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About zalhozixixer

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  1. Man do I feel silly digging so far deep for an answer when the solution was so simple. Thanks a lot!
  2. So long story short, I'm trying to run a script that makes an NPC essential. But every time I try to compile it, it fails and gives me the following error: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "TIF__0500AA1A"... C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\TIF__0500AA1A.psc(12,10): SetEssential is not a function or does not exist No output generated for TIF__0500AA1A, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on TIF__0500AA1A The script I'm trying to run is "akspeaker.SetEssential()". And while it should in theory work, it just keeps telling me its not a fuction or does not exist. Other scripts like ".SetFactionRank" do work like normal. I have the feeling that the cause might have something to do with MO2, which I'm running CK through. But any solutions I found on the internet related to that have so far failed. I'm kind of at my wits end here. If anyone could help me out, that would be great.
  3. I see a lot of mods that deal with stolen items by flat out removing the tag or making every vendor a fence, but none of them are really what I'm looking for. What I want is a mod that keeps the tag on items, but allows the player to remove it one way or another so they gain ownership over it. So for example a low level thief can sell its stolen items like normal or gain ownership over a nice glass dagger he stole, but only after certain conditions are met. Here are some ideas/suggestions for what I have in mind: 1. A mod that keeps track of how many days you have a stolen item in your possesion, and after lets say a week passes, the tag gets cleared from the item. Optionally the value of the item would determine how many days would need to pass before it gets cleared. 2. The option to bury or hide a stash with stolen items that removes the tag from everything inside of it after some time passes. Similarly to how the "SetOwnership" command would work on containers. Could have items like shovels as requirement.
  4. I was afraid the process wouldn't be that easy... I might look into those mods though. If I cant replace the warpaints on every npc at once, I might aswell try and edit them on a few important NPC's like followers. Thanks for the help.
  5. So first of all, I'm not exactly a modder. But since my problem requires some fiddling around in gamefiles, I figured this would be the best place to ask. Currently I'm using a mod called High Poly NPC overhaul. The mod is using warpaints I'm not exactly fond of, so I want to see if I can change them. Since the warpaints are applied to .dds files in the facetints folder, I want to see if its possible to "update" them with the warpaints mod I have currently installed. Now I have very limited experience with Creation Kit or xEdit, so I dont know if the process is as easy as clicking a button and grabbing some coffee or having to change every facetint individually for hours. I have tried searching up info about this, but I could not exactly find what I was looking for. If anyone can help me out with this and show me how its done, it would be very appreciated.
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