I have been looking for a forging or crafting mod that allows you to break unwanted weapons and armor down into base components and then reforge into a wanted Items. It should be a simple mod to make but Not taken into consideration, The mods I see mostly deal with making bars based on the objects worth, which come in 100,000s when you reach the later points in game and become annoying. My idea is to have the bars made by its weight, having the bars weigh 1lb each. I am going for a more realistic forging mod. I was getting tired of getting 13,850 bars for one set of Daedric armor, its more realistic to get 162 bars. Example: Iron Shortsword weighs 8lbs so it would make, at max, 8 bars. Prices for Bars: Iron - 1 Gold Steel - 1 Gold Silver - 3 Gold Dwarven - 5 Gold Elven - 10 Gold Glass - 15 Gold Mithril - 20 Gold Orcish - 20 Gold Ebony - 30 Gold Daedric - 45 Gold The price of the bars are less then the armor and weapons they make. Armorer 25 - 100% lost to waste, 25% salvaged 50 - 50% lost to waste, 50% salvaged 75 - 25% lost to waste, 75% salvaged 100 - No waste in making, 100% of material salvaged