaving the game. Oh please, what nefarious things are they going to do with the knowledge of how long you played Audiosurf? And how paranoid do you have to be to think that anyone saying "This program is good!" is part of the marketing team? You're doing some wicked straw-clutching (and pearl-clutching) to try and paint the program as some Orwellian horror. About the only valid complaint you just gave was that the install should be optional. -
STEAM? REALLY? I'm out - how about you
erszebet replied to ICERAY2000's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Wait, what? I don't understand this thread at all. None of the complaints make sense! As FoolyCooly said; you can run Steam in offline mode, so the complaint about "needing to be online" is ridiculous. And you can still mod the game, so I'm failing to see how the second question in the poll is even tangentially related to Steam vs standalone play. One of the only real problems I've heard of with Steam is that since it obviously entails extra processes versus standalone, it can cause slowdown on older computers. That said... as far as I know, any machine that can run FO3 should have few difficulties running NV, so if you're really running a heap that can't manage what is essentially a two-year-old game, get an upgrade. What exactly has steam done to "kill [people's] interest", or is it just by having the temerity to exist? Edit Also Dark0ne is full of truthliness: Steam has done a lot to energise the PC gaming genre. It's made games infinitely more accessible - there's a lot of games you just can't find physical copies of that you can still get on Steam - beyond Good Old Games, I can't think of anything else that does that - and it makes it much easier to try new games. Not to mention: the sales. Oh my goodness. I'm still getting warm fuzzies when I remember this year's Summer Sale. -
... are you talking about nude mods or something? If you're not smart enough to find them, I doubt you're old enough to be using them~ <3
You know what really grinds my gears?
erszebet replied to WeissYohji's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Well alright, my railing about amber perhaps isn't justified, but I stand by the glass thing. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt to amber anyway because it just looks so cool. I really am that shallow. -
What armor or clothing would you like to see in oblivion?
erszebet replied to GodKingVivec's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Thanks for this! I'll have to have a proper look at these tomorrow, but I've bookmarked for now. Hopefully I can find some that behave with Robert's body mods. -
You know what really grinds my gears?
erszebet replied to WeissYohji's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
I've always been annoyed at the argument that because fantastic things happen in fantasy games (shocking, I know!) that they're allowed to have gaping plotholes or inconsistent ideas or unexplained dodgy physics. What you're confusing is the difference between something being convincing and something being realistic. Nobody's really asking for realism in a fantasy game, that wouldn't make any sense -- rather, people raising these issues want the gameworld to be consistent and convincing. I can suspend disbelief enough for me to accept the existence of Daedra and magic and Oblivion gates in-game, but that's completely different to characters who are essentially human not behaving that way. All fantasy and sci-fi has a human element, even if we're talking about non-human races; they have to behave in a believable and human way, or it completely breaks immersion because you stop being able to relate to these characters. If Jauffre offered some kind of justification for his trust, or if you had to really gain his trust and prove your aptitude, it would be convincing. As it is, you give him a story, and his approximate response is "Oh, alright then. There is no reason for you to be lying." He's absolutely and instantly trusting, despite the sudden and mysterious death of the Emperor and most of his heirs - don't you think that would make people more suspicious? Wouldn't you, in that position, assume that something was up, and the person suddenly appearing with this story of the circumstances of the King's death could be a fraud, or could even be directly involved with the coup? The convincing vs. realistic thing comes up with the item names, too. I can accept magical items made from tortured souls given form, because that's utterly a fantastic happening with no basis in reality, and it's consistent with the fantasy setting. Even the amber thing makes sense up to a point, provided you remain in the Shivering Isles; nothing in the Shivering Isles makes much sense, and so most things are pretty justifiable there - pretty much anything that happens is meant to be at the will of Sheogorath. Telling me however that glass (or amber) is malleable enough to make a bow out of in "the real world" part of the game? Not even. Unless there's a specific explanation given in game or in the lore that explains how this is possible, it's never going to ring true. So, I dunno, if it was explained that the amber found in the Shivering Isles was especially malleable due to, well, Sheogorath, and it maintained these properties on Tamriel? Fine. If it was explained that the glass wasn't really glass but a similar substance named for its similarity, as a colloquialism? Fine. But leaving it unexplained, or giving explanations that don't fill all the gaps, makes it less convincing. (Holy run on sentences, Batman! Hope I'm reasonably understandable x: ) -
Whoa whoa whoa. Don't move the game out of the Steamapps folder, or it definitely won't behave properly in Steam. What Smooth613 is telling you to do is uninstall Steam and reinstall it in a different directory. If you want to move a program - any program, your best bet is to uninstall it and then reinstall it in a new directory. Just moving the files will cause all sorts of headaches.
You may as well ask "Why isn't Oblivion a rhythm game?" or "Why isn't Oblivion an RTS?" The answer is: because Bethesda didn't make it one. Or am I being obtuse? I can't say I'd want to see Oblivion as an MMO, but a co-op game in the vein of Borderlands would be interesting. It'd be like having a companion mod but without quite as many instances of accidentally killing your party -- unless you're really, really bad.
Well... yeah, obviously. Not much of a "discovery" there. I'm pretty sure if you actually own the game, things like No-CD cracks are legal too, and they're pretty easy to find.
What armor or clothing would you like to see in oblivion?
erszebet replied to GodKingVivec's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Ferryt, we're friends now, okay? :P The only problem I've had with Robert's mod so far is that on women, the dremora textures I'm using are a bit buggy. There's minor seams on the shoulders and since AlienSlof redid the face textures for her male dremora, there's a really bad seam on the neck. It's no big deal since I usually wear fairly covering armour, but it can be a little annoying when I'm wearing light arena raiments, for example. I don't mean to make a value judgement about the body replacers / armours that are more erotic, reading my post again I did seem pretty snarky. It's just a bit of a berserk button for me, I guess! I also have a big thing about armour having to at least be convincingly functional. I got into an argument on another forum just this morning about armour for a male character that had the stomach exposed. Um, what? Is he really not that fond of his intestines or something? :P Back on topic: I'd really like some more stealth-type armour in the vein of the Dark Brotherhood getup, preferably with nicer stats. The Dark Brotherhood armour is pretty damn classy looking, but at higher levels it's not really holding up too well. Also more armour in general for Roberts mods, I can't seem to find many :c -
I'm using a pretty nice Dremora Mortal mod. It's lore-breaking, but heck, Bethesda messed around with enough lore to make Oblivion that I'm letting it slide :P You can get it here if you want. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.detail&id=1707 It's a nicer Dremora mod than most; a lot tend to make them very weird and angular looking. The default textures are still pretty nasty though, I had to download AlienSlof's Dremora textures to make them look prettier, and some bodymods to get the textures to work on men and women.
What armor or clothing would you like to see in oblivion?
erszebet replied to GodKingVivec's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
The chainmail bikini look drives me mental, too, and it does seem to be more common than functional armour. I'm not sure this is the place for me to get on my soapbox about gender, so I'll refrain... I'll just leave it at "this annoys me". I'd much rather have functional armour for my characters than having them look like they've stepped out of some lonely fourteen year old's hentai folder :/ It's not like I want aforementioned mods to disappear but... man, just having a chance to find decent female armour mods amongst all the HURR HURR LEWK BEWBIES!!1 ones would be refreshing. I'd hardly call robert's mod "mannish" either, it just doesn't look like a blowup doll :/