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Everything posted by GimmeBackMyMoney

  1. Really appreciate your help here. The notes on invisible factions on the page you linked me are interesting and presents a possible lead. I might go through all edits made on Legion and NCR factions/characters and see if I find anything. I may have inadvertently merged/incorporated edits which are causing the early triggering of the quests. Like you, I usually leave Benny until I've done all anti-Legion quests unless I'm happy to commit to being enemies (which I can take for this playthrough). I'll report back if I identify anything.
  2. Thanks again for replying, much appreciated. I'll give that a go tomorrow evening and report back if anything changes.
  3. I've seen bugs with "Beware The Wrath of Caesar" pop up in various forum threads, but for me, both of the ultimatum quests fire prematurely the moment I gain enough negative reputation. I noticed it in testing and in a moment of complacency and possible idiocy, I chalked it down to an unusual quirk of playing in God Mode. Unfortunately, with my current playthrough, I started to worry something broke when I didn't get approached by Vulpes after confronting Benny. It turns out I failed the Legion ultimatum quest long, long ago (specifically after freeing the NCR captives from Techatticup). A bit of quick NCR killing got a similar result, with me failing "Don't Tread on the Bear" before getting Crocker's note. So I fire up my usual friend, FNVEdit, loaded with all my active plugins (a full list can be found here: https://pastebin.com/mdSP6ykB). I check the quests and scripts... and nothing makes a single change to them. Now, for this playthrough, I am happy to cut my losses (there's no way of rolling back the quest anyway). I usually like to keep the Legion branch open, converse with Caesar after hearing his list of things I've done to screw him over, chat to him and follow that with Arcade's priceless reaction, complete mandatory story quests without having to fight and generally mill around The Fort. What I've never actually done is storm the Fort and kill everyone (seriously, I've maybe done it once and only to experiment with something?), and now I'll have to in order to progress with the House, NCR and Indie storylines. Fair enough, I'll just make sure myself and Boone are equipped with Power Armor and plenty of heavy firepower; the fact I'm playing as a female makes this all the more awesome and poetic. But I DON'T want this for future characters, putting me at an impasse. The only initial lead is Enhanced NPC Awareness. It's an awesome mod, but it has also created lots of strange quirks, like NPCs not resetting their AI after combat and neutral parties turning hostile if I kill a mutated creature in their vicinity (it's happened with an entire Powder Ganger camp and Primm Slim; they must love their giant insects). I guess the only surefire way to check for a link is load an earlier save with the mod disabled, kill a bunch of legion scum and see if the quest fires. But I also wanted to ask if anyone else has encountered this with much frequency with possible fixes? A quick search on the forums doesn't seem to return much. Sadly, if the issue persists, I might go with a mod that disables those quests altogether (I'm not keen on the idea, but at least it lets me clear quests without pissing any factions off for good, and it's by far the easiest solution). Thanks for reading this far!
  4. I thought, at the very least, I owe some update. As a starting point, I went with your suggestions, but there are no mentions with BBD or OWB Path Lights of any odd visual effects, and disabling ENboost didn't seem to do anything. What I did observe was the effect going away during certain events relating to a change in the user interface. Specifically: Pressing and holding Grab or Crouch, which is what you need to do to adjust the Fatigue and Strain indicators added by Arwen. I checked the scripts for the two HUD quests and noticed DisablePlayerControl commands for when the keys are held down. Of course, the effect returns when I release the keys. This ONLY works when outdoors; if I get the effect indoors (usually traversing to an interior while the effect is in place), that doesn't happen. However, saving and loading while in an interior helps, and that's if the effect doesn't fade out by itself. Interacting with Lunette and bringing up her unique companion menu. Once the menu fades of its own accord or by facing away from Lunette, the effect returns. However, this doesn't seem to get me any closer to the possible cause. Thankfully, though it's been an occasional hindrance, it hasn't made gameplay impossible. I was still able to fully complete OWB and the effect DOESN'T persist when I travel back to the Mojave.
  5. I forgot to mention I'm using ENBoost, which may or may not be a factor. I'll investigate the two aforementioned mods and let you know if/once I've found the cause. Many thanks for giving me a starting point.
  6. With this playthrough, I've experienced something unusual whenever in close vicinity of the Think Tank. It's as if light sources bloom to an extreme, resulting in the effect seen in attachment dump1.jpg. Once this occurs, the only way I can navigate the world is using Project Nevada's heat vision, as in dump2.jpg. This change persists if I go into the Think Tank or Sink, but I can quicksave and it goes away on load. This is not instantaneous, so I usually have enough time to fast travel away from the Think Tank, or travel indoors before it gets worse. If I'm quick enough to get away before bloom reaches full intensity, I get something like in dump3.jpg. When I'm far enough from the Think Tank, whether indoors or outdoors, I occasionally get a nightvision effect for a period of time as seen in dump4.jpg. This effect fades over time, or if another image space modifier is used. At the moment, I'm stumped as to what's causing this. Disabling Nevada Skies, Interior Lighting Overhaul and OWB Path Lighting doesn't change a thing, whether this is done before or after starting OWB. FNVEdit doesn't seem to return anything either (I've gone through the records in OldWorldBlues.esm changed by mods in my load order which I think are likeliest to cause this effect, including the Big MT worldspace), so I'm lost. My most recent load order can be found here (shows active only, but there 108 plugins in total including inactives): https://pastebin.com/mdSP6ykB Does anyone have any other starting points I can go with to find the root cause of this issue? In the meantime, I'm doing a search on FNVEdit with all loaded plugins again, since I may have missed something. Note: I don't use Project Nevada overlays, and this persisted even after turning off Arwen's visual effects. Cheers.
  7. Yeah, my understanding was you never put a space in between else and if, I guess I didn't think much of it this time because it got past the GECK's syntax checks. That NP++ feature will come in handy so thanks for linking that, dubious. Thank you both for the help.
  8. ...and it's worked a treat. You're a champ, thanks for pointing that out. I couldn't remember whether or not you were supposed to put a space in between them, and assumed it would be parsed as the same as long as the "else" and "if" are on the same line because I never got any GECK errors. Now I'll have to go through all other scripts I've created and edited, but this will explain some of the peculiar behaviour I've encountered. Thanks again!
  9. I made some changes to the Water Purifier script from Tales From The Burning Sands (a copy of the entire script can be found here: https://pastebin.com/LMiBDS5Z). This was to get it to work with Arwen's as well as purify irradiated water. I want to draw attention to this block under OnActivate: if PurInstalled == 0 if player.getitemcount IrradiatedWaterUnpurified >= 4 player.removeitem IrradiatedWaterUnpurified 4 1 player.additem ArwenEmptyDirtyWaterBottle 3 aaq1waterspray.enable set x1 to 1 else if player.getitemcount ArwenWaterDirty >= 3 player.removeitem ArwenWaterDirty 3 1 player.additem ArwenEmptyDirtyWaterBottle 2 aaq1waterspray.enable set x1 to 1 else if player.getitemcount WaterUnpurifiedHalf >= 4 player.removeitem WaterUnpurifiedHalf 4 1 player.additem ArwenEmptyGoodWaterBottle 3 aaq1waterspray.enable set x1 to 1 else if player.getitemcount WaterUnpurified >= 2 player.removeitem WaterUnpurified 2 1 player.additem ArwenEmptyGoodWaterBottle 1 aaq1waterspray.enable set x1 to 1 endif endif When I have at least three ArwenWaterDirty in my inventory, this block executes properly. However, if I have no ArwenWaterDirty and any number of Good Waters (base game's Dirty/Unpurified Water), the code ALWAYS executes the second if block i.e. I get two empty dirty water bottles while the amount of Good Water remains unchanged, INSTEAD of getting a single empty good water bottle and having the total count of Good Water decrementing by 2. I added a few debug lines to the second block to print out how many ArwenWaterDirty I have and it returns 0, yet it would appear this condition is evaluating as true regardless. Could anyone help me, even if it involves making me look stupid and pointing out an obvious error I've made? Because it's driving me batty. Thanks in advance.
  10. I would be dead stoked for an SCP Foundation mod.
  11. I think for this, you would have to edit the original texture file in a program like PhotoShop or Gimp. Both of these are capable of reading DDS files with a plugin. You can also try paint.NET which is not as powerful as the other two, but is easy to navigate and would suffice for this exact job.
  12. Sorry for the double-post, here's the PasteBIn link to my load order with the odd annotation: https://pastebin.com/EMJJtDn7 And after some further experimentation, halving the DR reduction of AP rounds to 15 lowered the damage overall of AP rounds, though it doesn't explain how they still manage to land shots of nearly 200 on the torso of a fully grown Deathclaw. It crossed my mind it had something to do with negative DR, but I altered the Deathclaw Toughness effect to also give them some DR (enough to so that a -15 DR effect isn't enough to negate it). It makes me wonder if the DR ammo modifiers somehow affect weapon damage as well as damage resistance. If that's the case, and there's no real workaround short of removing the effect entirely, that would be disappointing since I was hoping to add some more variety to ammo through DR effects (e.g. 10mm rounds plink but their power allows them to punch more easily through DR than with other handgun rounds, and it's the converse for the .45 Auto).
  13. EDIT: Sorry, just realised I've not posted my load order, which is of little help. I'm at work, but will definitely get onto that later. And the IMPACT version I'm running is the compatibility patch that uses real-time scripting to apply the appropriate effects, rather than make hard edits. So lately, I've faced a couple of issues I have not been able to find any definitive answers for. Also, I apologise if this is meant to be in the troubleshooting forum, but it relates to a personal mod and not an existing one. Anyhow, the first issue relates to nested form lists, in particular, repair lists. If I add a form list X to a repair list RepairY for weapon Y and test this in-game, I find am unable to use the items in X to repair Y. For example, to save myself some work, I allowed cross-repairing between the different knife types and only edited the Knife repair list; the Combat/Bowie repair lists now just have the Knife repair list added to their respective repair lists. However, I am unable to repair bowie knives with standard and combat knives. Of course, I could just use the knife repair list for the other weapons but that's besides the point. This is because I updated the Baseball Bat repair list to include wooden items, but then added that to the repair lists for weapons with wooden components, instead of adding the wooden items to each individual list. I can't find anything to indicate why this is happening. My second issue relates to ammo effects that affect damage resistance, and a peculiarity with 5.56mm AP rounds after applying custom effects. Current info banks like the GECK wikis (official and fan-made) aren't particularly clear on the mechanics of DR ammo effects. Anyhow, I added DR to my game and a flat DR reduction to many armor-piercing rounds to accompany their DT negation effects (and halved existing DT effects). For the 5.56mm AP round in particular, it now has -8 DT and -30 DR modifiers alongside the usual damage penalty (which has been made slightly steeper by changing it from x0.95 to x0.9, and I've considered lowering that further due to the sheer power of AP rounds). However, with the help of BLIND, I find that scoring headshots with AP rounds drastically increases the shot's damage. For example, my CFW LSW does standard damage when I hit a Deathclaw torso, but then scores non-crits at over 300 the moment I land a headshot. This occurs with any 5.56mm weapon and only with the AP rounds, but I have reason to believe this would be an issue with other AP rounds with similar modifiers. Obviously, I don't want this. AP rounds are meant to be useful and even critical against tough opponents like Deathclaws and hardened robots, but not overpowered. I can't for the life of me work out why the damage is shooting up. I've checked localised damage and it's only a 2x multiplier for super mutant/deathclaw heads. I'm also running Project Nevada's feature where headwear is required for full protection against headshots, but I'm unsure how that would have any effect, especially on account of this being a quirk with AP rounds only (and setting the universal headshot multiplier in the script to 3). This leads me to think the DR ammo effect is what's causing the issue, but little info available, I can't verify this. Would anyone be able to shed light on either of my issues? Thanks in advance.
  14. That's awesome, thanks Ladez! That's something I hadn't considered and I have quite a few GameMode scripts with multiple If conditions, so this is definitely useful to know.
  15. Not sure on answering your original question completely, but you can definitely simplify that code block to: if Character1.GetDead && Character2.GetDead && Character3.GetDead setStage QUEST 20 setObjectiveCompleted QUEST 21 1 setObjectiveDisplayed QUEST 30 1 endif That way, the code within the block will only execute if all three are dead. So far, multiple conditions are the only way I know of doing this, though I wonder if anyone could suggest a way of doing this with JIP's NVSE extended functions.
  16. ...not to mention, the Bozar (which was originally intended to be a heavy sniper rifle) is based on the Barrett M82, and then you've also got the G11 and the XL70E3 (SA80/Enfield L85 series). That's also why the Fallout Tactics weapons in CFWNV don't at all bother me. Fallout 2, touted as the best game in the series and a centrepiece for Fallout lore, has plenty of modern weapons (and for that matter, silly elements, but I don't want to digress). I'd totally use WotNM but I'm close to completing my personal mod with my custom tweaks. With all the balancing I've done with CFW, PN Equipment, WMX Modern and some of Decer's SWP weapons AND the changes I've made to the respective weapon spawns having re-integrated many into the game, throwing yet another weapon pack into the mix would be a nightmare for me. But who knows, I might cave one day. That pack is VERY tempting. To answer OP directly, straight from the mod page: " It was designed from the ground up to enable the community to make their own support patches, compatibility patches, or to complement it with their own mods as a resource. An emphasis was put on compatibility and modularity, so hopefully we succeeded in this area." It doesn't seem likely.
  17. I can't remember what it's called, but I also use a performance ENB (no visual effects, just helps further reduce lag) which has helped for me. I'll be back once I have access to my downloaded files (on my work break at the mo) with a name, hopefully it's still hosted on the Nexus.
  18. I don't use TTW so I wouldn't be able to tell, and I could be wrong about the WMX DLC patch (I thought the WMX-made records were so that non-DLC users had access to the Battle Rifle and .223 Pistol, I know that the former was meant to be in the game at some point). But in that case, you would have to make your own patch and ensure it's at the bottom of the load order. It's easy to copy a record into a new file in FNVEdit. And yes, the reverse is possible; you can replace the GRA records with the WMX versions if you prefer. Failing that, you could also remove the GRA tag entirely from the weapon name (though you will still have two separate records for the same weapon).
  19. You will need to identify which levelled lists are adding the unwanted duplicates to your game. You can do this in FNVEdit by selecting the duplicate weapon and checking the Referenced By tab - this will show all the records that use the weapon record. Copy those records to a new plugin, and then replace references to the duplicate with the original. For example, with the Battle Rifle and .223 Pistol, you would just replace those references with the GRA records. I presume you're using WMX? There's a DLC Merged patch that should address the issue with the duplicate GRA weapons.
  20. I enjoy using shotguns against many low-end mutants. Even cazadores take a fair bit from the Hunting Shotgun from a distance if you have the appropriate perk.
  21. Sonic Unleashed/Generations, Psychonauts, Deus Ex, Beyond Good and Evil, Final Fantasy 6, Timesplitters 2 and FEAR all have superb soundtracks.
  22. My all-time favourite is definitely JC Denton. Others I happen to love: Jade (Beyond Good and Evil) Loxley and Marcus (Fallout 1 and 2) Mr House, Veronica and Dr Mobius (Fallout: New Vegas) Zidane Tribal and Freya Crescent (FF9) On a somewhat related note, characters I dislike the most: Squall and Zell (FF8) Ashley Graham (RE4) First Citizen Lynette (Fallout 2)
  23. Probably Sonic 2006. I'm one of the very few who enjoyed Shadow The Hedgehog.
  24. I'll get a PS2 at some point in the future. TS2 is one of the reasons why. I used to play it round friends' places and I love the soundtrack/
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