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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. The primary suspect is going over the plugin limit, which results in the corrupt save file. Lost Legacy by itself was likely already almost at plugin limit, and you adding 'more personal additions' likely pushed you over. I am sure Lost Legacy also has a bunch of stuff you don't need - which you would do well to clean out. I did comment on your script instance count. At almost 300k by level 10, it looks bloated. As of itself right NOW, that number should not give you issues. But if you start hitting 500k+ by level 20-30, tat WILL become a problem.
  2. I use Vortex. It suits my needs a lot better. And again, to each their own, but I personally would not touch collections/modlists and what-not with a 10-foot pole. Every single mod in my load is an individual conscious decision on my part. Sure, they are convenient, but people who make collections will often stuff them with everything but the kitchen sink to give them 'broader appeal'. A given individual player often ends up using at most 15-20% of such a modlist in a given playthrough.
  3. You ever played TES2 (Daggerfall)? Colossal amount of area to cover, about 99% of it empty. On the map, town of Gothway Garden is literally 1 pixel away from starter cave. About 5 minute walk in-game. A small town could easily take 2 minutes to cross. After trying to walk places a couple of times, you switched to fast travel and never looked back. I'll take the tiny, cramped, but handcrafted and filled up with interesting stuff world of Skyrim over that any day.
  4. I don't use MO2, so not really sure how it handles plugin count, but your ReSaver shows 255 full plugins on the last working save. You can expand that category, and compare it to the list of full plugins in MO2, to see where the discrepancy is. And the broken one shows 0 full plugins, which basically says 'corrupt file'. Really, when I see setups with like 2000 plugins, I just wonder what percentage of that sits in the game completely unused by the player and is nothing but a resource hog/liability. In the ReSaver I posted, that is a save # 1019 for a lvl 53 character where almost all of game world has been visited, and it has less than 150k script instances. Yours is showing almost twice as much by level 10. That's rather serious bloat. My primary advice would be to go through your modlist, and prune it aggressively.
  5. A mod like that would require UI work, which is really not my forte... but until someone makes it, try out this: Remote Crafting
  6. Well, your last working save is showing 255 active and 1972 full plugins. And broken save is now showing 0 active plugins. Looks like you overloaded it...
  7. For autosaves - it is really the statistics thing. Let's say there is a 1% chance that while autosaving, something will get corrupted. That's 99% chance that everything will be fine. Over 50 autosaves, you are then looking at a 40% chance of something failing, and over 100 autosaves, the chance of one getting corrupted is about 63%. Granted, most of those autosaves will never be loaded from, but once you do load from a bad one, every subsequent save will carry that issue, and it is only a matter of time before it bites you. As I say, once I completely stopped using auto/quick saves, my long playthoughs stability went WAY up. For ReSaver, I am more interested in your total script instances number...
  8. This rabbit hole you speak of - can you provide an EXACT example? And exactly how many times you encountered it? I mean yes, it CAN be a bit daunting the first time you encounter it. Say, you just started dabbling with mods, and you added some better textures, a follower or two, maybe a player home and some fancy weapons, all of which were nice, simple single-mod installs. And then you come across this fancy outfit with a flowing skirt, high heels, bouncy breasts, and say "Oooh, I want that!" Suddenly, boom, you need 3BA, and that needs CBBE, and FSMP, and that one needs Racemenu and XP32, and that one needs FNIS.... Well, yeah. welcome to advanced mods section. And no, this "rabbit hole" is not there for the purpose of tormenting novice mod users, but each of these mods in the hierarchy typically represents a massive amount of work by one or more skilled programmers with VERY specialized knowledge. So yes, they build upon each other's work. The guy who made the fancy outfit might be a great 3D artist, but knows very little about mesh collisions and bone inertia. And the one who wrote 3BA is good at physics modeling, but hardly any knowledge of 3D rendering. And the 3D rendering guru would get nowhere without the folks who figured out how to hook new code into Skyrim's executables. And so you got various talented folks using other's work as stepping stones to add their own. The good news is, most of the time, the requirements for a lot of advanced things are the same. Once you have succeeded in installing one 3BA SMP outfit, you now have in place the prerequisites for the rest of them. Once you installed one poser or animation framework, you are set for the rest of them. Once you got one ENB setup working, you can switch between them to your heart's content.
  9. Well, one thing that I would recommend is to stop using and relying on autosaves and quicksaves. Autosave mechanism has a rather high probability of savegame corruption. And then once you load from an autosave that had something in it written wrong, that corruption is a ticking bomb. A manual save from the system menu will properly pause the engine and preserve the game in a stable state. Yes, auto/quicksaves are convenient. But if you want a long run, get in habit of making manual saves often, like every 5-10 minutes of gameplay. And always load from a manual save. In my settings, I actually have all autosaves disabled. Now, a word about SPID: the 'S' in it stands for 'Spell'. And while indeed, it can be used to distribute to NPCs various spells that they can potentially cast, a very common use mode is to distribute constant ABILITY spells, which are, by and large, scripts extending ActiveMagicEffect. Without proper self-cleanup, this can lead to massive script bloat. If you are just distributing armor to some NPCs, it should be fine. But still, SPID appears a bit too much in that crash log...
  10. That log seems to mention SPID a lot - what exactly are you distributing? In many case, distributing stuff to NPCs without a good way to clean things up can lead to an insane script bloat. Did you check your save file via ReSave? How big, how many script instances, etc?
  11. What I did here is I just took one random Whiterun guard, and traced his template 'lineage'. And that is an 'Imperial' guard - Whiterun actually has a contingent of Stormcloak guards, which are to be activated should Whiterun fall to Stormcloaks during the game. So yes, for imperial side, those 9 NPC records are the ones for whom you need to create new heads. As mentioned their EditorIDs are EncGuardImperialM01MaleNordCommander - EncGuardImperialM04MaleNordCommander and EncGuardImperialM05MaleGuard - EncGuardImperialM09MaleGuard It is still possible, however, that at least some 'special' guards might not be randomly selected from the above set and have a unique face. But I could not really find any. Now, for the Stormcloaks, the lineup is different. For them, the selection is from 'LCharGuardSons': Which, as you can see, includes 3 females, 3 males, and 3 male commanders.
  12. Both Vortex and MO2 keep unpacked mod files separately in their staging directories, and use priority 'layering' when multiple mods try to provide the same file. I.e. CBBE contains textures\actors\character\female\femalebody*.dds files. When I install Fair Skin Complexion that contains same-path files, Vortex asks me to decide the priority. If I say that FSC comes after CBBE, then FCS file take precedence, and will be the ones deployed. The prime difference is that MO2 is a provider for a Projected File System, so it deploys the files virtually, whereas Vortex deploys via hardlinks, which means the deployed files appear under Skyrim Data directory permanently, even when Vortex is not running. I strongly favor Vortex approach for MY needs.
  13. So I suppose you put in a mod that removes guard helmets so you can see faces. Lets do a deep dive. If I coc to 'whiterunorigin', there is a guard standing right next to gates with RefID 0003704E, BaseID AA8D6, as determined by the More Informative console. With a bit of search in CK, RefID 0003704E is 'GuardWhiterunImperialPostNightRef7', with Base GuardWhiterunImperialPostNight2, 000D3154. However, D3154 is fully templated on GuardWhiterunImperialTemplate (EA0A2). That, in turn, is templated on LvlGuardImperial (1FC62). Of importance, however, is that it does not use template's inventory, so it retains the assigned Whiterun guard outfit. And that is templated on LCharGuardImperial(E7B2C), which is a LevelledCharacter, and can be one of following: EncGuardImperialM0(1-4)MaleNordCommander or EncGuardImperialM0(5-9)MaleGuard (9 options total: AA8D4, AA8D5, AA8D6, AA8D7, AA8D8, AA8FC, AA8FD, AA901, AA913 ) And specifically, EncGuardImperialM03MaleNordCommander is AA8D6, which was the current Base ID of the guard in question. All 9 of the above options are templated on EncGuardImprerialTemplate (F6F37), but they do not inherit the Traits. Further, that is templated on EncSoldierImperialTemplate (1FC5D), which is not templated on anything. So, if I look into Skyrim-Meshes0.bsa, I can see that there is a 000aa8d6.nif in it under meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\skyrim.esm, and it is indeed the head of the guard in question. However, that guard could have easily been any of the 9 variants mentioned above, and your mod needs to visually overhaul all 9 of them to cover the possibilities. The good news is, those 9 variants will likely apply to pretty much every single imperial style guard in all cities. Likewise, there are 9 variants of 'Sons' (Stormcloak) guards defined under LCharGuardSons.
  14. Also, this: Can you list exactly what mods you loaded with regards to physics? The only physics mods you should have are CBPC and FSMP if you are running any 1.6.* version of the game.
  15. Well, you fist need the basics: proper version of SKSE64, Address Library, SSE Engine Fixes, PapyrusUtil SE, JContainers SE, ConsoleUtil SSE NG, SkyUI. You definitely should check out this guide Then, you want Racemenu, followed by XP32 Maximum Skeleton. About FNIS or Nemesis (or Pandora) requirement for XP32: These are behavior engines, used for adding entirely new animations to Skyrim. In case of XP32, those are only needed if you plan to use the alternate weapon carry styles. Still, considering what you LIKELY want 3BA for , you will definitely need one of those. Next, physics. You should get CBPC, as well as Fast SMP. (Might also want SMP Crash Fix , but personally, I am running 1.6.1130, and I do not have that installed, and everything for me is fine) Yes, above sounds like a lot of stuff, but really, those represent a base for a LOT of more advanced stuff. Now, actual body stuff. A lot of those links are NSFW. You start with CBBE. I suggest you pick the 'Underwear' option in the FOMOD(Installer), since it will install optional underwear meshes/textures, but you will still get the ability to build the nude default body. Speaking of building, make sure you get BodySlide and Outfit Studio. CBBE does include rather nice skin textures, but you might want to get one of replacement skins. My personal favorite is Fair Skin Complexion, but really there a lot of really nice skins. Demoniac, Valhalla, Tempered, SG, The Pure, Diamond... you obviously want the CBBE variant, and beefy hardware if you want 8K skins. If your PC is on an older side, consider going with 2K textures instead. Aaaand finally, we get to CBBE 3BA. You really should go through its description in detail. Instructions are quite comprehennsive. Once installed, you can build 'CBBE 3BBB Body Amazing' in BodySlide to whatever CBBE preset you want for the default nude female body. And any outfits which are for 3BA, should work properly.
  16. While I am not sure how you can make either FNIS or Nemesis work in the separate profile under MO2, I wonder why are you even bothering if those profiles are just for physics experimenting. For KS Hairdos - SMP, you need Fast SMP, for which you do need the extended skeleton (XPMSSE). But while XPMSSE lists FNIS as a requirement, it is ONLY needed if you with to select alternate weapon placement/draw animations in the MCM. As long as you stick with vanilla weapon positioning, you should be fine.
  17. Generally, the part where you are getting that random character sequence, it should say the name of the source file, i.e. "DynamicActivationKeyMCMScript.psc". Not really sure what prompts it instead to put out those random characters. I get the same thing for a couple of my own, even though I do have the .psc files in place. I suspect that if for some reason, the engine cannot find or open the .psc file, it creates a temporary decompiled file. Which will have a bunch of extra comments, and thus relevant line numbers will be different from the one in normal .psc. In your case, DynamicActivationKeyMCMScript.psc is in Scripts/Source path, whereas game engine expects it to be in Source/Scripts. In my case, the script that behaves that way is in the right path, but it has unprintable characters, so I suspect that engine has trouble reading it. Why you are getting that stack dump - hard to say. Generally the code looks correct, but it is as if the key script is not loading its alias properly. Try following console command: sqv DAK_Quest And see it it has populated its alias properly.
  18. Vortex is fine. Used it for years with no problems. And plenty of MO2 users crop up here with CTDs and other issues. 25k+ average/42k peak daily SSE players over last 30 days according to Steam. I'd wager 90%+ of SSE players use mods and tons of people use Vortex - but number of people here with issues is tiny. A mod manager is just a database that keeps track of mods, their load order and file conflict resolution. Nothing else. If one's setup blows up, it is about guaranteed to be because of a bad mod or mod incompatibility, not their choice of manager. If you 4k modlist is stable in MO2, I'd wager it would be fine under Vortex as well. I would say that Vortex takes a bit more understanding with regards to conflict resolution, and maybe MO2 is a bit more newbie-friendly. I am constantly messing around with my install, I tried MO2, and absolutely hated it VFS approach. Now, I think that biggest OP problem here is getting that Gate to Sovngarde collection, which right at top shows 54GB size and only 70% success rate - meaning it fails for almost a third of people trying it. AND it overhauls entire game. This is like a beginner driver from rural Alabama deciding to brave rush hour traffic in Manhattan. You wanna go modded? Start with something more manageable.
  19. I am not saying to play vanilla. But your chances of finding a culprit with that laundry list of mods are next to none. 1. Get it back down to vanilla, make sure it works. 2. Add SKSE, make sure that works. 3. Start adding back base support stuff like AddressLibrary, RaceMenu, XP32, etc. Verify it still works with those. 4. Take a long hard look at your mod list, maybe make a spreadsheet. Organize it into must-haves, into content you really use, cosmetics that definitely improve the looks of the game, and then stuff you use occasionally, and stuff that does little more than take up space. How many of the installed followers do you really tend to recruit? How many add-on player houses are you using on a regular basis? Just how much do you use ALL of that adult stuff? 5. Start adding mods back in order of their importance to you. And try the game out, making sure things still work after every 4-6 mods. Eventually you will install something that will cause you to start having CTDs again, and it this something is part of a batch of 5, it should be pretty easy to figure it out.
  20. A massive laundry list of mods and a largely meaningless crash log are of very little value. The two absolute biggest questions would be: 1. When was last time this concoction worked? 2. What changed since then? I also know that Steam and Meta have a rather strained relationship. I originally played Skyrim VR using Oculus Rift, and I would have to run Oculus software, and launch SteamVR in it as a 'third-party software', and then I could run Skyrim VR. I recently helped a friend's son set up his new Quest 3 to work with PC via Oculus Link, and the setup did not improve much. There is also software bloat, and specs that cut it in 2017 might be just not enough. I recall back when Skyrim VR came out, my GTX1080 struggled with it, and I did not really run anything too graphically strenuous. These days, a GTX1070 might just not cut it anymore, especially with ENB. My only real advice at this point, if you can't give a definite answer to the above two questions, would be going back to the clean slate. See if you can get the game running clean, with 0 mods. Then add back SKSE, then start adding back the basics, one by one.
  21. Oh, I think I had a wrong file open. ActiveMagicEffect has this: ; Received immediately after the player has loaded a save game. A good time to check for additional content. Event OnPlayerLoadGame() EndEvent
  22. Thoughts: ModEvents In the ability script (which extends ActiveMagicEffect) call RegisterForModEvent(eventName, "ModEventHandler") Then you make a function: Event ModEventHandler(string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender) which calls whatever it is you want. In the script attached to RefAlias: SendModEvent(eventName, strArg, numArg) I assume you want a unique pairing, where an event from a specific RefAlias invokes the function only in the ability targeting same entity as the alias. In the ability script: String MyModEventName Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) MyModEventName = "OutfitEvent_" + akTarget.GetFormID() as string RegisterForModEvent(MyModEventName, "OutfitEventHandler") EndEvent Event OnLoad() ; from what I heard, one needs to re-register for those on a game load RegisterForModEvent(MyModEventName, "OutfitEventHandler") EndEvent Event OutfitEventHandler(string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender) dz_dress_outfit() ; well, you will somehow need to find a way to pass the parameters. You get one string and one float, hopefully thats enough EndEvent In the ReferenceAlias script ; when wanting to invoke the function SendModEvent("OutfitEvent_" + GetReference().GetformID() as string, strArg, numArg)
  23. No easy way around this. Every dialogue line is tied to a specific quest. For a quest that runs and ends (such as portion of a main quest), you can't do much, and I would not mess with main quest records. So what you can do is create your own dialogue quest, and produce dialogue under it. Now, about reusing the actual lines: Some lines are designated as 'Shared Info', for example, if you open quest MQ304, go to Misc tab, under 'Shared Info' category, there is a line "Beware! The World-Eater waits within the mist!", and its ID is MQ304BewareWorldEaterInMist. Then when you create your own dialogue, you can select this ID from "Share Response" dropdown in the TopicInfo window, and it will use that line. But for any lines that are NOT SharedInfo: Lets say you want to reproduce the "Fate drives you" line from Jurgen Windcaller. It is in MQ304, Player Dialogue tab, under MQ304HallofValorBlocking branch. If you open its TopicInfo, and click on the line under 'ResponseText', it opens an EditResponse window, where you can see that it is defined only for MaleNordCommander voicetype, and the file name is MQ304_MQ304HallofValorBloc_000F1C7F_1(.fuz) If you use BSA Extractor on 'Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa', you can extract that file from sound\voices\skyrim.esm\malenordcommander\ Then, when you re-create HoV dialogue in your mod's quest, and add that same line from Jurgen, CK will tell you what would be the name of the voice file. Suppose you mod plugin file is 'ReturntoSovngarde.esp'. Then you rename that extracted file to whatever name CK gives you, and copy it to sound\voices\ReturntoSovngarde.esp\malenordcommander\
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