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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. I dunno, I have pretty heavy protection on my PC. Any shady sites, all alarms go off. But I have downloaded stuff from Tullius a few times without issues. That link took me straight to a regular legit Google Drive download. But in case you are scared to grab it from there, I checked the file out and put it up on my own Drive. Here
  2. See this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/101175?tab=description In Off-site requirements, there is a link to 'BODR Oblivion'.
  3. You say you are using version 1.66. According to LL site: For Skyrim Special Edition (1.6.1170, aka AE) use SexLabFrameworkAE_v166b.7z The 1.66 version is for 1.6.1130. During install, it likely asked you to resolve a file conflict vs PapyrusUtil. I strongly suggest setting PapyrusUtil to have priority (AFTER SexLab) Go to Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE, look for skse64.log Now, I am still running game version 1.6.1130, and I am not going to update to 1170. If I install SexLab 1.66, I see these in my skse64.log: checking plugin PapyrusUtil.dll checking plugin SexLabUtil.dll plugin PapyrusUtil.dll (00000001 PapyrusUtil 00000002) loaded correctly (handle 17) plugin SexLabUtil.dll (00000001 SexLabUtil 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 21) Aso, in same directory, file SexLabUtil.log: Loaded database for SkyrimSE.exe version 1.6.1130.0. Initializing Plugin Registering Functions Papyrus Loading File: ../SexLab/AnimationProfile_1.json Also, I use Pandora Behavior Engine instead of FNIS. When I run it, I see a lot of entries for SexLab, i.e.: FNIS Mod 47 : FNIS_SexLab_List FNIS Mod 51 : FNIS_SexLabAP_List
  4. Ok, if by 'bugged' you mean that a bunch of books and a model ship are showing up in house's initial state, floating in mid-air - that is because they were not properly linked to the activation parent marker that controls the rest of the room. I fixed it now. Here is the fixed version. Otherwise my testing shows things to be working fine. Start game At main menu, open console and type in 'coc whiterundragonsreach' to start new game and move to DragonsReach console: 'player.additem f 10000' to give self 10k gold console: 'startquest housepurchase' Locate Balgruuf, open console, click on him, and 'setrelationshiprank player 2' Locate Proventus Avenicci, he should have the buy Breezehome dialogue open. Buy the house. Go and enter Breezehome. (One can also explore the initial state of it via coc whiterunbreezehome). Everything should be in its initial state. Generally, player should get Lydia before being able to get Breezehome. The furnishing of housecarl's room is tied to Lydia activation. Console: 'startquest mq104' and 'setstage mq104 160'. Will take you straight to the point where player gets Lydia. Going to house now, her room should be furnished. Back to Proventus, and buy up all the decorations for the house. Back to the house to check everything is furnished.
  5. It could, of course, be a 1.6.1170 thing (I am on 1.6.1130), or it could be the mods that I got. If I draw the weapon before entering Markarth first time, and upon entering, hard to the right and slice up Weylin from behind, I usually can take him out before he can reach Margret...
  6. This is really a case-by-case thing. Which mod are you updating and which mods that you have depend on it? For the most part, authors try to update their mods in a way that will not break dependencies.
  7. Ok, I downloaded the mod, unpacked, extracted its bsa, ran its assets through CAO and repackaged the .bsa archives (with texture .bsa separate). Then I installed it via Vortex, opened the .esp in Creation Kit, saved it, then for pre-1.6.1130 compatibility, I used SSEEdit to change header version from 1.71 to 1.70 Here is the result, try it out. These are my SSE screenshots of it.
  8. Just download the LE version of the mod and drop it into your SE mods. 99% of LE mods work totally fine in SE without any conversion.
  9. Have you TRIED installing the LE version of Eli's mod in SSE?
  10. Well, mods do not truly overwrite vanilla files (those they can override them), but if you had a mod that did unset Outfit parameter on an NPC via a script, that NPC's record would get written into your save file. This is called 'ChangeForm'. So, when you create a new game, and visit College of Winterhold the first time, the game will load up Mirabelle Ervine's record from the actual game files. But if anything changed about Mirabelle - like what she has in inventory, or her disposition towards someone, or anything else (including assigned outfit) - that changed record will get written to the save file, and from that moment it will be used instead of the original record from the files. Now, if you play for a bit, nd NPCs in college go nude again, then whatever is doing it is still in your mod lineup.
  11. Ummm... those videos are NOT an overhaul of Skyrim. Those are parts of Skyrim world built in Unreal Engine 5. Nothing to do with actual Skyrim which uses Bethesda'a Creation Engine. (And with which Creation Kit works)
  12. Yeah, I have-expected that. So whatever the mod, it was CLEARING those NPC outfit setting. (That is, setting the outfit to 'None' rather than an empty one.) In your Skyrim's Data folder, look for any files named {something}_DISTR.ini, and see if any of them have a line starting with "Outfit =". Chances are, the name of the file containing the line will point out the guilty mod.
  13. That is not a topic, that is a branch. Different kind of form.
  14. Skyrim already got quite a number of alternate movement mods See this video compilation All the mod links are in the details
  15. All vanilla voice files are actually contained in the Skyrim-Voices_en0.bsa archive. You need BAE to view and extract That said, in order for an NPC to express interest in a marrying a player, a number of things need to be satisfied. The 'RelationshipMarriageWedding' quest must not be running. (no wedding proceedings under way yet) The RelationshipMarriage quest must be at stage 10 - that is, the player must have actually spoken to the priest of Mara, and expressed an interest in getting married. Player needs to be wearing Amulet of Mara. Player must not be in 'PlayerMarriedFaction' (that is not married yet) NPC and player must have relationship rank 1 (friend) or higher NPC must be in PotentialMarriageFaction NPC must not be in MarriageCourtingFaction NPC must have a voice type that is in one of "VoicesMarriage***" Formlists There are Formlists: VoicesMarriageArgonian VoicesMarriageArrogant (various Haughty, Cynical, Sultry, Coward, Condescending types) VoicesMarriageNeutral (EvenToned, Commoner, YoungEager types) VoicesMarriageNord VoicesMarriageOrc VoicesMarriageRough (Brute, Commander, Dark Elf) The actual spoken lines differ for various voices. There is also VoicesMarriageAll list that includes all of the above. There are also VoicesMarriageAdoption*** lists that are used in dealing with child adoption. And they are actually defined in Hearthfires.esm, so you need to select Hearthfires.esm as one of your masters. Then, you generally want to run a script in your mod. You can attach the script to the NPC record, and define OnLoad() Event. SctiptName InitMarriageStuff extends Actor FormList Property VoicesMarriageAll Auto FormList Property VoicesMarriageNeutral Auto FormList Property VoicesMarriageAdoptionAll Auto FormList Property VoicesMarriageAdoptionNeutral Auto VoiceType Property MyCustomVoice Auto State Loaded Event OnLoad() EndEvent EndState Event OnLoad() GoToState("Loaded") VoicesMarriageAll.AddForm(MyCustomVoice) VoicesMarriageNeutral.AddForm(MyCustomVoice) VoicesMarriageAdoptionAll.AddForm(MyCustomVoice) VoicesMarriageAdoptionNeutral.AddForm(MyCustomVoice) EndEvent The script approach is better than messing with those FormLists in CK. Since your mod might be not the only one trying to add stuff to them. So assuming that the name of that custom voice type is actually 'MyCustomVoice', and it is female and fairly close to 'FemaleYoungEager' You open Skyrim-Voices_en0.bsa with a BSA Extractor, uncheck the root node, expand sound - voice - Skyrim.esm - and check the box next to femaleyoungeager. While at it, check femaleyoungeager in Hearthfires.esm as well. Extract into SSE\Data, or into your mod's staging directory. Go into extracted files, and under both Skyrim.esm and HearthFires.esm, rename femaleyoungeager to MyCustomVoice. If you look at quest RelationshipMarriage, PlayerDialogue, first Branch, its CourtingIntroTopic for neutral voice types has a response to "Interested In me, are you?" : Well, yes. Why wouldn't I be? Are you... interested in me? And looking at the response, it uses file: Relationsh_RelationshipMar_00074DE1_1 If you look in general, pretty much all relationship-related voice files start with 'relation', and any adoption-related files under hearthfires, start with 'byohrelati'. You likely want to keep those and clean out the rest. Of course, at this point, your follower will be using femaleyoungeager voice for all marriage dialogue. So you likely want to re-record those lines in the custom voice, generate lip files, compact them to fuz, and replace the voice files you copied from femaleyoungeager with your own.
  16. When you cast the spell first time on an NPC that went naked, it should have popped a message box stating what their outfit was - followed by an 8-digit hex number. Did you happen to write that number down for any of them? To explain this further: If you look at the base record of Mirabelle Ervine (0001C1A0), her assigned outfit is 'CollegeApprenticeAlterationOutfitNoHood' (000D3DF8) which contains: At some point, some mod in your lineup has changed her outfit assignment to something else. At the time of assignment, that outfit form likely was valid, containing valid garments. But for some reason, it later went 'bad'. Chances are, the mod in question uses outfit records populated with LevelledItems in order to create outfits dynamically, and somehow those LevelledItems got reset to empty. Unfortunately, there is no direct (built-in) console command to change an NPC outfit assignment, and it needs to be done via a script. (Which is what my spell does)
  17. Pretty sure when asked for a new key binding, you can set it to 'Esc' - which effectively disables it.
  18. I can't really tell from the list which one might be causing this issue (Dynamic Armor Variants maybe?) But here's something for you - drop the attached file into your mod manager. It should add a spellbook on the the edge of 'fountain' in the Hall of Attainment. in the College. The book will teach you a 'Restore NPC Outfit' illusion spell. Unfortunately, once an NPC outfit is unassigned, there is no way to know in that playthrough what it was originally. So I just added a few archetype outfits. Casting this spell repeatedly on the affected character should cycle them through those: Mage robes Thieve's Guild armor Steel Plate armor Merchant clothes Fine clothes. Also, when you cast this spell on a naked NPC, a message box should appear telling you the FormID of the outfit they had. If whatever mod has been assigning an empty outfit to those NPCs, this FormID should help pinpoint the offending mod. RestoreNPCOutfit.7z
  19. Did you verify that your quest that owns the dialogue is actually running? (Via sqv command)
  20. I am sure that OP has moved on, but really, the title of post is 'multiple partners/concubines'. Not multiple wives. As such, Flower Girls seduction system can be seen as multi-partner system, and Amorous Adventures even more so. Then you got ORomance that is part of OStim ecosystem. Might want to check polygamy options in the MCM though.
  21. Can quite easily delete unneeded extras using SSEEdit.
  22. I would make double sure you got a proper SKSE64 version for your game, and maybe reinstall it. Loads upon loads of people run Skyrim with SKSE on RTX 4-series cards with no issue. Maybe it is one of SKSE plugins that you run that has an issue. Also, you made sure you got a proper version of DirectX?
  23. To make sure: In the launcher, you can click Play, and it actually starts the game and takes you to main menu, where you can select 'New Game', and it actually starts? Cart ride and all?
  24. I am pretty sure that you need to start the game via Steam directly - so it opens the launcher where you can change your graphics settings. After that, you should be able to start it via SKSE
  25. A 'Missing Master' message should tell you which mod needs that missing master. That said, 'Sexlab' is on Lover's Lab(VERY NSFW site), not Nexus. ELFXENHANCER.esp is part of this mod ELE_SSE.esp is from 'Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE)' mod. Which for some reason has been removed from Nexus. But there is a replacement Now, about black faces - it generally means that there is a mismatch between the actor base record in the plugin, and their head mesh. Most typical reason: you have two visual replacers, but one has its files in a .bsa archive, another has loose files, and the replacer with .bsa has its plugin loading last. Another case - you have a visual replacer for an NPC, but another mod also overrides that NPC record. This is best diagnosed via SSEEdit You start it up, have it load ALL active plugins, then expand 'Skyrim.esm' - Non-Player Character(Actor) - and look for 00013BAB - Ysolda (00013BA2 is Saadia). See which plugins override Ysolda's record and in what sequence. Once you know that, the issue can be fixed.
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