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About bizzclaw

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  1. I know this is super late, and I hate to necro a thread this old, but I could not for the life of me find any solution, so I experimented for a while and I found out what causes this. As it turns out, Jean will only attack if he has an AER9 equipped, I had this issue because I had a mod that added some classic fallout weapons, namely the wattz 2000 to the leveled list, and he spawned with it instead of the AER9. I fixed it by saving before entering the building and reloading that save until he spawned with an AER9, I tested it multiple times and every time he spawns with the wattz, it doesn't work, but if he has the AER9, he always fires. Again, sorry about the necro, but I hope this helps someone.
  2. I know this is a bit of an odd question, but it's important for someone who wants to make edits to the movement animations (like me). Anyways, does this method preserve the root bone's "movement" through the scene that the animation system uses to determine the models walkframes(? - Not sure what the term is for Creation/Gamebryo, but that's what it's called in source at least). In case you're not sure what I mean because I'm not very good at explaining stuff like this, here's a video of what I'm talking about from an oblivion animation. The reason I'm so concerned about this is because the tools released for Skyrim did not support this, and you had to manually re-create the movement. (which is a pain) Thanks.
  3. Alright thanks. That's what I thought when I skimmed over the file and I noticed he lack of any thing that looks like the name of the bones. Regardless, you're making good progress, so great work so far! I'm excited to see a project involving this so active. Really looking forward to making some great things using it.
  4. Nice! What can we do with the XML files currently? Should we just try exporting and importing random animations to/from Fallout 4 to see if they work for testing purposes?
  5. Thanks for answering my question, I've been trying to import animations from Fallout 4 in to 3DS max ever since the game came out. I'm sorry you have to go through so much just to figure it out. Anyways, maybe you could take a look at what highflex was trying to do, he was able to convert HKX files to FBX, but only ones that where in a 32bit. You could convert them with the Havok SDK tools, but like it's been stated before, most hkx skeleton files don't open in the Havok SDK tools because because of file size, so you can't convert any character animation yet. Highflex is working on it, but he's working on a game, so I haven't heard from him in a while.
  6. Will this eventually work in a way similarly to HKXCMD, where we'll be able to run it through the Fallout 4 meshes directory and export animation files to a separate directory?
  7. Is there anything we can do if we don't have the tools to convert the hkx files in to there 32bit versions? I can no longer obtain the tools as the program allowing developers to try the SDK has "concluded". Perhaps you could write a quick batch that converts all of the hkx files in the Actors folder and all of it's subfolders to there 32bit counterpart and distribute it as a pack if that's possible. Thanks for getting a tool like this done already, I can't wait to do great things with animation tools. Oh, and Merry Christmas! EDIT Okay, I was able to get my hands on a development kit I had on my old hard drive and I've been able to open animations with it. Still, I'm not quite sure how I should go about making them in to 32Bit hkx files, I've tried exporting them in a variety of ways from the ToolStandAlone.exe. (Which I thought would just be a command line, but it's actually a previewing utility) Anyways, whenever I open an animation saved with the tool by using >havok2fbx.exe -hk_anim WPNEquip_x32.hkx the program apparently crashes. I'm able to load the skeleton fine though and all I did was open the skeleton and save it with the program with all of the default settings. Is it an issue with specific animations, or do I have to save the animations in a certain way?
  8. I feel like that if done right, modders get actually get more money from donations on the nexus than this "addition" to the steam workshop. I already posted about this in the comments section of the Nexus News post, but I feel like it's a really good idea and I want to share it with everyone. All it would take a simple sort of "Stretch Goal" system. Complex features that would otherwise not be possible could be implemented if a target amount of money is donated. This would mean that Modders would still be getting paid for their hard work and improving upon their mod while still allowing it to be accessed by everyone freely. Perhaps the current stretch goal progress could be displayed on a donation page. It could also display contributors to the mod, with those who donate high amounts appearing at the op. This is still ultimately a donation and not a purchase of goods because the person paying is not directly paying for goods or services, and purely a donation meaning that the modder would get 100% of the money from donations made using this system. I also know that the moderators of the nexus are competent enough to clamp down on any content theft without permission (They already do!) so it's doubtful that there would be any severe issues involving content being stolen.
  9. Maybe you could set up a sort of "stretch goal system" on that donation box you mentioned? Mod authors can promise to implement new features when a certain amount of money is donated. This would mean that mod authors could make money for their work and the quality of there mod would improve, while still being free and fully fledged for everyone. It's a win-win in every way! Except for Bethesda and Valve, who wouldn't making any money off of these donations, in fact, base don the outragous pay division, modders would probably make mroe from donations with a stretch goal system than they would using the workshop. :P
  10. I don't understand why a modding site is getting attacked. This is obviously a website built for doing nothing but enriching it's user's experience. Do you guys even make that much profit off of this?When I see the nexus it doesn't come across as something very profitable, you guys are just doing it for the same reason I run a gaming community, because you want too. I don't see what's so bad about that, yet that doesn't stop us from being attacked. I've had my servers and website attacked on numerous occasions in the form of viruses and a multitude of Ddos. While it may not be to the scale at which your problem is, I can kind of understand and see how frustrating this could be to you. I personally think this is just a sign that you're successful, for if you where not you wouldn't be such a a target. In the mean time, I'm going to renew my premium membership to help you guys out because this honestly sucks.
  11. I got a new graphics card and I was really looking forward to actually being able to max out skyrim with Superb. Now it's been hidden for a while and I'm not very confident it's going to be unhidden. Darn.
  12. Thanks for this forum post! Got my custom hairs to work, and I was beginning to fear I was the only one who used Lightwave these days.
  13. Found the problem, apparently Magic duels ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18763 ) Was causing this problem to occur, however this problem was being experienced a long time ago, and is fixed now.
  14. Well someone did make the Insane Black Rock shooter armor for Oblivion Here: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/25871 it says that you can do whatever with it as long as credit is given to the uploader and the people he mentions in his description. Now I don't know much about rigging for the Gamebryo engine, but it is a start, it just needs to be rigged to the Skyrim skeleton... I think.
  15. So about a while ago, I decided I wanted to get back in to Skyrim. I wanted to make a new character because I wanted to try a bunch of new things, and make new decisions that I passed up in my first play through. Now after a long time of playing, eventually something started to bug me. At first I didn't think much of it, but it then made Skyrim completely unplayable. It started with a confusing session in Belethor's shop. I wanted to sell him some of my extremely heavy dragon bones, but when I talked to him, curiously, the speech options "What do you have for sale?" was gone. I did some fast traveling around, and sure enough, the story was the same for EVERY trader in the world. I was about to travel to Riften, but I hadn't gotten there in the save, so I decided to buy a horse, but it got worse... I payed 1000gold for the horse and when I approached it and hit the action key, "e" I went in to third person, my character froze in place, but instead of pulling herself up on top of the horse, she stood there. Eventually I regained control, but I wasn't on my horse. I tried to mount the horse again, and again but to no avail. Aggravated I decided I would walk to Riften, but I wanted to get myself a better shield. the steel one I had sort of sucked and I had enough materials for an Elven shield at that point (My character wasa ligth armor user). When I approached the forge however, the same thing happened as with the horse. I stood there and then regained control. I uninstalled all of my mods, and played in Vanilla just to see what would happen;no change. I searched Google endlessly for answers; nothing. I uninstalled the game, deleted every trace of it from my computer (except the save file) and unsubscribed from all steam mods and re installed it. No change. I gave up. About a month later, I decided to start again. I made a completely new character and I added a few mods for aesthetics, Skyhair, mystic armor ect. and made a new character. No problems. However after playing with this character for a full week with no problems whatsoever, suddenly I walked up to an ore vein and I attempted to mine it... and low and behold, my character stood there...frozen..doing nothing..and then I regained control...Traders didn't have the dialogue option and forges and horses where also broken... All I have to say is... What? I'm not using any mods known to do this, and a lot of the mods I had on my last save aren't being used either.. I added no mods before this happened, It happened after a certain amount of time on two different characters. Any help would be appreciated.
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