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  1. I was messing around with a logo I made for the NCR and designed a quick mockup of a pistol that now I want to make. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/222902_217183068309034_100000520263435_776307_4920106_n.jpg That's only a quick mockup btw I want to make this as a resource for modders, or even turn this into a mod. I could make it look like a sidearm for NCR troops, or even make it look more refined as an NCR officer pistol. If anyone is interested comment and or PM me. I'm only a texturer, and other modding types would be extremely useful... I'll check this later today as I'm going to bed, prob won't be back soon. do give thoughts
  2. I would be one to create, that is for sure. In the Fallout timeline I believe there was a Nuclear winter for some years and when it stopped, the one season began to just do its thing.
  3. Holy crap that looks scary lol While I do approve 100% of finding gaming consoles throughout the wasteland, esp pinball, because that was huge pre-war, or at least it should of been. (No I'm not saying there should be a quest where you play as a deaf dumb blind kid that sure plays a mean pinball) I'm talking about on the Pip-Boy. PS, do you think that the pip-boy runs on vector graphics?
  4. When you get the Pip-boy on you're 10th B-day, what will you be using it for at 10? We know that one of the jobs you can get when taking the GOAT is Pip-Boy Programmer. I think that Stanley would put some games on the Pip-boy to pass the time. He's a programmer, whats to stop him from inventing games like... Pip-Fall! Pip-Ball! Pip-Pong! Enough with the bad puns, just an idea I'm throwing out.
  5. Being able to wear a kilt like that, a claymore as a weapon (I know that's prob been done).. would be interesting to have The lone wanderer look exactly like William Wallace though
  6. There is a reason for a perpetual season, and its called the great war
  7. I searched the forums for a William Wallace mod and didn't seem to find any. I wanted to see if there where any after photoshopping a Pip-Boy over a poster of Braveheart. At the very least here's the picture, for you're entertainment. http://sontzu.com/MYSTUFF/falloutheart.jpg
  8. Has anyone made a Eddie the Head mod? He would make an awesome ghoul companion... At the very least a texture mod for Charon http://citynoise.org/upload/6508.jpg
  9. If my GECK was up, I'd make this in a hearbeat... I've got photoshop up, if anyone could email me a jpg or some file easily compatible with photoshop, I'd make it.
  10. lol... how about the option to become a super mutant from being a dumbass and not wearing proper breathing protection in Vault 87, causing you to breath in FEV, turning you into a super mutant. Or if you get "killed" by super mutants, they drag and change you into one of them, or even finding a syringe with FEV and changing yourself into one. Leveling you up increases the mutation, from it not being so drastic, to being like... WHOA Pros Super strong, and healthy, able to basically run and gun throughout the mod with a chaingun, also able to throw mininukes like footballs... lmao cons Fugly, around no stealth skill at all, lowered charisma and intelligence, you get the picture. Similar to the Ghoulification mod, just taking a diff direction. Throwing out the idea
  11. I recently discovered an abandoned building in the country, that was all but invisible. Completely surrounded by trees and overgrowth, and I only saw it when the car was driving really fast. Its the closest thing to actually being in the fallout universe I've gotten. I've got there several times, and this is a list of things I've found Bottles (there where a lot of them just piled in the front door) 16 oz bottle of Coca-cola 10 oz bottle of Coca-cola 6 1/2 oz oz bottle of Coca-cola 7 Up 7 Up Sugar Free Sprite Canada Dry: Grapefruit NuGrape Tab Dr. Pepper Barq's Diet Pepsi... 2 different types Diet Pepsi-cola Pepsi Glass container Cup with 2 handles A pestle 3 different empty medicine bottles, 2 with dates intact. Jello mold Yardstick from a store that doesn't exist anymore Rotary phone Rechargeable black and decker flashlight of uncertain age There was stuff I couldn't get like a broken refrigerator missing its door. But give me you're stories, anyone else do something like this?
  12. I was wondering if the addition of a pinball game on you're pip-boy would be a good one? Just randomly thought of it, what do y'all think?
  13. Hahaha.... that one guy was smart, he has his own water purification device, just in case the one inside his vault breaks. Rofl
  14. Haha Who thinks that their will be a gambling addiction in the game? Do I hear any wagers! lol
  15. Nothing is impossible, only mathematically improbable... lmao I'm pretty sure it could be done, my GECK is not working at the moment, sorry. You'd probably have to change stats on certain creatures by day/night they are weaker/stronger, and that I think about it, why didn't they do that in the first place? If they allow you the perk "Night Person", surely they should make gaming experiences different between night and day, having to watch out for savage nighttime beasts that otherwise would stay indoors during the day, added duration with flashbangs for creatures sensitive to light. Ideas-flowing-though-head-at-lightning-speed-if-only-I-could-reach-my-utility-belt
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