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About Archadeas

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  1. thanks for showing the axe, as for the armor, i guess oh well, heh.
  2. That's not the armor I want, I want the Dungeons and dragons style of Blackguard Armor.
  3. I want an armor like this for a mod that I am working on, I am not very useful at making new meshes and textures. http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/DnD_InWorksApril_Blackguard.jpg Maybe this axe too. http://www.globalgear.com.au/images/coc22.jpg
  4. I am not that experienced with scripting and it doesn't seem that any group or modder has taken tot he mod.
  5. A delay and set scale script would work in theory.
  6. I was thinking more like. --Good-- Blue, Gold, and Silver/White colors lion might be good, but an eagle or hammer would be more appropriate there are already churches to the nine --Evil-- Red and black colors with an axe or sword symbol. I think that it would be more appropriate to have grave yard buildings, like crypts as buildings The guilds would be good.
  7. Tyrant sounds like a good one, I wants parts for both sides and try to make differences. I also thought that a grave yard would be a nice addition to the evil side but i need something for good, any ideas?
  8. The idea is unique and possible to make, all it requires is a delay script, a replacing script, and a creating script. The only other thing would be the NPCs made in the CS.
  9. I like the forging guild idea, that might add a little more to the mod, if the other member is already creating it, he may use this mod if he so chooses.
  10. That might be fun, you can become a count if your good, then we need an equal title for the evil, evil tends to want to take over, not join the good.
  11. Its me but the thread went dead very fast, and as others said, it would have been better to post it here. Oh and the gold and silver bar meshes work great, I have everything but a working script done for this mod, though I added about 30 different metals and elements and some of them could have had better textures.
  12. I have been looking for a forging or crafting mod that allows you to break unwanted weapons and armor down into base components and then reforge into a wanted Items. It should be a simple mod to make but Not taken into consideration, The mods I see mostly deal with making bars based on the objects worth, which come in 100,000s when you reach the later points in game and become annoying. My idea is to have the bars made by its weight, having the bars weigh 1lb each. I am going for a more realistic forging mod. I was getting tired of getting 13,850 bars for one set of Daedric armor, its more realistic to get 162 bars. Example: Iron Shortsword weighs 8lbs so it would make, at max, 8 bars. Prices for Bars: Iron - 1 Gold Steel - 1 Gold Silver - 3 Gold Dwarven - 5 Gold Elven - 10 Gold Glass - 15 Gold Mithril - 20 Gold Orcish - 20 Gold Ebony - 30 Gold Daedric - 45 Gold The price of the bars are less then the armor and weapons they make. Armorer 25 - 100% lost to waste, 25% salvaged 50 - 50% lost to waste, 50% salvaged 75 - 25% lost to waste, 75% salvaged 100 - No waste in making, 100% of material salvaged
  13. I like the idea for a family mod, it would be realistic to have a family, have set aging stages for children, maybe even be able to marry npcs. It would also be more realistic to have a larger population in cities, towns and even have children playing around in town. Also it would be interesting to have the children grow up and become fighters and companions for the game.
  14. Is anyone willing to at least look at this mod? All it would need is a decent quest line and i believe it would become a nice mod.
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